《Zero Gravity / 無重力(Gakuen Alice)》【Chapter 8】Central Town
For the last two days, Yue was in and out of consciousness. She was either awake for a small bit of time before her eyes gave out and only hearing voice echoes before she was drifted into a calming darkness that relaxed her body as it regenerated.
And in those two days, Mikan had visited her many times, or at least tried, before getting the door slammed and locked by a rather stubborn and angry Natsume who didn't want the bright and loud girl anywhere near the still weak Yue.
Ruka was mostly in the room with a silent Natsume, talking about the days in class and many details about what happened, whether the bluenette was awake or not.
And finally on the third day, Yue had gleaming ocean eyes filled with happiness and excitement as she held onto a caramel mug-cake, taking a large spoon take and munching silently on the sweetness of thee. She could finally eat and actually taste some food! Even though its only sweets it's her food so who cares! She sighed softly in satisfaction before a tug on her cardigan arm made her halt slowly and turn her head calmly to a cute poker-faced Yoichi that sat on Natsume's lap facing her, his blue eyes filled with sparkles.
Yue chuckled lightly and grabbed a spoonful of caramel mug cake before lowering it close to a shining lil boy that opened his mouth wide as she gently waited for him, then gently pulled the spoon away when she noticed his cheeks full and sparkling eyes staring up at her with full love and attention as he munched away happily.
She chuckled softly and took a small light blue napkin that was in her cardigan pocket, bringing it up to his cheek that had some leftover crumbs from the cake, then softly cleaned it off, putting it back into her pocket just as a light weight on her lap made her blink in realization, automatically wrapping her slim arms around Yoichi who was sitting on her lap, holding her shirt with his tiny fists, his face looking up at an amused yet slightly jealous Natsume.
Yoichi's eyes sparkled and he let out a small smirk, hugging closer to the soft-chuckling Yue that shifted so he wouldn't fall. Natsume's eye twitched and he would have smacked his small friend on the head if it weren't for Yue's stern glance she gave him whenever he attempted to.
Yoichi on contrast did it in interest and had fun on Natsume's reactions whenever the small boy would tightly hold onto the frail looking girl. Yue raised a non-seeable eyebrow at her bunny which was fawning over Ruka's rabbit in his arms instead of the animal-pheromone boy himself.
"Yuee-chaaann, please go to Central Town with mee!!" Their heads turned to a crying Mikan that was on the ground, anime tears falling out of her eyes and slumped shoulders, with a poker-faced Hotaru and nervously smiling Yuu behind her, both with paper boards filled with words of pleading next to them.
"Ah so it's that time already huh..." Yue softly wondered out loud, looking down in thought before Yoichi's soft hand patted her softly on her cold cheek, making her blink and chuckle lightly as he smiled tiny before snuggling closer, her arms easily wrapping him.
Natsume was bluntly ignoring Mikan and just giving her stared filled with questions such as 'Are you stupid?' 'What are you thinking?' Yue could already sense that he didn't loathe the girl as much as when she first arrives here. And Ruka with his rabbit on his shoulder was staring at the crying girl rather amused.
"Oh?" Mikan stopped abruptly and edged closer, her eyes widened as she stared at a poker-faced Yoichi who now had his gaze on her, rather curious.
"How cuuute!!" She yelled with hands in fists in front of her and blushing cheeks, her eyes sparkling.
"Who is he? Is he Yue's kid?"
"I'll burn you." Natsume stated after Mikan had just publicly questioned if the young girl had a child. Yue had almost burst out laughing if it weren't for her palm over her lips, her shoulders trembling slightly with muffled laughs silently hidden.
"He's Hijiri Yoichi, three years old. He's in class A and is attached to Yue and Natsume so he comes over to play with him sometimes." Ruka explained as Yue softly patted a snuggling Yoichi over the head, Yoichi's other small hand now holding Natsume's sleeve in a fist.
