《Zero Gravity / 無重力(Gakuen Alice)》【Chapter 6】Dodgeball? Ooo some action!
Natsume narrowed his dark red eyes, Ruka flinched and kept his face stern, Yue blinked and tilted her head. Mikan had just invited Ruka to see the older shadow sempai, and when Ruka rejected, Mikan brightly turned her head towards a blinking Yue, her small smile still on yet her sea aqua eyes showed confusement.
"Yue-chan! You wanna visit Tsubasa-sempai??" Mikan brightly exclaimed with a wide smile and excited brown eyes.
"Ah am sorry Mikan but not today. Maybe some other time?" Yue softly smiled with an apologetic tone at a disappointed pouting Mikan. Mikan nodded slowly with a pout and turned around, resuming her talk with her friends that whispered and stole some glances towards a calm Yue who was petting her lazy bunny that was on her shoulder cleaning her furry face with her paws, but the girls abruptly stopped when Natsume glared at them.
"Ruka, did you tell her anything?" Ruka's eyes widened before turning his head back to the front, his rabbit in front of his desk. "Not really." Yue patted her bunny that was on her shoulder with a tap on top of the furry head. Ruka glanced back and let a small smile out when he noticed Yue and her bunny were now having a staring contest, both too stubborn to lose such a battle.
"You may have won the battle, but you haven't won the war." Yue calmly stated while blinking past tears that formed in her very dry eyes as the bunny twitched with what looked like cheery laughter at its win. Natsume turned around to face the bluenette and raised an amused eyebrow that didn't go unnoticed by a laughing Ruka.
"They were having a staring 'battle'." He put tone emphasis on the word 'battle.' Natsume snorted lowly and shook his head, very amused at the actions of this random cotton-candy blue haired girl.
"Let's go." Natsume stated out of the blue. Maybe not so out of the blue but Yue wasn't really tuned in when he was talking with Mochiage.
"Isn't Narumi's class next though?" Yue's hand was taken softly and gripped by a stoic face Natsume as he walked out of the table, her body following his lead due to his grip on her hand, Ruka following right behind with his rabbit in his arms, and Mochiage following after them as two other boys followed suit after. "Exactly." The ebony fire caster sparred her a glance when she put a small fist against her chuckling closed lips.
"I should have guessed." She smiled softly and shook her head lightly, the swift silk hair moving with each motion. The boys from behind stayed silent and hoped that the glance full of awe and slight blush wasn't caught by the ebony haired boy.
"Natsume, you were just punished the other day. If you skip class again, you'll be....." Ruka started low, next to Yue who then raised her head to a still stoic face.
"Then, why don't you stay behind?" Yue noticed how his hand tightened slightly around hers and his eyes narrowed.
"Natsume..." Ruka stared at Natsume with a worried expression. Yue had a vague idea of what was actually irritating him, but stayed silent with a soft calm look as her eyes glanced up to his, catching the anger in them.
"It really pisses me off to be in that classroom, ever since she came." He stated and was about to walk ahead in anger before a tug and squeeze from Yue's small hand made his irritation disappear almost immediately as he turned his head to the side, her light smile and gentle pat on the arm made him huff in anger deep in his throat. Yue chuckled softly and they walked with a calmer aura around the group, even the three boys that followed were influenced and felt slightly stunned at how much of an affect this mature bluenette has.
Dodgeball Game!! Was written very clearly on the green board in white Japanese letters. Yue smiled in amusement at the plan Mikan might have behind this game. Natsume's legs were up on the table and he was reading a book while Ruka had his rabbit in his lap, Yue's bunny taunting the rabbit by sticking her tongue out at the pouting rabbit, causing Yue and Ruka to chuckle, Natsume flipping a page on his manga.
"And so..! Let's all play a dodgeball game!" Mikan loudly said, standing in front of the classroom with a brown dodgeball in her hands and the familiar class president next to her. And in seconds the classroom was filled with rejection, others groaning loudly, others stated their opinions such as
"Eehhh Dodgeball?"
"Sounds dumb"
"What is she talking about?"
"What a stupid idea!"
Yue scratched her bunny on the head with her small finger, smiling at how cute her bunny looked with her furry white head tilted towards her finger. Natsume smirked at how cute Yue looked but composed his face into his usual stoic one when he heard Mikan yell. Ruka was petting his rabbit and cast an amused glance at Yue before glancing back to the front.
"Don't you guys know how awesome Dodgeball is!?" She ranted on passionately explaining whatever it was that she was saying. Yue had a palm over her mouth, muffling her laughter as her shoulders shook with unheard laughter. Natsume raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with Ruka who looked just as confused yet slightly amused as himself. Yue was what one would call an easily-amused person. Though she thinks the two boys might have noticed by now.
And an all-out war broke out when Mikan calmly, -Yue could definitely see those anger tics on her forehead-, stated that they were scared to get beaten by her. Some boys and Mochiage was enraged and accepted with some conditions just as Mikan added her own condition. Honestly. Yue could care less why they were fighting and what was going on. She just wanted to play this interesting game! Seeing as how she's never played sports in her life due to her condition, just one won't hurt.
