《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 3: Plan Sunflower is starting


Y/n Pov

I woke up on the morning with Serenity sleeping on top of my chest I wake her up

Y/n: " Wake up Serenity we have to get ready to school "

Serenity slowly wake up

Serenity: " G..ood morning Y/n "

Y/n: " Good morning "

We then get ready to school and Eat some breakfast and then go to school with Serenity as she is now enrolled to the school but she wears her own school uniform and not the Kuoh School uniform

She helped me walk to the school once we get to the school

The male students look at Serenity with a prevented face

Issei: " Oi look at that damn hope she is not a trap "

Motohama: " Hahaha it's fine this time it is a female but damn she actually has big boob's under there "

Matsuda: " Are you serious "

The three them start talking about Serenity body so I got mad and I do want to go and kill him it's will cause a problem so I can't

But Serenity go to the glasses guy

Motohama: " Why hello there cutie how about we "

Serenity: " Die " Serenity went and kick him in the groin

Motohama: " Aagshbfbjwwb! " Motohama eye instantly turn white and then instantly pass out with a really pale face as foam start going out of his mouth

The other two boys and other boys who watched this scene now have a pale face while holding their groin areas

And Serenity are looking at Issei and Matsuda with an expressionless face

Issei: " W-we are sorry please don't kick us! "

Matsuda: " Yeah it just a joke "

Serenity: " No mercy " she went kick both of them in the groin too, they pass out

then Serenity tie the three of them with a cable she got from the girls students and tie they're hand

And start kick them in the groin and the other girls students also decide to join in kicking them

And cause of this ruckus the school was delayed by an hour due to almost all the female students was all busy with having fun on the perverts

While I just stand and wait under the tree watching this scene with a smile on my face

After Serenity had her fun on kicking them she came back to me

Y/n: " So you had fun? "

Serenity: " Yes let's go to class Y/n "

Y/n: " Of course let's go you should have the same class as mine "

Serenity: " Then let's go " she said with a smile

as she lock her arm around mine and we walk to our class together while holding hand as a lot of students looking at us with curiosity and jealousy

We then arrive in front of the class and knock the door the teacher then come out


Teacher: " Ah so you are L/n-San? "

Serenity: " Yes " she said while still holding my hand which made the teacher felt awkward seeing the scene while I just gave the teacher a smile

Teacher: " Well please come in once I call your name " he said and get in to the class

Serenity: " Okay " she said I then try make her let go of my hand cause we are about to get in

Y/n: " Serenity-Chan please let go of my hand I need to go to class "

Serenity: " No I don't want to let go " she said and made her grip more stronger

Y/n: " Fine " I said as I know she won't let go


The class start to calm down as the teacher call

Teacher: " L/n-San please come in "

And the I come in with Serenity and once we get in I can felt the glare of every boy excluding the three perverts from before as they were sended to the Hospital

Teacher: " Now please introduce yourself and can you let go of Y/n-San hand so he can go back to his seat "

Serenity: " No " she said it with no hesitation and then start introduce herlself

Serenity: " My name Serenity L/n and for what I like is Y/n, Holding Y/n hand, Spending time with Y/n, Making food for Y/n, and Reading books.

As for what I hate is Girls trying to seduce my Y/n, Perverts, arrogant people, and bully's "

All the girls went chaos hearing what she like and the boys are glaring at me even more now

Teacher: " So is there any questions for L/n or Serenity-san "

Some students rise their hands and ask

Female student 1: " Serenity-san what is your relationships with Y/n since you have the same family name!? "

Serenity: " I am his Wife " she said with no hesitation at all

All the students: "" EEEEHHHHH! ""

Serenity: " Yes I am his Wife altought we haven't done any Wedding ceremony yet "

Male student 1: " Is this true Y/n!? "

Y/n: " Yes she is my wife in the near future " I said with a smile

All the students: "" IT'S TRUEEE!? ""

Some female students pass out by the revelation

Female student 4: " Noooooooo " she scream and pass out

Female student 6: " Noooooo so you were the girlfriend he told about Aaahhhh! "

The teacher who see the scene where almost all the girls students are pass out while the boys were bruised all over cause Serenity beat them all up due to they trying to hurt Her Y/n


The teacher leave the class quietly and quickly

And that day there was no class due to almost the students was pass out and that the male students was sended to the nurse office


Y/n and Serenity was scolded by Sona cause Serenity attacked the male but she decide to let it slide this time cause the boys were the one who started the fight

And went me and Serenity get out of the student council room and see Rias who have an angry face going in to the students council room

Y/n: ( Heh she probably really upset now cause Serenity beat her pawn really bad )

