《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 5: Sunflower is blooming


Like usual I wake up in the morning get ready for school and then go to school with Serenity nothing new at all other than the fact I felt even more stalked

I arrived at the school greeted by the others as I sit on my seat and then hear the boring lectures but today there a class which I really hate the P.E class and teacher told me to participate

Y/n: ( Why do I even need to do this class, I'm sure I already put a health issues on my enrollment paper ) I curse as I am now changing my clothes

And there are lots of boys watching and staring at me, some have an intrested look and some have a perverted look which made me want to smack his face with the stell Cane I bring to help me walk

As I was changing

I hear loud noise of something destroyed and cracked or maybe broken noise from the girls changing room which the other also start going out to check what happened

I then quickly change my clothes but trying to change my skirt to long training pants are hard with no help by using magic or Serenity to help me wear them

After Im done I start heading to gym and on my way to there some boys decide to have fun and push me which made me fall

I try to get up but they kick me on the chest which made me fall harder

And Serenity who just arrived at the scene was starting to remove the special gloves that made her don't just randomly poison people off when someone touch her hand, but I gave her a look to don't do it she gave an angry face before she start walking and star to make her presences known to the boys

Male student 1: " Hahaha what's wrong you can't walk? Haha! " he laugh

Male student 2: " Yeah and so where your wife at Hah? Is she disappointed that she has you as her husband I'm sure she is! "

Male student 3: " Yeah you should gave her to us we will make her more happy than you! "

Male student 4: " Yeah you can't even walk fast! "

They mocked me for my dissabilty and I also see just how scary Serenity face has become and it's literally scream death now

Serenity than grab one of the boy shoulder

Male student 1: " Ha! Who the heck are you grab-!! " the boy shout and turn around to see

Serenity looking at the boys with hatred and have a soulless eyes and dangerous aura flaring out

Serenity grip his shoulder harder until a sound

Male student 1: " Aaaahhhh! were sorry " he shout and scream as his shoulder bones start cracking


Male student 2: " Yeah and why don't you just go with us than this one I'm sure you tired on being the one who need to do all the work right~ " he said as he tried to hold Serenity chin, he touch for about 0.1 as he instantly fall to the ground with purple face and foam out of his mouth

Serenity: " Who said you can touch me! and what make you think I hate to be the one who do all the works! "

Serenity then kick the man in the ball with no mercy as I can hear the sound of something was shattered and destroyed

The other boys start running but Serenity won't let them she throw the boy she just destroyed his shoulder to the boys that is running making them fall

Serenity start walking to the boys

Male student 3: " P-please forgive us! "

Male student 4: " Yeah it just a joke! "

Y/n: ( A.... Totally wrong excuse No name student-San now you are totally going to hospital )

Serenity: " A... Joke? You said " she said with a dull eyes

Male student 4: " Y-y-yeah "

Serenity kick him in the face and make him fall

Serenity: " Pushing,... Hurting, and Mocking... is a Joke.... you said! how..... about I.. show... you.. a... joke "

Serenity than grab the male student 4 leg and start bending it 180° making the student scream in pain

Male student 4: " AAAAGGGHHH! MY LEG " he shout as now his leg was twisted

Serenity: " How about that as a joke? Isn't it funny right Y/n " she ask me who was still on the floor

Y/n: " Y-yeah "

Serenity then bend the other boys leg too making them scream in pain

After she done she came to me who is still sitting on the floor

Y/n: " U.. Uh we should go to the gym now " I said while sweat drop at the scene

Serenity: " Okay " she said and she help me get up and we start walking to the gym leaving the no name male students there screaming in pain

And now where was the teacher when all this happen cause I'm sure they scream really loud

On the tree we can see a few teacher hiding and scared as they see what happen

All the teacher: "" Fuck this Shit we didn't get paid enough for this kind of Shit "" the teacher decide to stay quiet and go back to the class they supposed to teach

On the whole P.E class I was just sitting on the side line seeing other students doing the activities

Y/n: ( Why am I even here then ) I thought as I can't do anything but watch other students


Y/n: ( And I also need to be carefull on who I watch I can't have Serenity-Chan kill someone again ) I thought as I try to focus only to look and stare at Serenity

After a few minutes I felt my phone vibrating from my pocket I take it out and see that my alarm alerting that I need to text my other girlfriends I was surprised cause I'm sure this was supposed to be for yester...-day!

