
Hello readers! Thank you for the wonderful response. It really good to see you people appreciating my hard work.

Randhir felt as if ground has slipped beneath his feet. His eyes got moist hearing their rude remarks about his situation. Weren't they were the same people who used to wag their tail after him. Weren't these were the same girls who used to die hard to get his one look. Weren't they were the same people who used to consider him Mr. Perfectionist. Now why are they treating him like this? his thoughts were interrupted by hearing his phone ringing with sanyukta name. taking a deep breath he decline the call and again went back to his cabin. And just to make those people comfortable he neither himself came out of his cabin nor called anyone inside.

It was night time when sanyukta was watching tv while waiting for randhir. Hearing some noise she looked towards the door only to find him entering the room. He started loosening his tie and sat on the couch. She stood up and offered him a glass of water.

Sanyukta: what happen?

Randhir (looking down): nothing...just tired..what will happen?

Sanyukta (hold his hands): I am your wife randhir. I can very well make a difference between your tired and your gloomy face. Now tell me why are you upset?

Randhir: I am saying right that I am fine that means I am fine. Its not necessary that person has to smile 24 hours a day. I am just tired and a good sleep will help me.

Sanyukta: randhir there is nothing to hide baby. Why don't you understand that I am your wife and I need to know the things which trouble you. Maybe I am not able to solve your problem but I assure you that you will not face them alone.

Randhir (stood up getting irritated and went towards the cupboard to take out his night wares): I am fine sanyukta...stop running after me like my mother. If I am suffering from some serious disease that just not means that you have to sympathize with me every time. I can handle all my problems alone. I don't need anyone.

Saying this he left for washroom. Sanyukta shook her head seeing him irritated. But she knew he is just removing his frustration on her nothing else. Randhir came back from the washroom after getting changed into track pants and t-shirt and laid down on the bed facing sanyukta his back. Sanyukta moves towards him and rubs his back.

Sanyukta: randhir please baby don't do this to me. Share it with me if anything is troubling you. You are not alone in this.

Randhir stood up from the bed and took his pillow and quilt and left the room. Sanyukta kept calling him but he remained a deaf ear to her pleadings. It has been weak since that night. Randhir has stopped sleeping with sanyukta in the same room. He leaves for office before she wakes up and came extremely late at night. Few times she had tried to come and talk to him in the office. But every time he used to make some excuses of meeting. She can see his parents were also worried for him. She can feel some tension in the atmosphere. Sanyukta was preparing lunch. It was another day. She was in a foul mood as randhir had left home early and that too without taking breakfast and medicine.

Sanyukta (packing the Tiffin): enough is enough! How long will he ignore me? I am his wife for god sake. I know there is something which is troubling him. Today I have to meet him at any cost.


She left for shekhawat enterprises. She was about to walk towards his cabin when his p.a stopped her.

Aman: I am sorry ma'am. But you can't meet him.

Sanyukta: aman learn to say something new. From past one weak you are not letting me to meet my husband.

Aman (apologetically looked at her): I am sorry ma'am. But sir is quite busy these days. And he has specially ordered me to not allow anyone in his cabin when he is working.

Sanyukta (folding arms around her chest): oh really! I thought that this special treatment is for me only. Look I don't care what kind of work he is doing. I am meeting him now and that is final. I am here with his lunch and medicines.

Aman: but ma'am sir has already eaten his lunch. (he was about to mouth something more when his phone rang.): please ma'am don't talk to him right now. I am really sorry. I know you must be getting irritated with my behavior but what can I do ma'am? I am bounded by his orders. I hope you understand. Excuse me for few minutes.

He left her alone to attend the call. She was really pissed off now. She was looking here and there when her eyes fall on the peon who came out of his cabin with his lunch plate. She was surprised to see him wearing gloves.

Sanyukta (shaking her head): god this man is so hygiene freak. Today I have to meet him. So what if he had done his lunch. He needs to take his medicines. And that aman is also busy with his phone call. It is best time to meet him.

She walked towards his cabin when she saw one employee moving also coming towards his cabin with a file. He stopped on the door and took out a pair of gloves. He wore them and then went inside the cabin. Her surprised expression turns into a shock one. After few minutes that same employee came out his cabin and removed his gloves and kept them safely in a little plastic bag.

Sanyukta (whispers): what the hell is going on here? Why are these people wearing gloves around him? (After few minutes, when reality hit her. Her eyes got filled with tears). Shit! They all knew about his disease and they are thinking that it is a communal disease. How can these educated people be so dumb? Oh so this was the reason that randhir was so upset from past one weak. God my baby was suffering so much and that too alone.

She wiped her tears and entered into cabin without knocking. Initially randhir was shocked to see her but then his shocked face turned into an angry one.

[Readers I am free for next fifteen days. By free I mean no college no assignment no coaching classes and no exams. So I thought to not to follow the Monday rule for next coming 15 days. For every update I will set a target. You have to vote and help each other to complete the target. As soon as the target will get complete I will update the next part. So its completely up to you whether you want 15 updates in 15 days or 1 update in 15 days or 5 update in 15 updates.

Target: 160 votes]

Randhir : sanyukta what the hell are you doing here? And where is aman? Haven't he stopped you from coming here?

Sanyukta (in a calm voice): till how long you are going to do this? Because now I just can't hold it for long.


Randhir (confused): what I am doing? Look sanyukta I really don't have much time to waste with you. So please you go home and let me work here.

Sanyukta: and what if I say no? What if I don't want to go home? Because Mr. randhir singh shekhawat I am not going home without talking to you today.

Randhir (getting irritated): sanyukta please stop behaving like a kid. Unlike you I have lots of work to do here. So please let me work in peace.

