《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Chapter 2: The piece has start placed on their place


It's been a few days now since I attend Kuoh and I have made lot of friends or pawn and also teach some students who don't understand the lectures.

I wake up and get ready to school, eat some cereal, and then head to school

Once I arrived at the school some people greet me some don't which I don't care and some have a perverted face which I'm not okay with

I arrive at my class I sit down and talk with some other students including the perverts even thought I hate them

And then another boring lectures so I grab my phone from my bag and open it and try chat my lovely inventor or scientists


I close my chat with Inventor-Chan and check other massage from Mutated four eyes

I turn off my phone and put it in the bag and the teacher here is totally ignorant of their students as I can just play with my phone until the schools is done without getting caught or mad at

It's now break time I get out and go to the cafeteria with some other students we talk and eat together and on my way back I see my dear older brother bruised and his friends talking with him

And I also notice someone is staring at me so I look up on the window a red haired girl is there

She then leave once I notice her

Y/n: ( Ara~Ara~ Such a beautiful crimson flower when you just look at it but once you touch it, it was nothing but a Poison )

Rias: " Akeno who was that white hair person "

Akeno: " Hmm.. He is Y/n L/n from class 2-B he is also quite popular being a kind and smart person who teach other students "

Rias: " I see.. Wait she is a he!? "

Akeno: " Fufufu Yes I also surprised when I heard it but he was a boy and I did see him go to the boys toilet "

Rias: " Is that so hmm... "

Akeno: " What are you planing to do with him Rias? "

Rias: " Well we have our new Bishop but I still can't find out If he have Sacred Gear or not but I'm sure he have one "

Akeno: " Fufufu is that so well he is quite a cute one too~ "

I now heading back to the class and on my Wat I meet Tsubaki Sona Queen


Y/n: " Good morning Tsubaki-Chan how are you doing "

Tsubaki: " G-good morning

Y/n-Kun, I'm fine "

Y/n: " You sure you look a bit tired "

Tsubaki: " W-well I may have sleep late due to working the student council paper works "

Y/n: " Well that must be tiring how about I help you "

Tsubaki: " N-no there is no need Y/n-Kun I can handle it myself "

Y/n: " Okay then do call me if you need my help "

Tsubaki: " I understand, I will do that if I said IF I need help, I will excuse myself now I need to go to class "

Y/n: " Of course, talk to you later Tsubaki-Chan "

I then head back to class to hear another boring chattering after school is done I head home

Once I arrive and got in I hear someone comming from my room and I go and check it, and I found Serenity wearing nothing but panties and my white uniform/clothes

Serenity see me and blush a bit

Serenity:" Welcome home Y/n do you want to take bath with me

or do you want to eat dinner with me or do you want to make love with me"

Y/n: " I will take the bath option please "

She then help me go to the bathroom

As we got in the bathroom we take off our clothes and take a bath

Y/n: " Mmhh~ It's refreshing " I said as I pour some water on myself

Serenity then hug me from the back and also make me able to felt her breast on my back

Serenity: " Y/n I will wash you're back " she said

She then start washing my back after she done she also wash herself up

Y/n: " How about I wash you back now? " I ask, Serenity smiled happy


While I wash her back

Y/n: " So how the missions? "

Serenity: " I got the items I place them in our main base "

Y/n: " Great now we can move on with the plan " I said and she turn around and look at me authority a hopeful face

Serenity: " Y/n I want a reward for my good work "

Y/n: " Sur-" when I was about to say okay she kissed me

Serenity: "Mmph~ "

Y/n: " Mmph~ "

After a while we broke up the kiss as we need to breath

Serenity: " Hah..hah...Y/n I w..ant you to love me m...ore "


Y/n: " Ara~ If that is what you want I can't say no to that "

Serenity instantly gain a happy looks

Y/n: " But not today, today you will rest and I need to ask the Mirror Queen if they have spotted subject S "

Serenity then pout as we leave the bathroom

Y/n: " We can do that later okay we need to capture subject S and then we can have a bit of fun "

Serenity: " H-hmph! "

Y/n: ( Cute ) " I'm sorry okay "

Serenity: " Fine but we will cuddle tonight "

Y/n: " Hehe your wish is my command "

And wear our new set of clothes and Serenity still decide to wear nothing but panties and my long sleeve coat/clothes

Serenity then went to cook some dinner and wear apron

Y/n: " Uh.. Serenity-Chan please wear some clothes "

Serenity: " No "

Y/n: " Why? "

Serenity: " don't male like this kind of stuff? I do some research so I can make you happy and a book said that a male will love and like their girlfriend or wive wear this while cooking "

Y/n: " Uh... Well I won't say I don't like it but you may get sick if you like that "

Serenity: " I will be fine and I want to do this " she said as she start cutting carrots that is turning from it's original color to purple

Y/n: " Okay then " I decide to not ask any further and let her cook

I then see a massage notification on my phone and check it, it was from Mirror Queen

I turn off my phone and Serenity is bringing some food like vegetables soup on the table and then we eat

Y/n: " You add to much cyanide poison on the soup " I said as I was eating the food she prepares

Serenity: " Sorry "

Y/n: " It's fine it's still delicious as always " I continue eating like it's normal food thanks to my Poison Resistance and the fact I have been eating her food for almost three years

After we done eating we wash the dishes and then watch a movie waiting for Mirror Queen to send me the address of subject S

After a while of watching movie with Serenity laying her head on my lap, Mirror Queen send me the address of subject S

Y/n: " Hehe Serenity we will be capturing subject S please change your clothes "

Serenity: " Okay "

She then went to my room... My room to change her clothes

Y/n: " I should have known she will place her clothes on my wardrobe "

I then wait outside of my room as Serenity was still changing

Serenity come out of my room wearing Assassination gear

And she wear a Skull mask which I gave to her to protect her identity and also block any mental attack or magic

Flashback two years ago

Our group has start getting larger and more people have joined and so now is time to start the first phase of the plan

And for that I need to send Serenity on a solo assassination mission on other country

Y/n: " Be carefull " I said worried

Serenity: " I know I will be fine you don't need to worry "

Y/n: " It made me even more worried when you said that "

Serenity smile and hug me and I hug her back and I gave her a Skull Mask

Y/n: " Uh.. Here wear this i make it with Shi-Chan help it will help you to block any mental attack and also protect your identity " I said

She smile happy

Serenity: " Y/n Y/n can you put the mask on me " she said with a smile

Y/n: " Sure " I then put the mask on her as she hold my hand with a happy expresion and a sad one as she need to leave from my side for a few weeks or maybe month

Y/n: " There done " I said as she now wearing the mask on her face

Serenity: " Thank...you Y/n I love you "

Y/n: " No problem and I love you too "

Serenity then start leaving to do the missions I gave her

Flashback end

Y/n: " I will change now "

Serenity: " Okay "

I then went inside and grab the case under my bed and change to my gear use gravity on my leg that is unable to move to make it like I'm walking normally

And I wear my mask and I am ready

Y/n: " It's showtime "

In an abbonded warehouse a group of devils can be seen

Attacking a stray devil

Who look like a monster currently on the floor

Rias: " Now do you have any last words stray? "

Stray devil: " Fu*k you "

Rias: " Then begone " Rias shoot the Power Of Destruction/ POD as it was about to hit the stray devil a barrier appear appear around the stray devil protecting her from being killed

Rias: " Wha-" she shout but got cut as she hear a clapping sound and everyone has their guard up

A man with a mask appear from the dark hall

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