
Randhir Singh Shekhawat

I gulped the remaining content in my glass and grinned at Harry, who was swaying his hips with his new-found love interest.

Someone is getting laid tonight I guess.

I looked around, THE CITY NIGHTS, one of the elite clubs of Mumbai, a place best known for its booze and chicks.

The DJ plays one of the most popular hits, making the crowd yell in excitement. The sequins catching the disco ball light that twirls above — launching every shade of rainbow into the darkness.

The smell of sweat, perfumes and booze couldn't stop me from feeling the vibes of music. The music is a drug that brings me higher, higher until my mind buzzes with pure joy. I averted my eyes from the dance floor to the blonde, when I felt a sensual touch on my hand, that was resting on the bar counter.

“You know it's a crime to be alone in the pub if you are panty-dropping hot.” She purrs seductively, biting her bottom lip. She looks hot with a gorgeous set of tits. Her dress fits perfectly like it is only made for her.

I caught her arms and slowly placed them around my neck. Leaning closer to her I lowered my lips to her “In that case, the man is all yours to punish.”

A smug smile splits on her lips when I let my fingers trace the line of her throat "Room number 105, I will be waiting for you.” She distanced herself from me and started walking towards the stairs, swaying her ass with the rhythm of the music.

I got down off the bar counter and my eyes met with Harry, I winked at his direction whereas he just gave me a disapproving look.


I will never be able to understand this guy. He is always ready to enter between some chick's leg but when it comes to my pleasure, this guy always has some issues with it.

Leaving him and his furious gaze behind, I made my way towards the assigned room. I knocked the door twice and the door opened, a moan escaped my lips, seeing the seductress standing in front of me.

She smirked evilly and inspected me from head to toe "I am going to fuck your brains tonight”

I leaned towards her lips and blew some hot breath “let's see, who fucks, whose brain tonight” Saying this I connected my lips with her red painted ones, forgetting all worldly problems.

I pulled up my boxers after taking off the used condoms and threw it into the bin.

“Thanks for the night handsome, you were amazing!” She winked at me while zipping her dress up.

“ Thanks for the compliment sweetheart but I wish I could say the same about you. I had better expectations from you. Now there is no use of crying over spilled milk. Please close the door after you” I said casually.

She shot me a glare “You are ridiculous” She walked towards the door, then slams it behind her. While I smirked at her direction with an evil grin.

Serves you right for leaving these marks on my body.

Blowing a breath through my nose, I made my way towards the restroom to get myself clean. I was wiping my hair with a towel, when my phone vibrated and displayed “wife”.

My lips split into a smile when I heard her melodious voice "Hello Ron! Where are you? You didn't come home last night. I hope I have not disturbed you”?


I chuckled at her sweet yet hesitant filled voice."Where would I be? Off course in office. I told you right that I have some unfinished business in office and yes my love can never disturb me”.

“Oh! I got worried when you didn't answer my calls and messages last night” her gloomy voice reached my ears and I closed my eyes in frustration.

“I am sorry, love. You know right I never do it intentionally. I just got so busy that I lost the track of time but sweetie I feel that there is something more to the story. You aren't sounding well”.

I waited for few minutes when I heard her voice filled with disappointment "Ron yesterday we completed two years of our togetherness”

Fuck! I forgot it this time too.

“I am really sorry, love. I don't know how it just slipped out of my mind. I am such an idiot. You must have done lots of preparation and hard work to make our day memorable and must be waiting for me and I spoiled everything like always."I ranted while running a hand through my hair.

“It is completely okay Ron. I know you have such big responsibilities on your shoulders. It was just an anniversary. We have been each other's companion since years, do you really think we need any particular day to celebrate our love for each other? As long as we are together, every day is special for me." My heart softened on hearing her innocent filled voice.

Is she for real? Maybe this is her only quality that makes her different from others.

I walked towards the shelf, carrying a mini-bar and made myself a drink “Thank you Sanyu! Thank you so much for coming into my life. I don't know what I would have done without you. But I assure you that I will make it up to you tonight”

“Ron I told you right! You don't”

I interrupted her in between "I will do it because I want to, not because I need to. I love you precious.”.

I caressed the edges of the glass and smiled because now I know I am heading towards the right path on making up to her “I love you too Ron. Come back soon”

I kept the phone on the table and headed towards the window to have a view of the busy streets of San Francisco. “ I must have done some good things in my previous birth that I got such an understanding wife” That was it and I burst into fits of laughter. “Well that was quite easy Ron. Two years ago, everyone laughed at my decision and told me that I am a fool to get married to someone like Sanyu, who neither belonged to my status nor a compatible partner for me but I knew, I knew it from the very first day that she is everything that I need in my wife. A girl who is too innocent for the outer world, a girl who worship me like God, a girl who like a dutiful wife takes care of my every need yet never messes with my personal life” a chuckle escaped my lips as I raised my hand for a toast “Cheers to my innocent wife”.

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