Sanyukta: work? What kind of work you are doing that you are leaving home before the normal timings ad coming back after working more than office hours?

Randhir (calmly): sanyukta look I am requesting go back home. This is my office and I don't want to create any scene. Try to understand, I am the M.D here. If I will drag my personal life issues here then what kind of formal manners and discipline would I teach my employees. Sanyukta these people look upon me for doing any work. What will I show them that bring your home issues here at office and waste your office hours time while chatting with your wife.

Sanyukta (taking a deep breath): okay randhir! I know what you are saying is absolutely correct. I know I should not come and fight with you here. So I will go back home but only on one condition. Just answer my two questions honestly.

Randhir: sanyukta now what kind of behavior is this? We will talk at home baby. I will surely going to answer all your questions but not right now.

Sanyukta : It will hardly take your five minutes. Instead of convincing me to go back home, you can easily answer by questions. I will go only when you will answer my questions with honestly without any tinge of lie.

Randhir: okay fine! be quick and then go from here.

Sanyukta: my first question is why your employees and workers are wearing gloves before entering into your cabin or before picking up anything which is used by you? My second question is you suffering from this disease is any where related to you ignoring me?

Sanyukta ask this question in a calm manner and look straight into his eyes. Randhir was shocked would be an understatement. He looked panic. His hands were shaking and even in the air conditioner room, he started sweating. His eyes became moist.

Sanyukta: I know everything randhir. What were thinking before ignoring me? Randhir from past one weak you were suffering from this torture and still you didn't utter a word to me. How can you let these people treat you in this way? (Took his palms in her hands):randhir you and me both know that AID is not any communal disease. Then why are you letting this happen to you?

Randhir started sobbing and engulf her in a bone crushing hug. Sanyukta started patting his back. This time she didn't ask him to stop crying as she knew he has to let go of it. He had suffered very much in this past one weak and that too without any support. After crying for some time, when he felt that a heavy piece of rock is being life from his heart, He broke the hug.

Sanyukta (wipes his face with her sari): now also my baby won't share his problem with his jaan.

Randhir (in a choked voice and puffy eyes): I am sorry sanyukta! I know I shouldn't have ignored you. But what else would I have done? When these people got to know about my disease, they started treating me like dirt. They even got disgusted with my sight. They back bi*ch about me. Still it didn't broke me sanyukta because I knew that it is their narrow thinking and I cannot harm them in any way. But then slowly many employees have resigned from our office because of me. This news got spread and even reached to few of our shareholders, who are now pressurizing dad to make me leave shekhawat enterprises. They have given us one month time period. If I didn't leave this office then they will withdrew their shares from our company which will be a great loss to our company.

Sanyukta: how can they do this randhir? I hope there is no serious problem from dad?

Randhir (sniffing): they can do everything sanyukta. they are just interested in the profits of the company and already we had to suffer a lot because of sudden resign from many important employees and dad is also very upset with this thing.

Sanyukta: had he...I mean to say did dad also asked you to leave shekhawat enterprises?

Randhir: no till now dad had said nothing to me. But I can understand his silence sanyukta. Dad had started this company with his blood and sweat. I had seen him working day and night just to make it reach this top. If anything happened to this company then he will not be able to bear it loss. And I can't disappoint him sanyukta. I just can't...

Sanyukta: then what have you decided randhir? I know you love dad very much and I also know that how much you have work hard for this company. Earlier or later you have to make a choice.

Randhir (covering his face with palms): I just don't know sanyukta...I am so confused. On one hand I can't hurt dad and play with the reputation of this company. On the other hand I just can't leave this company and sit idly at home.

Sanyukta (removes his hand from his face and kept and kissed his forehead): I know it's very difficult for you. Trust me it is also difficult for me to see you so broken. But I just want to say is whatever decision you will take...Whatever will be the situation..I will always stand by your side. You are not alone in this. I love you very much and will never leave you. Now may I know the reason of you ignoring me?

Randhir (with moist eyes): I heard few of my employees saying that it..(in a choked voice)..it feels so disgusted to even stand with me under one roof and they pity my wife who has to share one room and one bed with me (tears made their ways through his eyes). I thought that some where they are also not wrong. After all no one would like to live with a person who is having AIDS. I thought may be somewhere you also feels the same with me but as I am your husband you are not able to say it to me. So I thought of giving you some space.

Sanyukta: do you think so low of me randhir? How many times do I have to prove you that I really love you? Don't you trust me randhir? You suffering or not suffering from AIDS does not matter to me.

Randhir (keeping his head on her chest): I am sorry sanyukta..i know no one can love me the way you do. I was just scared sanyukta. I really don't want to hurt you. You have done so much for me and for my family.

Sanyukta (caressing his head): listen to me very carefully randhir..i had love you before this disease and I will love after this also. For me nothing can change my feeling for you. You were and you are the only man in my life with whom I want to spend my life. I can never feel disgusted with your touch. And how can you think I will leave you? You know you are the best thing ever happened to me.

Randhir was looking at her with surprising expression. How can this woman be so selfless? How can she love a man who will never be able to give her a baby? Was he really so lucky to have a woman like her in his life?

Sanyukta looked at randhir who lovingly staring at her. she wiggled her eyebrows. He shook his head with a smile.

Randhir (kissing her palms): nothing..why are you so innocent and cute wifey (he pouts looking at her like a baby)

Sanyukta (giggles and kissed his cheeks): because I have husband who cries like a baby

Randhir (faking a frown): ohhh so you mean to say I am a cry baby...look now what I will do with you

Saying he started tickling her. Whole cabin felt alive with her melodious laughter.

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