"Natsume-kun looks so dreamy even while playing with a kid~!" Sumire fangirled with hearts all around her. Mikan bent down and smiled widely at a Yoichi who was still snuggled to a lightly smiling Yue, only this time his head was turned to the side, watching the pigtailed girl.
"I never thought there'd be a kid who'd get attached to Natsume! Yue-chan looks so much like a mother while holding him!!" Mikan exclaimed brightly before clasping her hands together. Yue chuckled a bit while Natsume put his cheek on his palm and leaned on it.
"Your name is Yo-chan, huh? Come here~" She cooed with hands out before she was dragged down by a Smiling widely Sumire who got on top of a comically hurting Mikan.
"No! You should stay away from people like her Yo-chan. Come to nee-chan~" The green haired girl baby talked with hands out the same way Mikan's was. Yoichi stared for a few seconds.
"Baaka." He stated in a familiar way that Yue instantly recognized, giving said person a raised eyebrow and an amused glance as he glanced his eyes away to the opposite side professionally. Both girls looked stunned and took the identical steps back. Their bodies shook as Natsume diligently began to talk, Yue shaking her head a bit with a soft amused smile.
"Stay away, ape girls."
"Stay waway, ape giwrls."
"They make a pretty good pair." Hotaru bluntly said, -Yue chuckling at the thought-, Sumire with river anime tears down her eyes and an angry Mikan erupted.
"Natsumee!! What are you teaching this kid!?" Mikan yelled out with shaking fists arms.
"Oh Natsume...." Sumire cried out.
"This isn't good for you, Yo-chan. This oni-chan is gonna be a bad influence if you stay with him!" Mikan stepped up and had her hands out to grab a Yoichi that clung tighter to Yue's body and tightened his fist on Natsume's sleeve, before Ruka interrupted.
"Ah, I forgot to mention it but....." White creepy ghosts came out from Yoichi's body and began to persistently follow the scared and yelling Mikan around.
"He has the Evil Spirits Alice." Ruka ended, his rabbit in his hands blinking up at the bunny on Yue's shoulder that blinked back down at him.
"Too late now." Hotaru turned her head around, Yue chuckled at the comical view of Mikan running left and right desperately trying to run away from the haunting ghosts, -while of course screaming off the top of her lungs with arms flaying around-.
Yue heard Yoichi sneeze and looked down, seeing him with his hand moving his sneezed nose. She took out her handkerchief from her pocket and brought it to his small nose, then gently cleaning his tiny nose with a soft pinch. She smiled lightly when he raised his head up to meet her eyes just as she put her handkerchief back.
He smiled and closed his eyes in happiness while snuggling closer to her, tightening his hold on her and tugging Natsume's sleeve for him to get closer. He didn't object and calmly shifted closer to the chuckling Yue that had her arms around the body of Yoichi.
"Y-yue-chan......unbelievable..." Mikan stuttered with unbelieving curved smile.
Yoichi turned his head around suddenly and pointed to the board that was on the ground, on it painted words of "Come to Central Town" was written in different colors. Yue, Natsume and Ruka had turned to see what he was pointing to.
"Do you want to go to Central Town?" Yue softly questioned and smiled when the smaller boy nodded once, background and eyes full of sparkle.
"Let's persuade Natsume." She giggled silently as Yoichi nodded rather excited before they both turned their heads to Natsume that was beside them. He glanced at both of them, a light blue sparkly background in back of them with both blue eyes literally sparkling, -hell even Yue's bunny had sparkly eyes-. Ruka was slowly shifting away with his rabbit in his arms, already knowing the outcome as Mikan, Sumire, Yuu and Hotaru mumbled out in confusion at what just happened.
The moment they walked out of the bus, Yue filled with excitement softly began to jog away, an amused and excited Yoichi in her arms as he pointed where to go. Natsume and Ruka were right on their trail, knowing full well how useless the bluenette girl was with directions. Maybe she could learn from three year old Yoichi.
