
Randhir took a sip of his steaming black coffee and looked towards the maid, who was standing outside the door.

Randhir (looking back to his filea) : yes Ms. Martha

Maid: sir a girl named deepti ahuja has requested to meet you. She claim herself to be your employee and has came here to take your signatures on some important documents. Shall I allow her inside?

Randhir (taking off his glasses) : yeah! Send her here and get a cup of coffee for her too.

Martha nodded her head and left. Few minutes later, a tall girl clad in a crisp white shirt and pencil skirt knocked at the door. Randhir smiled at her and allowed her inside.

Deepti (smiling at him) : good morning sir... Sorry i have to disturb you but this was something really urgent.

Randhir : No problem deepti... Please have a seat and show me the documents.

Deepti sat on the chair next to his and started briefing him about the documents.

Randhir : I am impressed with your dedication towards the company deepti. You have improved so much from the first time you have joined.

Deepti : No sir! If any one is to be appreciated here, then it has to be you. You not only have me this opportunity to become a part of the shekhawat groups but also supported me in all the phases. Thank you so much sir!

Randhir : oh come on deeps! How many times i have to tell you, I hired your for my own selfish reasons. I am not an idiot to loose this amazing chance of having someome as wonderful as you. You..

Randhir was about to praise her to the skies but stopped himself when he saw his seven-years-old wife digging holes on his face with her furious eyes. He immediately stood up from his chair and walked towards her.

Randhir (nervously) : baby what are you doing here? And why are you standing here? Come inside..

Sanyukta (passing him a sarcastic smile) : oh nothing dear hubby.. I just came here with your coffee ( showing him the tray in her hands) but then i thought why to diturb your dirty office romance. Hiring girls for your selfish reasons Mr. Shekhawat and then having them in debt we under your generosity.

Deepti (immediately stood up) : ma'am you are getting us wrong here. I just came here to have his signatures on some necessary documents.


Sanyukta (furiously) : haven't your mother taught you not to interfere between a husband and wife. Wait! My bad... Your mother forgot to teach you some ethics too that is why you came here all way after my husband.

Randhir (shouts) : sanyukta! Dare you utter a word. Just because you are pregnant and have no trust in me that doesn't mean that you have got the right to insult my employees like this. Deepti was my junior in college. Her father got expired two months ago and she was in urgent need of some work to support her family so she approached me for the job. I had just helped her in getting a stability in life but as a employer only.

Sanyukta (with tear stricken face) : why are you shouting on me in front of a outsider? You only know to humiliate me.

Randhir (looking at her in disbelief) : I am humiliating you? For god sake sanyukta every one is making fun of me because my pregnant wife has asked to sit at home and work, because she don't trust me enough around other women. You have any idea how humiliating does it feel? But still i never said anything to you because I... I love you and our baby ... And I don't want to do anything that harms your mental peace. But you what you did is unforgivable. (turning towards deepti) i am sorry deepti for my wife's ill - behaviour. I apologizes on her behalf. I have signed the contract. Now you may leave. Thank you.

Deepti chirped a small sorry to randhir, who shrugged it off with a small and tiring smile. As soon as deepti left the room, Randhir too left for his bedroom leaving a guilt stricken sanyukta.

Randhir came in his room and sat on the couch. He palmed his face and sighed in frustration. But soon all his frustration flew away when he felt the soft and familiar touch of his princess who just wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked up towards and took her in his lap.

Randhir : You had your breakfast raina?

Raina : Mumma again fought with you dadda?

Randhir : ( setting her hair aside) princess how many times i have to teach you that babies do not interfere between adults. And regarding the fight you saw, it is nothing serious. Your dadda and Mumma loves each other very much. So when two people love each other very much, they tend to fight more.


Raina : but you were so angry and Mumma was also crying and shouting. Is this how parents love each other?

Randhir (keeping his chin above her head) : not just parents baby, everyone who loves their close ones. Okay now you only tell me, don't you scold me when I skip my meals, don't you get angry with your Mumma when forgot her medicines, don't your fight with shreya when she befriend with some other girl.

Raina (pouting her lips) : but my intentions aren't wrong dadda.. I care for both of you, that is why I get angry when you both don't look after yourself and regarding shreya, she is my best friend. I don't want to share her with someone else.

Randhir (pinching her nose) : this is what I told you princess. Mumma and dadda fights because they care for each other and are protective of each other. Now you understand?

Raina (nodding her head) : yes dadda... I know I have got the world's best parents. Now I am leaving because Mumma is here. Now you both like two intelligent people sort your fight and become friends again.

Saying this she ran outside room not before kissing sanyukta's bump. Randhir looked at sanyukta who was looking at him with cute puppy eyes. Randhir turned his face. Sanyukta slowly walked towards the couch sat beside him.

Sanyukta (holding her ears) : I am sorry randhir... I know I should not have misbehaved with your employee. But when I saw you talking with her lovingly, I lost my control and bad mouthed both of you.

Randhir (looking down) : what you did was not correct sanyukta. Just because you don't trust me, you can't insult another woman. Every single time, when you do something like this, you not only questions my character but also insult my love for you.. For my babies. I know I have been a jerk in past, and may be some where you are still not over with it. And I understand your concern. May be it is difficult for you to trust me again. But please its my request, don't degrade other women who was associated with me.

Sanyukta took Randhir's palm and kept it on her bump.

Sanyukta (with moist eyes) : I swear on our baby randhir, I trust you more than my life. But I don't what has gotten me these days. I always feel insecure by seeing beautiful girls around you. Believe me baby, I can never ever think of questionimg your love and loyalty for me. If I am behaving wrong, then it has nothing to do with you, but with me. May be my pregnancy hormones are taking a toll over me. So I have decided that till my delivery, I will stay at my parental home and you will join your office from tomorrow. If I will stay here, then I will keep hurting you like this.

Randhir (widening his eyes) : you are apologizing to me or announcing a punishment for me? Listen to me Mrs. Shekhawat, just dare to keep your leg outside the premises of this house, I promise you I will lock you inside the bathroom till your delivery.

Sanyukta (making face) : bathroom? At least say bedroom, how will i stay in a bathroom for the remaining days?

Randhir : people like you deserve no mercy so yes it is a bathroom. So choice is yours where do you wanna stay? (he wiggled his brows)

Sanyukta ( stood up and adjusted herself in his lap and kept her head near his heart) I will always stay right here. I am sorry for my behaviour and I love you

Randhir (skilling ruffles her hair) : I am also sorry for shouting on you and I love you too.

They both straightened themselves and looked at their little princess who was peeping from curtains.

Sanyukta : raina you scared me.. (she said keep a hand in her heart)

Raina (giggled and snuggled closer to randhir) : serves you right for troubling my dadda

Randhir chuckled loudly, kissed raina forehead and passed a proud smirk to sanyukta. Sanyukta glared both of them and then smiled dropping a kiss on raina's cheek.

Raina : so now you both have sorted your fight?

Sandhir : yes madam

Raina : very good... (caressing sanyukta bump) you know little baby these adult fight like little children. I have become tired of sorting their fight. You come soon so that you can assist your big sister in giving some brain to these grown up kids.

Randhir : oh like that raina.

Sanyukta :You just come here little brat

Saying this they both started ticking her, and their house again came alive with their melodious laughter.

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