
Akansha (leaning more on randhir): I can't wait for more honey. Lets become one tonight.

Randhir (smirking): what's so hurry babe..why don't we once meet your ex boyfriend before proceeding our relation...(looking towards the door): ankit jiju you may come in.

Akasnsha (looking shockingly at ankit who was looking at her with a broken expression): ankit what are you doing here?

Ankit (smiles sadly): well I should ask you this question akansha. What are YOU doing here with my brother in law

Akansha (she looks at randhir who winks at her): what? He is your brother in law? ( she immediately ran to ankit and hugged him): trust me baby he..he trapped me. He wants to separate us. He was forcing himself on me baby. (Faking a cry): he was trying to touch me ankit. He even touch me in inappropriate places he tried (she was interrupted as someone pulled her back and gave her tight slap. She shocking look at sanyukta whose eyes were splitting fire)

Sanyukta : (pointing a finger towards her): dare you speak a words against my husband. I very well knew girls like you. Now when you are caught red hand you blaming my husband. What were you thinking that my randhir is interested in you? Then sorry to burst you bubble sweetheart it was all a trap which was planned by us to expose you infront of my brother. (looks at ankit): I am sorry bhai for playing all this drama but you left no other option for me. Now do you realize what must have riya bhabhi felt after seeing you both? Look bhai she is your choice..you left bhabhi for this gold digger. I won't say anything to you bhai...our work was to open your eyes so that you can see what mistake you was about to do. Rest is your choice. I am going my home with my husband.

She was about to leave with randhir when ankit spoke.

Ankit (in a choked voice): will she forgive me? I have broke her heart. I have made a joke our marriage. I don't think she will even see my face.


Sanyukta (without turning): if you are really feeling guilty on your deeds and wants to apologize to her with your heart then I am sure she will definitely forgive. When we fight with our love ones its only the mind which stays angry but heart always care so she will forgive you. Because unlike you she values her relations.

Its been one weak since all that happening. Finally ankit realized his mistake and took riya back with him. Initially the shekhwats were not ready for it but eventually gave up in front of their daughter pleads everything was getting normal at least what they thought. One morning randhir was getting ready for office when felt his head spinning. He was about to fall when at the right sanyukta hold him from back. She made him sit on bed.

Sanyukta (with a worried expression): what happen randhir? (touching his forehead): you are again having fever baby.

Randhir : (in weak voice): its nothing serious sanyukta. I think its because of changing climate.

Sanyukta : randhir I am listening to your this excuse from last one weak. Look at yourself baby you have lost so much weight in past few days. And this rising and falling fever. Now I am not taking any of your excuse we are going to doctor today. and that's final

Randhir: sanyukta I am fine. And you don't worry yesterday only I went to doctor with dad. He made me do some test. May be there is some infection. I will meet the doctor today and will see what can be done.

Sanyukta: do you want me to accompany you baby? See you were about to faint few minutes what if you need someone besides you?

Randhir: sanyukta I am not a kid I can manage myself. its just a little weakness that's all. You don't worry okay. I am going to the doctor.

He was about to go when sanyukta stop him

Randhir : now what?

Sanyukta (smiles shyly): you are forgetting something

Randhir (confusingly): no sanyukta I took everything with me. What I am forgetting.


Sanyukta: I think the fever is affecting your memory also. (she stood up on her toes and kissed him. Randhir was not able to react. If it was old randhir then he would have pulled her towards him and ravish her till she begs to him. But this new randhir was not able to understand what to do? He can't kiss her nor push her away. Sanyukta breaking the kiss after not getting any response): now I seriously feel you need a doctor.

Randhir (not meeting her eyes): I am getting late sanyukta will see you in the evening.

Its been half an hour since randhir is waiting for the doctor to arrive with his reports. He looked up to find doctor looking at him nervous expression. He took a seat.

Randhir: doctor is everything alright? Why you called me in this hurry? Why were you sounding so stressed?

Doctor: Mr.shekhawat look I know it will be difficult for you to handle but please calm down. And I am sure there must be some medical too for this. you have to be strong randhir.

Randhir: doctor now you are scaring me. Please tell me what's wrong? What are doing about?

Doctor (taking deep breadth): I am sorry to inform you randhir but..you suffering from HIV.

I felt like someone has snatched land beneath my feet. I started sweating in an air conditioner room. I felt my hands shaking. Was it true? How can this happen with me? Till yesterday everything was fine and now this.

Randhir (in shaky voice): but...but doctor how can this be possible? Please check once again its can't be true. Please doctor tell me I am perfectly fine. Please doctor...

Doctor (lowering his eyes): I am sorry randhir but this is the only truth. When you came yesterday to me I was having a doubt at that time only but I thought first to get it confirm. And now the results are also positive. But this virus is not created in your body. It is transferred from someone who is also a HIV patient. May be you had s*x with someone who is also suffering from same without some protection. This is why we all suggest for a protected s*x.

Randhir (with moist eyes): I don't remember doctor when was the time I had s*x without protection. But what will I do? There must be something in medical science which can help me to get cure from this. please doctor help me.

Doctor : randhir may be medical science has progressed with lots of technological development but a complete cure for HIV is still not found. I am sorry but there is no permanent solution for this problem. But yes with medication we can prevent this virus from converting into AIDS which can be more harmful. These medicines might not help you to recover but will surely give you quality life.

Randhir ( in a broken voice): please doctor don't say like this. I can't live my life like this. what will I tell my family. please doctor help me.

Doctor: sorry randhir but I can't help you in any way. And the sooner your family comes to know about it the better its for everyone. now please excuse me I have other patients too.

HIV...how can this happen to me? Why god is punishing me like this? I have already realized my mistake and I even decided to not to repeat it in future and give sanyukta a happy a life. Thinking of sanyukta make me numb. How will she react after knowing this? I know she will to be broken after knowing. May be she leave me after this? after all which woman would like to live with a man who is suffering from this disease? Mom and dad what will they go through after knowing this? Finally I thought everything was coming on track and now this.

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