"Natsume, Ruka! These would look so good on you!" She eye smiled and brought out from behind her two animal pajamas, on her right hand was a black kitty with a long tail and ears on the hoodie, and on her left was a white bunny outfit with a fluffy tail on the rear end and long down ears that was attached to the hoodie. Yoichi that was standing beside her took out from behind him a cat choker with a large yellow bell, and a light t blue large bow. Both of their eyes filled with excited sparkles, even the calm Yue's.
Natsume and Ruka's back shivered before both exchanged a glance.
"Ahh I have to hold my rabbit so I can't try it on, sorry." He smiled nervously, a bead of sweat beside his cheek. Yue slightly pouted and turned her head to Natsume.
"............I heard the sweet's place were selling new stuff." He calmly looked around, hoping she would catch the bait.
Her eyes widened slightly and he let out a small smirk. "Yoichi they have new sweets!" Yue smiled down at a widened eye Yoichi who nodded and gave her the two items in his hands.
"I'll just buy this now and you'll try them on later." She softly chuckled when she saw their widened eyes. Yoichi followed a smiling Yue to the front counter where she told them to teleport the bought items to said place she wrote on the paper.
Natsume's eye twitched and Ruka sighed long with a hand over his face. They should have known better than to test her stubbornness.
"Ahh~" Yoichi motioned with a small open mouth while staring up at a blinking Yue. He had one of the sweet Howalon's in his small hand as he gestured once more for her to repeat his action. She chuckled and opened her mouth slightly, making a soft 'Ahh' sound just as Yoichi placed the Howalon on her mouth, she chuckled through the sweet candy.
Natsume had a small irk mark on his forehead as he watched the blunt display of affection and took a Howalon in his hand, then raising it to a slightly surprised Yue who calmly opened her small mouth just as he softly gave her the candy, laying his arm lazily on her chair edge while turning his head down to a staring Yoichi that now also had a familiar irk mark on his head. A volt of electricity zapped between them as they stared each other down with their own poker-faces, Yue munching lightly on the chewiness and sweetness of the candy, She would definiatly have to buy about ten boxes and save them in her room.
Ruka stared in amusement at the situation in front of his eyes as he sat in front of Yue. He was next to Natsume, Natsume was next to Yue and in the middle was a small round light brown table, on top of it were finished and eaten sweets, the only thing alive being the Howalon in Yoichi's hand.
"What is Mikan doing.....?" Yue tilted her head and began to walk towards a yelling positive Mikan. Yoichi in her arms while one of his hands held onto a Natsume whose own hands were in his pocket, Ruka following amused with his own rabbit in his arms.
"Yue-chan, Yo-chan! What luck!! Wah Yue-chan can you please help me!?" She closed her eyes tightly and clasped her palms together in front of her.
Yue blinked and looked down, sharing a curious glance with Yoichi who looked the same as her.
"Isn't this interesting?" Yue mused while leaning against the building next to Natsume. They were right behind the crowd that was forming due to the cuteness of Yo-chan plus Ruka and the cardboards with "The little Match Girl, Mikan" on them.
Natsume scoffed in his throat with his usual slanted eyes staring at the front, then turning his eyes to the side, viewing the soft textured blue strands moving to Yue's chuckle as she turned her head to him, raising her head slightly.
"At the end, she'll need that small tiny flame. And you know better than anyone else where it should come from. Like a peace treaty I might say." She smiled softly when he clicked his tongue and turned his head back to the front.
"Oh I'll give her a flame alright...." He mumbled with a slight smirk almost hidden away by his composure if it weren't for Yue's keen eyes and her years of knowing the fire caster.
She chuckled and shook her head, leaning off the wall and gracefully walking away from all the loud noise to someplace more relaxing and comfortable, the familiar dark orbs never leaving her back for a second before she turned the corner.
"Natsume what are you doing." She sighed softly and leaned her body naturally towards him as he shifted more comfortably. He had followed her after 'lighting the match' like she said, sitting right down next to her and leaning against the tree, one leg up as he had his manga out against his raised thigh.
