《Zero Gravity / 無重力(Gakuen Alice)》【Chapter 13】Snow White in the Sleeping Forest, ft. Cat and Bunny Part 2
"Yue-chan!! Are you better now!?" Mikan exclaimed worry plastered all over her face, Yue smiling lightly with a nod.
"Am alright now, Arigato for visiting me Mikan" She eye smiled, Mikan nodding rapidly with a large bright smile.
"This isn't the time for your chit-chatting." Natsume bluntly stated with an irritated tone, giving both girls a narrowed glare as they both glanced at each other than raised their heads to Narumi who began to talk once more after chuckling loudly from the interaction of his students. Some Sticky Balls had been flown over half of everyone that was backstage and it got most of the people that were in the play, now they were wondering who would be what.
And I guess you can tell what Natsume Yue and the lil boy were stuck in.......yup. The same position as before, the lil boy in the middle while Natsume on the side, Yue on the other side.
"We'll do it Narumi, don't worry. Bye Mikan." Yue eye smiled softly as they began to walk away, Natsume doing most of the pulling, the lil boy a bit confused at what they were going to do. Mikan smiled brightly and waved with both hands, Narumi nodded with a smile and a wave of a hand before his eyes widened and he froze.
"-Oii! Call me Senseii!!" Yue heard from behind her, making her chuckle no audibly and shake her head.
"No way."
"Eh, but that's the one they have..."
"Onii-chan, I think Onee-chan looks pretty though."
"Tch! You're too young to understand."
"Natsume, that's so ironic...."
"Hmpt." Yue sighed and began putting on her furry white bunny shoes with one hand, Natsume glaring at the wall in defeat while the lil boy keeps staring at Yue in awe.
Natsume was in his cat wear of a cheetah, cat whiskers and even cat ears were attached, while Yue was in a furry top covering her upper breasts, and a furry short bottom that didn't even reach her lower thighs, her white bunny ears were already attached and so were her small whiskers while she had on fluffy white bunny arms that covered only about her wrists, now she was finishing putting on her white furry bunny animal boots that were bigger than her feet, making it look like pajama wears.
The thing that Natsume was disagreeing about was obviously the way her stomach could be seen and most of her legs if it weren't for the fact that the bottom was a short prompt, he definitely wouldn't have let her wore it.
"Don't leave here until we come back ok?" Yue gently smiled at her bunny who nodded and hopped off into a furry jacket, snuggling in it as Yue chuckled lightly and the lil boy stared at the bunny while ushering how cute and small it was.
"Done!" Yue smiled and stood up calmly, walking out of the room with the lil boy and Natsume next to her as Natsume glanced at her per every 10 seconds and around to see if any guys would dare act rashly.
Yue glanced at the cautious narrow eyed Natsume and sighed in her throat before swiftly grabbing his neck, sending small shivers down his spine from her cold slim fingers, she leaned to his ear and whispered something with a small mischievous smile, then leaned back to where she was and acted like nothing happened, ignoring and tuning out the mumbling Natsume with narrowed eyes and a tiny non-visible blush on his cheek.
"Omo, what should Mikan be?" Yue questioned, they were close to Narumi and Mikan who were talking before Natsume smirked, Yue giving him an amused raised eyebrow.
"And Mikan-chan, you be..."
"E-eh? M-me? N-no, I'd rather..." Mikan nervously smiled and was about to decline, Natsume 'saving' that moment.
"What are you chickening out about?" Mikan turned around, her eyes widening as she stuttered out while staring in awe at both Yue and Natsume, both too cute to look at, Natsume with his free hand on his hip while Yue had her hand in front of her, trying to hold down the fluffy bunny shorts that kept going up, the small boy in the middle smiling in confusement.
"The vicious Natsume Hyuuga is..."
"Wearing such an adorable costume!"
"That mysterious Yue Yukishiro actually appearing here with that kind of outfit..!"
"She looks so much like a small doll!"
The middle school girls exclaimed with widened smiles while staring at the duo calmly dressed in animal clothes, all of their hands clasped in front of them, even Mikan who was staring with a widespread smile on her face, her cheeks with a bit of blush. Natsume raised his head slightly and narrowed his eyes into a glare, Yue calmly blinking with a tiny tilt of her head.
