《I Shall Reset And Recreate This World (HighschoolDxD X Male Reader)》Prologue


+ Warning a bit dark

Why am I alive?

What is the reason for me to live?

Is it just to suffer?

Being born defective


Casted away


No I won't accept it


Y/n Age 8 pov

In a room there was a child with brown hair sitting in a wheelchair due to his dissabilty of moving one of his leg

Alone in his room while peeking from his room door and see his parent

Were praising and celebrating his older brother Issei perfect score exam

Y/n: " Tch... Liars he was copying my test answer and then told the teacher that I was the one who is cheating "

I use my hand to move the wheel to the side of my bed and lock the wheel position so I can go up to the bed

Y/n: " I'm just gonna go to sleep " I lay down and try to sleep but

Y/n: " Ugh... I'm hungry, I haven't eaten yet cause dad and mom are mad at me for cheating and probably being born which made me ain't allowed to eat or drink "

I then just close my eyes trying to sleep while thinking

Y/n: ( Why can't I be loved like other kids at school, why can't I be liked by everyone, why can't I born perfect WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!? )

The next day

I wake up and then get myself to the Wheelchair but

The door was open and I see my parents walk inside with a happy face and said

Mom: " Y/n from today on we are disowning you " she said with a happy face

Y/n: " What!? " I ask

Dad: " Yes someone was offering me a lot amount of money that I can't say no to you will be going with that man from now on and you are nothing but a dead weight wonder why that person want to buy you " he said with a confused face but still have a happy smile on him

And then a man with weird glasses come into the room

Weird Glasses man: " Hohoho from now on you are mine now let's go "

Y/n: " Wha-" he carried me and bring me outside of the house

He then throw me to inside the car and then go to the front and start driving heading to somewhere I try to open the door but it was Locked

Time skip (Kingu Crimson)

I was now strapped on a bed and being brought to a strange facility

My mouth was gagged so I can't say anything and I was bring to a room that looks like an operation table

Weird glasses Man: " Now shall we start the experiment "

Time Skip 3 Years later Y/n Pov Age 11

On this 3 years I have been experimented a lot to a point where I have a really good reasistence to poison now which made me got put to room with another subject experiment

And she is the only reason I can still keep quite sane she call herself Serenity as she never know her name

Her body can be said made of poison as people who touch her did or got sick but it quite different for me due to my resistance on poison I can touch her and she always like to cuddle and hug me cause she never received any physical contact or warmth of someone


And I also has learn that the supernatural are real as the person who is doing this experiment was a devil and I also has meet an angel but he was not as I thought he just crazy as the other scientist

And today yet another day for another experiment

Y/n: " When will we go out of this damn facility, I want to go out " I said laying down on the cold floor

Serenity: " I...Don't..... Know " she said and lay down and place her head on my arm

After a while of laying down and cuddle with Serenity

the guards come to the room and tie me,gagged me, and drag me out to a the experimenting room

And the weird glasses man or Arthur Watts come in

Arthur: " Now shall we do the experiment, Gentleman please bring me the Star Core we will be putting it inside of subject 2569 "

And then some other people come in bringing a box containing

Assistant scientist 1: " Here it is sir but are you sure the core is unstable no subject has ever survived this experiment and we have losee to many experiment subject this month "

Arthur: " Well we just need to keep trying and there are still thoulsand of parent who will sell their kids for money out there so we don't need to be concerned for loosing another children ah no tools to be exact "

Assistant Scientists 2: " Everything is ready sir "

Arthur: " Hehehe...Hahaha let's us start the experiment shall we "

He then start injecting me with something and then start cutting me open and then start cutting some of my organs and put the core or something inside me

I then felt an intense pain going all over my body

Y/n: " AAAAGGAAHHH! " I screamed in pain as my hair start turning white and I lose consciousness

Scientist Assistant 1: " Sir subject 2569 has stop breathing "

Arthur Watts: " Tch... Another failure someone please throw this useless tool to the trash "

I woke up

Y/n: " Ugh... Where am I " I look around

And I am standing a broken building and I look around see nothing but a destroyed town and some white birds are flying around the sky

Y/n: " Did I die? "

I hear someone talk but I didn't see anyone when I look around

Y/n: " Who are you "

Y/n: " No, of course not!? "

Y/n: " I.... I want to have my revenge no I want to make a world where there are no unfairness nor crime and corrupt people but.. "

Y/n: " I am powerless and useless there no way someone like me can do that "

Y/n: " What!? You can? "

Y/n: " Item and weapon? "

Y/n: " Yes I'm ready please lend me your power "

Everything then start turning white

Real world

The assistant was releasing the strap so they can carry my body but

I opened my eyes and one if my eye change from violet/purpleish to golden/amber as a yellow line appear from my eyes