"I "lit the match"." He sarcastically mumbled, eyes on the manga as her body lightly vibrated from the chuckle she let out.
"Arigato." She whispered softly, relaxing her cool body against his warm one. Her eyes calmly closed and she listened to the sounds of silence and nature, with the small silent breathing of an also comfortable Natsume who turned the page of his manga book after glancing sideways down at the bluenette.
Natsume raised his head when he felt a presence, his eyes narrowing slightly at the person smiling brightly with a pink box in her hands. Her eyes grew wide with her mouth in an 'o' shape before she whispered a bit loudly,
"Is Yue-chan asleep??" Natsume nodded curtly before he turned his head down to the shifting in his lap. Yue slowly sat up, her hand right next to Natsume's thigh and her other hand on her head in confusement.
Who was she again.....? Where was she? What day, year, and time is it? She blinked a few times to correct her common sense, missing the small suspicious glare Natsume sent a smiling widely Mikan.
"Mikan." Yue close-eye smiled, Mikan awing at how cute and puppy like the smaller blue haired girl looked.
"You came here for something." Natsume looked up at her. Her face showed realization as she bent down in front of both Natsume and a confused Yue who was still in the same sat up position. She put the box directly in front of them and bent her knees to sit on her legs, smiling widely.
"I had a lot of fun with everyone. I had fun, Got upset, did my best, and laughed....today was such a wonderful day, so....thank you!" She smiled gratefully and got up, -Yue smiling back at her and Natsume still in his stoic face-, turned around and jogged back to town.
"Why would I want something like this....." Natsume mumbled as he stared down the present before Yue gave him a light elbow smack on the side and proceeded to lightly sit up more, grabbing the box and shifting back to his side, leaning against the tree again. She softly patted it in thanks before placing it on her lap, gently opening it with Natsume's eyes on not leaving the box.
"It's Howalon..!" Yue's eyes gleamed at the sweet, a very grateful smile on her lips at the thought of Mikan thinking of them. She ate one, munching on it slowly and mewing softly at how delicious it tasted after a while. She could never get tired of sweets.
"Here's yours Natsume." She grabbed the last Howalon that was inside the box between her index and thumb, raising it towards the silent boy. He stared at the candy. She sighed. Then blinked when she thought in amusement of a small joke. He raised an eyebrow when he saw her slowly put half of the Howalon in her mouth, the other side sticking out, She pointed to the candy, then at him, and then made a 'come' motion with her finger.
His eyes suddenly flickered with a vague feeling Yue wasn't sure of and he almost immediately drew closer, his close face right in front of hers as she blinked in surprise when his lips grabbed the candy and bit it, the soft texture of skin touching her own lips before he slowly, almost arrogantly leaning back rather comfortably on the tree, his tongue licking off the sweetness from his lips as he raised his thumb, cleaned an edge and licked it off, then letting out a smirk when he glanced at a frozen slightly wide-eyed Yue.
"Your right. Sweets are addictive." His eyes flickered to her slightly agape mouth for a second, before raising it back to her azure eyes. She blinked rapidly. And the realization of what just happened slammed her in her chest and face. Her pale face was now filled with a light pink all over, her eyes now had small nervous unshed tears ,-which in Natsume's mind just made her look more cuter and gullible-, her heart was beating rather loud against her pink ears.
"S-sweets are....addictive I guess..." She mumbled to herself while turning her face away from the amused half smirk of Natsume whose head only leaned unconsciously more to see her expression that was hidden by her sky colored hair.
"Let's go, they might be waiting for us." She suddenly stood up, calmly turning to Natsume and holding out her hand. He took it in his larger one and stood up, being led by a lightly jogging Yue, his expression strangely smug. Of course it would be, seeing her act so calm and natural with a pink cheeks and ears made it rather cute at how she was stubbornly trying to act like nothing happened. The warm sunlight against her made her sigh in relief, hoping that her nerves would calm down.
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