《cocaine》Utmost-Ultimate [Scooby-Doo]


Scooby-Doo was spread out on the sizzling sand of the Bahama coast. The water was lapping the shore and soaking his fur.

He needed a bath.

Scooby's right ear twitched, detecting the sound of alarms going off in the distance.

Scooby stretched, inhaled the remains of his coco-cola, and dashed off to find the source of the noise.


Krillin was in an ice-cream shop, numbly nibbling away at the tasty treat when alarms blared through his silent peace.

Krillin's nostrils flared while he took a deep intake of breath.

This city couldn't be quiet for one day.

He left a tip as he pushed through the exit, leaving a small bell to echo throughout the shop.


When Scooby made it to the scene, there was a bald midget sprinting as fast as his stubby legs could carry him.

Scooby followed the midget to the crime scene.

There were five ruffians at the crime scene, 4 of them holding guns, and one of them carrying 2 sacks of some sort of currency. (Yen, gold coins, American dollars, pounds... You name it!)

As they were making a dash for the vehicle, the midget man stepped in front of them, putting a hand in the air, and yelling, "HALT!"

Of course, the pack attempted to push through (or rather go around) the midget man, so Scooby did what any sane person (dog) would do, and sat in front of them and shouted, "RALT!"

The men stopped.

They slowly took in the scene from around them and started giggling.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

The midget stood defiantly and said, "Kick your butts, that's what!"

Scooby nodded.

"Yeah! Rick your rutts!"

The group started chuckling even more and continued their walk to the van.


Seriously, Krillin thought, where's the police when you need them?

Scooby stuck out his tail and tugged on one of the ruffians legs, causing him to trip. "I wasn't kidding when I said I'd rick your rutts, you know!"

Scooby then ripped an invisible leotard off his body and revealed a pair of boxing shorts, and a pair of boxing gloves tied to his collar. (I don't know how this occurred, just... shagawotts..?)

Krillin got into a fighting position, spreading his feet apart and steadied his hands, while scooby put on his boxing gloves and got on his hind legs.

" L E T ' S G E T T H I S B R E A D ! " was heard throughout the city as blood was splattered on the city-bank sidewalk.

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