Assistant 1: " Hey did he just move!? "

Assistant 2: " Really let me check " he then went to see my face and see my eyes open staring at him


Assistant 2: " He is ali-" he was send to the wall

Assistant 1: " What wrong " he then throw me to the floor to check on the other guy

I start standing up and levitating by manipulating the gravity

He then see me but I swipe my hand he then send flying to the other wall really quick and

His body was can be said destroyed as all of his bone broken to pieces he became like a minced meat

Y/n: " Now let's kill the other scientist shall we "

I then start going outside and start killing the other scientist and guards who aid them

All the hallway then start closed but it was not a problem for me

Y/n: " Pathetic this is the only defence you people have " I then move my hand to the front and then pull my arm back as the gate start being pulled toward me and broken

I fly to deeper to the facilities and found a door and I can sense Arthur is inside this room

Y/n: " Well well I finaly found you, you damn crazy bastard " I pulled the door towards me and made it float in front of me using my gravity manipulation

Y/n: " Yeah now let's torture this damn trash "

Arthur Watts: " Kill him "

One guy decide to come to me trying to hit me with his gun

Y/n: ( Hmm let me test something )

I then manipulate the gravity on his internal organs and push his heart out of his body

Guard 2: " Aaaahhhh " he scream as the heart of the guard I kill fall on his chest

The guards start shooting at me but I manipulate the gravity around me and make all the bullets floating in air

I the float to where Arthur Watts is and manipulate the gravity around the guards body and crush them to two

The other guards were scared and start running but the can't they float as I manipulate the gravity around here and kill them all

And leaving only Arthur Watts as I tie him and bring him to the experiment room

Arthur Watts: " Please don't kill me I can give you anything you want money, woman just say it!? " he shout as we arrived at the room and I throw him to the floor

Y/n: " Now now why don't we play a game shall we "

Arthur Watts: " G-game? "

Y/n: " Yes and I call it the screaming game everytime you scream I win but if you were able to not scream three time then I let you go " I said as I grab a scalep/operation knife

Y/n: " Now let's the game begin " I stab his right eye

And pull his eye ball out of his eye socket

Arthur Watts: " AAAAGGGGHHHHH "

He scream in pain as blood gushed out of his empty eye socket

Y/n: " Hehehehe I win, now how about we start the next round " I then start cutting his fingers one by one

And each time I cut one he scream and scream


Y/n: " Hehehe... Haha haha stop have you ever stop when you are experimenting someone or let them go..... No right then why should I stop " I said with an Insane look as I laugh

Arthur Watts: " I-im sorry please stop I beg you "he said as he cried

Y/n: " Hmm... Nope let's start round eleven shall we " I said as I found a centipede on the ground I grab it

Arthur Watts see it and scared

Arthur Watts: " W-what are you doing with that "

I smile and said

Y/n: " You see I wonder how long would a devil survive if I put this inside of your head "

Arthur Watts: " N-no please don't Nooooooo " he scream as I place the Centipede on his empty eye socket the centipede goes inside

Arthur Watts: " AAAGGGHH it's bitting me AAAGGGHHH "

I then just stand there looking at him screaming in pain as he can felt the Centipede bitting him from the inside

I then look around and find a syringe with green fluid inside it I smile and grab it

He see me comming to him with syringe on my hand and panic

Arthur Watts: " W-Wait what are you doing with that aaagghh " he said and scream as the centipede are still bitting him

Y/n: " Hehe you should know what this do right it will push you regeneration to it limit and I will use it on you " I then inject him with it

His wound start regenerating and I start looking around for something interesting and I found it

A cage filled with animals that look like a combination of rabbit and mouse and they look really hungry

I make Arthur Watts float and I make a hole on the floor and throw him into the hole as I Realesed him from being tied

Arthur Watts: " Wha-You are realising me "

Y/n: " hmm not really " I the made the cage full of the animals and open the cage and pour them all to the hole

Arthur: " No Noooo they will eat me stop "

Y/n: " Hehehe Nope "

He fight back but lose as the furrbals jump on him and start bitting no eating him

He was eaten and also regenerating as the drug effect are still working

I smile hearing him screaming of unable to die as he will still keep regenerating while being eaten alive

And I go to the control room and released all the experiment subject and I use the com

All the other people who was experimented go our of their cell or room to the outside some are happy and crying some are angry they goes to the outside and see me floating in the air

Y/n: " Now you are all free to do what ever you want "

Experimented person 1: " Thank you "

Y/n: " Your welcome now I want to ask you all a question no an invatation and that is I want you people to join me on my goal to create a better world where there will be no unfairness nor crimes you can reject it by leaving right now for those who want to join me can stay here "

Some people start leaving g

But some stay after a few minutes only a few are still here I smile

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