We then head back home, we go back home holding hand when we are heading home we see Issei who somehow has recovered from today morning torture are now talking with a Nun

Y/n: " Ah looks like Sunflower has started " u said with a smile

Serenity: " Looks like it hope she will be okay "

Y/n: " It will be fine if anything bad happen I will instantly teleport to her I already place a spell on her that will warn me when she is in danger and it also will protect her from mental or memory changing magic "

Serenity: " Then she should be safe "

Y/n: " Yes she will after all I have plan all the scenarios may happened carefully " I said with a smile

Serenity: " Let's go home "

Y/n: " Of course " we went home

And Serenity cook while I help a bit and then check for any news from the others but there are none

So once the night come we went to sleep with Serenity staring at my sleeping face

Y/n: " Goodnight Serenity "

Serenity: " Goodnight Y/n "

I then let sleep take over me

Serenity: " Ehehe Y/n already a sleep ah such a cute face " she said as Y/n was fast a sleep

Serenity then kiss the sleeping Y/n and then hug Y/n and went to sleep too.

A girl with twintails can be seen shouting calling her friend

???: " Shiro! bronya let's go and visit Y/n "

A girl with drill hair came

???: " Why? Bronya don't see the need to visit master now? BakaKo " the girl are indetified as Bronya Zaychick one of the Inventor and Scientist

And the girl from before is identified as Junko Enoshima the Crazy Scientist

Junko: " Eh why not and we already finished the prototype and Shiro seem to miss Y/n so why not? "

Bronya: "..... Bronya can't say no to that then "

Junko: " Now where is Shiro-Chan!? Shiro-Chan! where are you " she shout

Bronya: " Stop shouting she probably a sleep now at her room "

Junko: " Ah right I forgot Ehehe "

They went to Shiro room and see a white to a rainbow like hair girl who looks like she just awake from her sleep

The girl is identified as Shiro also one of the scientists and inventor and also the cinamon roll of their organisation

Shiro: " Why are you screaming about Jun..ko? "

Junko: " Hehe we will be! Dum Dum Dum pha! Visiting Y/n! "

Shiro then instantly gain a happy face as she get close to Junko

Shiro: " Really!? " she said with a happy and hopeful face

Junko: " Yup now pack you clothes and stuff quick, Bronya too"

Shiro&Bronya: " Roger/Understood "

Bronya: " But why are we in a hurry to pack our stuff BakaKo? "

Junko: " Cause we will be hijacking a plane to go to Japan Hehehe "

Shiro: " Eehh why? "

Junko: " There is no fun if we just use teleportation circle to go there "

Shiro: " It's too much of a work if we do that "

Bronya: " And that is a really ridiculous reason to hijack a plane "

Junko: " Eh Eh C'mon it will be fun and Shiro you don't need to do anything just sit on your seat like a good girl while I take control of the plan Hehehe "

Shiro: " Then I'm fine with it " as she went to pack her clothes

Bronya: " BakaKo tell Bronya your real reason or I'm calling master and tell him that you are causing trouble "

Junko: " Huhuhu Fine you're no fun at all Bronya " she said with a sad face

Bronya keep staring at her

Junko: " Well you see I want to see the passengers reaction that's all "

Bronya: " Reaction? "

Junko: " Yup thats all nothing weird at all " she said with an innocent smile

Bronya: ".... Which plane are we hijacking and you still didn't tell Bronya your real reason yet " Bronya said as she grab a phone

Junko went into a panic a bit

Junko: " S-stop I tell you okay! I tell you okay! " Junkie said but Bronya still holding her phone ready to call

Y/n at any moment

Junko: " I was planning on hijacking a plane that will go to Hawaii "

Bronya: " And why is that? "

Junko: " Well don't you think the passengers reaction will be exciting and fun their face and they're hope on having fun on a beach destroyed and they went into

As they're hope was not fufiled and they're did not have a fun holiday and they may need to pay another tickets to go to Hawaii.

when I imagined what face and feelings the passengers will be showing " she said as her whole body start shacking a bit and she hug herself

Junko: " I-l just can't hold it the pleasure of seeing their hope and feelings fall into despair Hehehe..Ah~ I just can't hold it! " said while smiling and hugging herself

Bronya: "....... Fine as long as no one know we are the criminal " Bronya said as she know Junko will still do it

Junko: " Ehehe of course.... Ah~ I just can't hold the excitement on seeing theirs hope, feelings, and dream fall to despair and destroyed Ehehe "

Bronya: "..... I will pack my stuff then " she said as she left the overly excited or horny? Junko alone.

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