
God where the hell is randhir? He is not even picking up his cell. Its already mid-night. Didn't he know he has a family at home that must be waiting for him? He is not well even. I was busy in my thoughts when I heard loud horns of his car. I immediately ran to open the house gate. But what I saw pained my heart a little but made me angry too. Randhir was completely drunk. He was leaning on his car gate. Its not first time I have seen him this much drunk. But there is something today. His eyes were having some kind of pain. But who told this idiot to drink and drive. My blood started boiling thinking of the possibilities. Didn't he read news paper daily about late night road accidents? Keeping my anger aside I walk towards him and tried to hold him by his waist. He looked towards me and my heart skip a beat seeing those deep and beautiful pair of eyes red and puffy. Puffy? Did he cry today?

Randhir (in a broken drunken voice): san..sanyukta...everything got finished. I am such a loser.

Sanyukta: (trying to balance his drunken body): randhir first lets go inside. You are not able to stand properly on your feet.

I somehow managed him till our bedroom. Till now I was hundred percent sure that something have happen which had made my baby like this. I made laid on bed and changed his clothes after cleaning him. Till now patience level too started getting off seeing him crying and blabbering something in not audible voice. I tried to ask him many times but he just said "everything got finished". Not getting any response I thought to give up. But I will surely talk to him in the morning once he gains his senses. I was about to go after making him fully covered with quilt when he grabbed my hand and made me sit on the bed and kept his head in my lapse.


Sanyukta (caressing his head): what has happen randhir? Why are you crying like this? I have never seen you so broken. You know you can share everything with me. We our life partners right? We should not hide anything from each other. If something is troubling you just tell me. Baby alcohol is no solution to any problem.

Randhir: (closing his eyes) I will miss you very much sanyukta once you will go away. I never say it openly but you have become an integral part of my life. (Looking up at her confused face): who will look after me once you will go away?

Sanyukta: randhir baby what are you saying? Why will I go away leaving you alone?

Randhir: because everything is finished.

Sanyukta (sigh frustratingly): randhir you need sleep. God knows what are you speaking? You are not in your senses. So just close your eyes and sleep. We will talk in the morning.

Randhir (shaking his head): no! no! I am not sleeping because once I will sleep you will go away leaving me.

Sanyukta: randhir now this is enough. First you got drunk to this much when you knew very well that you are not well and now this. I don't want to hear anything and you are sleeping right now that's it.

After blabbering for some time randhir went off to sleep. Sanyukta shook her head getting irritated. Switching off the light she called it a night. Sunrays were peeping inside the room disturbing his beauty sleep. He twitched his face in irritation but the stubborn rays didn't let him sleep in peace. After waking up he groan while sitting on bed as the hangover was at its peak. He face palmed himself mentally scolding himself for drinking this much. Feeling someone gaze he looked up to find an angry sanyukta standing with a steaming coffee. Looking at sanyukta face he remembered the doctor's words. His heart was beating nervously thinking about the consequences.


Sanyukta (forwarding the cup): your black coffee...have it...you will feel better.

Randhir (taking the cup without meeting her eyes): thank you and yea sorry for yesterday night.

Sanyukta: listen you just have your coffee and don't you dare to utter any other thing because I am still very much angry on you for yesterday. You knew it very well that I don't like you driving after drinking but still you did. And that too when you were not well. Randhir for heaven you are having fever since last week. You have lost so much of wait. Still you are least bothered about your health.

Randhir : sanyukta I (he was interrupted hearing his father loud voice)

They both looked at each other and then left for the living room only to find renuka in tears and harsh was in a state of shock.

Randhir: mom dad what happen? Dad why you called me?

Harsh: randhir are we not your parents? Don't we have any right on you or your life?

Randhir : dad of course you both are very much important to me but why are you talking like this?

Renuka: then why didn't you feel to share such a big news with us?

Sanyukta: what news mom?

Harsh (throwing medical reports towards them): this news...you are suffering from HIV and you didn't bother to tell us once. well thanks to that doctor with whom you did your health check up. In today morning your reports came from the clinic because you forget them there yesterday.

Randhir bowed down his head in shame. Whereas sanyukta picked up the papers. Looking at the reports the papers slip from her hands. She shockingly looked at randhir who not meeting her eyes. Tears clouded in her eyes.

Sanyukta (in a cold voice): randhir is it true? You are suffering from HIV?

Randhir (closed his eyes and his tears rolled out from his eyes): yes sanyukta this is true. Yesterday only I came to know about this.

Harsh: and then when were you planning to tell us?

Randhir (in a choked voice): dad listen to me...I can explain

Harsh (roaring): what will you explain randhir? Do you even know what is the meaning of being HIV positive?

Randhir : dad I (he was about to continue when a tight slap was imprinted on his face. He shockingly looked at sanyukta whose eyes were splitting fire. His eyes got moist looking at her vulnerable state. He knew this was coming. He knew everything is finished)


Sanyukta : (clutching his collar): how dare you randhir? I loved you so much. How dare you do this to me? Tell me in all this what was my fault? Why I am being punished?

Randhir (cubing her face): sanyukta I am really sorry but please try to understand (he was interrupted by another slap)

Sanyukta (pointing her finger): don't you dare open your mouth Mr. shekhawat...don't you dare. Till now it was you who was taking our life decision but from now on it will be me. I won't let you play with my heart and life more.


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