Natsume could already tell from the slight happiness that almost radiated out of Yue's calm ocean eyes that she wanted to play this game. And he was absolutely reluctance to let her play.
"Natsume-san?" Mochiage cut off Natsume's thoughts as the telekinesis boy turned back for Natsume's order. Natsume glanced to the side to see Yue smiling and her eyes filled with very rare excitement. He sighed.
"That's fine by me. But this is the ball we'll be using." He grabbed a faded blue ball as it landed in his palm, his slanted dark red eyes now on his manga in front of him. He swiftly threw the ball to the confused girl in the front that caught it and stared with some confusion.
Oh my! Yue's eyes slightly widened when they realized what the ball was. Before a sudden tired yawn escaped her as she mewed out silently, then shaking her head lazily, her blue hair swiftly moving with each turn, then came back down to its original position when she stopped and did a repetition of opening and closing her small mouth sleepily, her head drooping down while she stared dreamily at the wonderful brown desk. Did she just think that? Oh my! She must seriously have some sleep bent up if she's starting to think that desks looks quite brown....
While Yue was in this motion, Ruka was muffling his laughter behind his bunny, his head bent down and his shoulders shaking slightly. Natsume glanced at Yue before he coughed in his throat, narrowing his eyes at the open comic book in front of him for almost losing his composure.
"The game will be tomorrow. We'll have eight players. Got it?" He didn't move from his position. And Mikan accepted with confidence. When Yuu finally brought her outside to tell her the details of this 'oh so magical ball', Natsume turned his head to the side fully to face a now sleeping Yue that had her head drooped down, her blue soft hair hiding her face but the soft breathing passing her lips and the relaxed intakes and outtakes of her body let them know she was either starting to fall asleep, or already sleeping.
The kids in class cast amused glances at Yue who jumped softly, -goodness lord, even when she jumps in shock it looks cute-, in her seat when Natsume poked her on check. She had jumped up and some kids even cooed out loud at how familiar it looked to a puppy being woken up and getting surprised. Natsume ignored them while Ruka smiled slightly staring at a dazed blinking Yue, her hair still in place but the daze blank look directly told anyone that took a glance at her that she had just woken up.
"......So that giant chocolate cupcake wasn't real? Damn." She sighed and whispered the last word to herself, though Natsume and Ruka clearly heard, Ruka putting a hand over his face with Natsume and his amused stare.
"Even in dreams, it's sweets." Ruka told Natsume who nodded with a small smirk, both satisfied when the daze look left her face and a small pout took her lips.
"Hey it was going to eat me but I stabbed it with a long spoon, and then delicious caramel came zooning out." She blinked, her mouth still in pout mode yet her thoughts filled with the sweets
Both boys snorted lowly in their throat. "I can proudly say I make a fine mighty soldier." She chuckled lightly when Ruka chuckled at her and Natsume shook his head amused, his eyes softer than before. And the classroom was already used to the three being in their own world, giving up long time ago to try and intervene in their relationship. They were in their own conversations, the loudness and noise filling up the room, it was better that way since nobody could now hear their conversations, and it was almost silent to everyone in the class.
"Eh? Bunny?" Yue tilted her head in confusion. It was the middle of the night and Yue was in her room with the lights on, staring out through her long window to see her bunny wave at her to come down. She narrowed her eyes with another head tilt, even more in confusion before turning around, walking out of the dorm to the front green parts where her bunny was supposed to be. But instead she found the lil animal in a caged box, Hotaru holding the box, a nervous Yuu standing next to her, a smiling nervously Mikan and an angry Ruka with crossed arms, looking away.
"May I have my bunny back now? She doesn't look very comfortable in the cage." Yue smiled softly. Hotaru stared for a few seconds before nodding with a very, very tiny smile and opened the cage, the white bunny rapidly hopping to a chuckling Yue's shoulder then snuggling into it.
Yue glanced at Ruka with an amused raised eyebrow, but chuckled when he mumbled out "Threat" with light pink cheeks. Ah now she knew what was going on!.
"Yue-chan!! Am sorry but I really need you in my team I-"
"You could have just asked Mikan. I don't mind." Yue interrupted the rant with a small smile. Mikan's, Yuu's, and even Hotaru's eyes slightly widened when they heard the soft-spoken girl accept rather easily. Ruka sighed, making heads turn to him.
"Yue has never played a sport before, that's why she accepted. It's not for you or anything!" He stated then turned his head away, a sulky look forming.
The heads turned back to Yue in shock, -Hotaru's more calmly though-. "You have never played sports before Yue-chan!? Ehh why!!" Mikan yelled in much curiosity, wondering many things before being smacked on the head by a stoic Hotaru who had a toy machine gun in her hand.
"You're being too nosy. You're in right?" She told a pouting Mikan who rubbed her head at first, then glanced at a softly smiling Yue whose bunny was now sprawled out lazily on her shoulder.