"He'll kill us if we laugh...!" All of the older girls exclaimed with a deadpan expression, Mikan beginning to chuckle while walking closer to the duo before standing right in front of them, then laughing out loud while patting both of their heads, Natsume's eyes narrowing while Yue chuckled lightly.
"Ahahaha, Yue so tiny Kawaii! There's no way you'll lose to Ruka-pyon in cuteness now, Natsume! Not with neko mimi, neko mimi~!" She ruffled up Yue's hair, -Yue giving an amused small smile and just letting Mikan do as she pleases-, and petting Natsume's cat ears as he closed his narrowed eyes, then brought his hand up to Mikan's forehead, giving her a very painful flick on the forehead, Mikan yelling at the sudden pain and crouching down with her hands over her forehead, "What was that for!?" She growled.
"Don't touch Yue as you please. And don't ever call a guy 'cute'." He stated with his eyes still closed, Yue sighing with a chuckle while fixing her now messy head with her free hand.
"That aside, you'd better hurry up and get dressed too." Mikan raised her head, - Yue chuckling silently behind her fist when the mark of the flick was bright red painted there-.
"Wha.....eh?" Mikan glanced at both of them, confused.
"Oi, Naru. She'll play the prince. Got it?" He pointed down at the flinching Mikan with widened eyes and mouth, Yue nodding slowly with a small roll of her eyes, now understanding why Natsume had smirked back then. Boys.
"Good thinking! What a nice idea! Is that okay with you, Yuri-chan?" Mikan eyes widened even more and she froze with a whitened state,- Yue chuckling very entertainment by the animated pigtailed girl-.
"Yeah. I can't perform like this so....."
"P-P-Prince?! But. That's crazy!" Mikan nervously stated while hugging Yue and shaking her head, Yue softly patting the freaking out Mikan over the head and on her back to comfort her, Natsume sighing annoyed with his hand on his hip.
"Quit complaining. There's not much time left." Mikan's mouth opened widely into rectangular shape, Yue smiling with a raised eyebrow while still patting her before Natsume grabbed Mikan by the back of her shirt, mumbling a "Get away from Yue" in the process of elimination, Yue chuckling a bit with a shake of her head as he let her go.
"Get dressed and go do a run through with Ruka, Mikan." Yue told her, grabbing her hand and putting it with both her cool paler ones, Mikan still in the shocked state stuttering out a "W-with Ruka-pyon?" Yue nodded with a soft smile.
"You're the prince now, so you need to memorize your lines with Snow White." Mikan seemed to get even more nervous, Yue sighing non-audibly with a tiny smile.
"But. This is all so sudden....." She stuttered out, "This is sudden for everyone." Natsume replied, turning his head to the nervous silent crowd that were in new preparations for the sudden change. Mikan glanced at Yue with a questioning still nervous stare, in which Yue could only smile softly and nod once, the pigtailed girl sighing long and giving up, her head hanging down.
"Ruka..." Yue smiled lightly while watching the Mikan and Ruka interact, it would be alright now right.....? Of course it will. Mikan is different, she's the light.
"Yue." She turned her head to the familiar voice, Natsume staring at her with maybe the same thoughts. Maybe. Natsume was always the most protective out of the three of them, so it may take some time for him to accept it, but it'll happen.
"Onii-chan, Onee-chan, it's our turn." The lil boy alerted both of them as they turned their heads down to him, then back up, Yue sighing with a small smile while Natsume nodded curtly.
"Let's go." They calmly walked out, Natsume with his free hand out like a cat while Yue's in front of hers but in the same position, and the lil boy walking like a lil elf, they stopped in the middle of the stage and even though Yue was tuning out most of the whispers she could still hear the most curious ones which made her raise eyebrows.
"Snow White looves animals! As usual, Snow White was having fun playing with the dwarves and the animals!" The lil boy proudly said his lines out loud, the whispers continuing, 'Oi, is that Natsume Hyuuga!?' 'No way! What's going on!?' 'Isn't that Yukishiro-sama?! This is the first time I've seen her!' 'Ehh no way! That can't be Yukishiro Yue!' Both Yue and Natsume turned around to the front, Natsume making a monotoned, "Meow", with no face emotion while Yue made a "Pyon" with her calm features kicking it as she eye smiled when she said it.
The audience immediately silenced after, right before the lights turned out and Ruka came out from under the stage, only one light on him as he began to use his Alice, all the animals coming to him.