Y/n: " A- " ( Aaahhh I'm dead I'm dead I didn't text them yesterday at all, I was too focused on making an alibi and why is the alarm not on yesterday did someone change it..... ) I thought for a second but not important for now I need to quickly text them

I quickly go to the chat app and text them on the group

I turn off the phone and put it back on my pocket and when I look up I see Serenity face in front of me

Y/n: " Uh.. Is there something wrong Serenity? "

Serenity: " It's time... to change.. clothes now the class just done "

I look around and see that the others start going back

Y/n: " Okay let's go back " I said as she help me walk

Time skip brought to you by Issei going to Hospital cause of broken bones

At home night time

Currently I am watching TV with Serenity until a message come from Fallen Maid

I turn off the phone and look at Serenity who is sitting beside me

Y/n: " Time to gear up, we are going "

Serenity: " Okay "

We then change to our gear

Time skip brought to you by White Queen and Red Queen disscussing on what they should do to Y/n

On a church 3rd pov

The orchard or more precise Issei, Koneko, and Kiba are going inside the church in order to save The Number named Asia

And on the forest near the church we can see a red haired girl name Rias and a purple and blackish haired girl name Akeno

Facing off three fallen angels

And on the inside of the church the trio are facing a psychotic exorcist

Kiba: " Issei go we will handle this "

Issei: " Okay "

Issei goes to the altar on the basement of the church and see Raynare and Issei was too late cause the ritual was already done which killed Asia as her sacred gear was taken away

And now we go back to the outside on the forest the three fallen angels was mocking Issei

Which made Rias angry and blast them all with POD

And then Rias and Akeno get in to the church to help Issei and the others as they come in they can see Issei who now has awaken the Boosted gear and they killed Raynare and Revived Asia and they then leave

But what they don't notice is that two no three people are observing them

A person with a mask name Void/Y/n and a girl with a skull mask

And also with a girl that wear a maid costume which was supposed to dead just now but she is still alive

Y/n: " Well Looks like the Sunflower are blooming well thanks to you Mittlelt "

Mittlelt: " Hmph of course I have bee working hard to do it "

Y/n: " Hai hai " I gave her a headpat

And she seem enjoyed it as Serenity also join in wanting a headpat

After a while we can hear the sound of someone running and it was

Freed Sellzen

Freed: " Finaly got away from this bitches " he said as he look down he was tired and a hurt

He look up and see us and also see Mittlelt who is still alive

Freed: " Who the fuck are you three and you Maid bitch how the heck are you still alive "

Y/n/Void: " Now now that the dosen't matter on how she is alive I have a proposal for you Freed "

Freed: " Hmm what it's it? "

Y/n/Void: " Do you want revenge and break the people who just make you look pathetic? "

Freed: " Wha-really? "

Y/n/Void: " Yes that is if you agree so what do you said? " I ask while tilting my head a bit

Freed: "Deal if I can make them pay then I'm in "

Y/n/Void: " Great now I will teleported you to my friend who now in need of killing them " I then rise my hand to the front and start teleported him to the War Crow nest

Y/n: " Now that's done let's go back "

Mittlelt&Serenity: " Understood "

We then teleported home, change our clothes, take a bath, and then go to sleep but now Mittlelt also join on sleeping in the same bed

A lot of people are trying hang on to something that is floating

And from the water rise a robot and a girl with grayish hair floating above the water it was Bronya

She was carrying Shiro on her arm

Bronya: " Bronya should have known not to left BakaKo to control the plane and now we are crashed on the middle of the sea "

Shiro: " It has become a troublesome problem now "

And Junko come swimming close to Bronya and Shiro

Junko: " But I can't hold itttt! I want to see the despair and I was bored to death having nothing to do! "

The other two gave her a deadpan face as Bronya start flying away with Shiro on her hand leaving Junko on the water

Junko: " Wait where are you going!? "

Bronya: " To Japan, you can go there on yourself BakaKo " Bronya start flying away faster

Junko: " Ehhh! wait for me! "

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