《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 8: Mercenary?


Y/n Pov

Just like ussual morning I get up with The other girls except Junko beside me or on me sleeping

I wake up the other girls and change clothes and go to school

Shiro is staying at home with Bronya and Mittlelt and Junko is nowhere to be found

We arrive to school and as usual boring lectures and Other stuff

And then go home and have fun with the other girls

As night come I received a call from one of the demon king on my other phone that I use for works and for faking real number and other stuff I answer the phone call

I then told Serenity that we got some jobs and I told the other to stay at home and Junko gone Missing again

We then prepare ourselves and some safety gear but we didn't use mask to hide our identity cause for this time it's not needed

Time skip brought to you by Serenity having a lover's meeting on what they should do to Y/n

And the we are now on an abbonded warehouse

And Me and Serenity was observing from the rooftop seeing all the ORC member on the ground hurts and I see who enemy is

There are about thirty-four of them

Y/n: " Hmm... looks like the monster here is just pawn focus on helping the useless demon king sister and her friend while I find the enemy king location "

Serenity: " I understand "

Some of the stray devil about to attack Rias and her peerage bit Serenity come to rescue them

Serenity cut the head if the stray devil with her dagger

Rias: " Huh! Who are you!? "


Serenity dosen't say anything and keep killing the enemies

Asia: " Ooh she is really fast "


Kiba: " She is indeed fast "

Issei: " No Shit and she also quite big "

As Serenity was focused on killing the small one a giant one appear behind her

It was about to attack Serenity

Asia: " Watch out! "

As it was about to hit Serenity it froze in place as it body start frezzing up until it become a block of ice

The other then look at the source and it was Y/n who freeze the stray devil

Y/n: " Fufu~ How weak.. " I said as I pass by the ORC

Rias: " Grr what did you say! "

Y/n: " I'm telling you, that you are all weak to be defeated by such a fragile creatures "

Y/n: ( The King or queen is not even strong either yet they defeated by this how weak )

Rias: " Youuu! "

I then stop walking as I now in front of Serenity and in front of me is about hundreds of them

Y/n: " Fufu let me show you real power "

I twirl my cane as as it turn to a long sword the strays then start jumping at me

Asia: " Watch out! " but as she said that I has disappeared from my spot

And all the strays was sliced as I was now far in the front holding my hat

Y/n: " Hmph.... How weak "

Kiba: " What! I can't even see him move at all "

Akeno: " Oh my~ "

Rias: " Who are you!? "

Y/n: " Shouldn't you have know about me? If you don't why don't you ask your dear older brother "

Rias: " What is you relentshionship with my brother!? "

Y/n: "Fufu~ He hired me to protect your weak ass thats all "


Rias: " How dare you insult me you low li-! " as she was about to say she felt something sharp on her neck

It was Serenity

Serenity: " Continue what you about to say...... I dare you and I will gave you a painful death " Serenity said with a cold voice

Rias neck start bleeding a bit as Serenity was start trying to cut Rias at any moment

Y/n: " Stop it Serenity it will be troublesome if she died right now "

Serenity then stop trying to cut Rias up and move to my side

And Issei aproch Serenity

Issei: " Hey there Serenity-Chan why don't you join my harem and left this guy who can't even walk properly without help I'm better than him "

Y/n: " But at least I'm not a person who need to be helped fighting about twenty monster and I also has a moving problem how weak I am right Hehe "

Konelo: " Burn! "

Issei: " Wha-You! "

Y/n: " Let's go back Serenity there is no point in being here anymore "

Serenity: " Okay "

We then start going home ignoring the barking of a spoiled puppy

As we got home we take a bath together with Serenity washing my back and I also wash her back

And then we have a quick meeting

Y/n: " Now that the Geremory know we should start put some magic shield around the house also put some traps around if you don't mind Junko "I said and ask Junko

Junko: " Fufu~ with pleasure Hehe "

Y/n: " Mittlelt try not to go out much, if you go out please wear a disguise "

Mittlelt: " Okay "

Y/n: " Bronya try to stay with Shiro all the time please and Shiro also be carefull "

Bronya&Shiro: " Roger/I understand "

Y/n: " That should be it for now, let's go to sleep now "

The girls except Junko: " Okay "

Junko: " I will go and put some traps "

Y/n: " Okay "

We then go to sleep as Junko was still awake and putting a lot kind of weird traps around

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