"Yue-chan! Natsume! Good job! That was a really good cat and bunny imitation!" Mikan smiled widely while hugging the smaller Yue who thanked her with a smile and a small bow of the head, Natsume tugging her away while mumbling "Stop touching her, tch", away from the pouting Mikan.
"Hmpt! That's not very cute. Bleeh!" She stuck her tongue out and put a finger under her eyelid, dragging it down in mock, Yue chuckling lightly.
"Anyways you should be worrying about yourself. You're the one who's wrapping up the show after all." Natsume didn't even look bothered by her mock, but instead told her that she's the ending, Yue nodding slightly with a smile when Mikan pouted a bit and glanced to the smaller girl, then turning away with a blush and mumbling, "I..I know that!" They turned around at the same time as Yue and Mikan both waved good byes to each other.
"Pff-" Yue clamped her mouth shut and turned away, her shoulders shaking from laughing so much on the inside but not wanting to burst out laughing. The 'action scene' just finished in which Sumire followed the thrown bone, something of a bomb exploded the evil queen haha~ Oh my there were so much comedic scenes. Natsume and the lil boy giving the shaking Yue an amused stare that went unnoticed by the trying not to burst Yue.
"Oh my!" Her cool hand flew up to her face as she tried to cover up her eyes but leaving some space between her fingers, watching how Mikan was slowly moving closer and closer to 'Snow White' because of the sudden change of scripts to make it more interesting.
"Why is this embarrassing to you? We have done so much more." Natsume mentioned carelessly, as if it's something everyone needs to hear.
"Natsume..!" Yue side glanced with her slightly narrowed sky azure eyes to the smirking Natsume that could care less who heard.
"They grow up so fast." Yue sighed sadly while leaning her cheek on her hand, staring at the nervous Mikan that began to slowly move even closer, Ruka flinching with widened eyes before closing them determined, both with visible blush on their faces.
"Are you their mother, oi." Natsume mumbled to himself with a glance at the motherly Yue who felt as though her children were getting married and leaving the house to live on their own....yeah that kind of feeling.
"No way! I need to be a good mother and let them marry!" She shook her head with tightened closed eyes, her mental illusions getting the better of her. Natsume raised an eyebrow and put his hand on his hip, wondering what the hell she was on about now.
"You're talking about your illusions you know..." He stated while staring at her, she froze and coughed in her throat then smiled and shook her head as if nothing happened. Natsume scoffed in his throat and smirked at her, the bluenette turning her head away with a small scoff.
The lil boy in the middle was happily eating a red apple looking up between the both whenever one would say something, his head turning to the left and right, making it look like a tennis match of some sort.
Yue pouted and was about to reach over to smack the smug Natsume though he swiftly moved out of the way, her eyes slightly widening when she felt herself tripping over the lil boy in the middle, all of their eyes widening as their sight locked onto the flying apple that went right onto the stage and everything turned into slow motion, the apple slowly making its way right.....onto.....Smack! Bouncing right on top of Mikan's head, -her yelling an abrupt "Geh!" at the sudden pain on top of her head, though stopping her movement and raising herself in confusion as to what just happened- just as the lights turned off and everything turned back to normal. Yue, Natsume and the lil boy stayed right where they fell in a bundle, Natsume in the bottom with his back on the floor, the lil boy somehow to the chest area of Natsume, and Yue on top of them both, her arms over the lil boy while her bottom was in the opposite direction of Natsume's, all of their heads turned towards the stage with sweat beads on their cheeks and their eyes slightly widened, their bodies frozen.
Hotaru on the side shook her head with a sigh and face-palmed, since she had indeed saved the day with her punctual timings.
"I feel like I owe them..." Yue close eye smiled with a chuckle while scratching her cheek.
"You don't have to do anything. Focus on us now." Natsume bluntly stated without turning around, all three of them walking towards the dressing room to change. Yue blinked and turned her eyes away to the opposite side, her cheeks paling into a light pink but ignoring the heat until she saw that familiar smirk, irking her. This time, she easily smacked him over the arm, though she had a feeling he let her.
"Yue-chan! Natsume!" Mikan smiled widely and waved at them with her arm in the air, Ruka smiling in relief when he saw how calm Yue was ever since she went on stage.
The bluenette smaller girl smiled with a tilt of her head and a short sigh, trotting up to the pair with a smiling brightly lil boy and a rather comfortable Natsume who allowed him to pull towards them.
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