"what's the meaning of this?"
"Why is Ruka-kun and Yue-san on the other team?" Natsume had his eyes narrowed at the seven people in front of him, mostly Mikan. Yue was close-eye smiling while waving softly with one of her hands, her bunny still clutching tightly to her cardigan shoulder. Ruka was turned away full of shame with his rabbit in his arms.
"Ruka you.....Yue what are you doing....." Natsume mumbled out, Ruka turned around and firmly stated that this doesn't mean he was on their team, Mikan clearly disappointed.
"Natsume, let's have fun?" Yue tilted her head to the side, her eye-smile clearly making the other team gulp in nervousness and Natsume sigh deep in his throat. The opposite team were nervous, seeing as how the Yue was on the other team. If they hurt her with even just one scratch, Natsume would have their heads burning.......how would they be able to win if they couldn't throw the ball at her?!
The fire caster gave the bluenette a glare, she smiled and nodded slightly, knowing that he meant for her to be careful and not extent the capacity of her strength. Yue lightly jogged to the back, right in front of Ruka but more to the side and turned her head around, giving Ruka a reassuring smile since he had given her a worried look. He sighed long but nodded, making Yue chuckle softly and turn around just as Natsume glanced at her but got in his position, the others following suit.
Mr. Bear appeared since they didn't have enough people, very bluntly glanced at Mikan, -after giving her a glint in his eyes which Yue found quite amusing-, and tightly hugged the chuckling Yue that patted his furry head.
"Gambatte nee, Bear?" Yue smiled softly as Mr. Bear nodded and detached himself from her slowly, then walking into position right next to her.
"Mr. Bear?! That's against the rules!" A boy yelled from the other team before flinching when Yue turned her head swiftly his way, then sending a small smile before Mikan yelled back that they never said the players had to be from class B.
Yue chuckled with a fist over her closed smiling mouth. She knew Mikan had some common sense beneath all that.....Mikanness.
"Let's start." Natsume interrupted the rants in-between Mikan and Mochiage, both of them stiffening and preparing themselves for when the beep rang. One by one from each team were out, even Mr. Bear who was out by moving Yue aside, -Natsume sending death glares to the apologetic scared Mochiage that accidentally sent the ball towards Yue-, and a sighing Ruka who was out by pushing Mikan out of the way because of the way she had said he had played because he was worried about them, a good guy after all, -Mochiage white as a sheet and hoping the stiffed Natsume wouldn't grill him alive-.
And now it was the afternoon, and both teams had two people, a nervous Mikan and a calm smiling Yue were in front of an indecisive scared Mochiage and a silent Natsume who stared hard in front of him.
Yue chuckled lightly when she noticed Hotaru was at the sides where the other students that were out were standing, even though she clearly was still in. 'Tired' she stated.
"Yue-chan, thanks for playing with us even though you have never played before." Mikan smiled gratefully at a small smiling Yue.
"It's ok Mikan, it was fun after all." She close-eye smiled. "Stop getting distracted!" Mochiage's aim was close as it smacked Mikan with almost no strength on the leg since he was close to her, Mikan wincing and yelling at him. Yue blinked when she came to the realization that she was alone, -if Hotaru weren't 'tired'-.
"Oh no what do I do...." Mochiage mumbled, his eyes slightly widened when Yue calmly bent down and grabbed the faded blue ball with her tiny hands, bending back up and tilting her head to the side while glancing at a calm Natsume and a stuttering Mochiage.
"So I just throw it ri-Ng!" Her blue hair swiftly flew down with her when she took a step but slipped and softly landed on the ground with a very silent 'thud', her butt on the floor as she blinked in surprise. Natsume's eyes widened a tad before he sighed and shook his head in slight relief, knowing she didn't get hurt with only a slip.
Mochiage had taken a step forwards to help while he gasped in shock but only to be out when Yue saw she had a chance, calmly throwing the ball as it hit the stunned widened eyed and gaping boy who was frozen confused with what just happened. There was a seconds silence before the kids on her team were cheering, the opposite team gaping in shock at what just happened.
The beep signaled and Mochiage was out, Yue giving him an apologetic small smile as she slowly got up, dusting her long skirt off. He rapidly shook his head with raised hands, saying it was alright and for her not to worry.
Natsume's eyes slightly glared at the interaction before softening when Yue turned her head back towards him.
"So it's only you and me now huh...." She tilted her head to the side, Natsume's eyes staring through her every calm feature..
"Did you have fun......" A shadow covered his eyes as she smiled softly. "I did! It was fun Natsume. But the real question is did you have fun?" Her soft eyes looked through his slanted confused ones. She calmly walked in front of where was, to the line where it separated them both. Her head raised to meet his as she stood directly one ½ foot in front of him, the ball in her lean hands.
"Mikan had planned all of this just so you could loosen up and have fun Natsume." He stayed silent, absorbing Yue's soft words. Her small lips curled up into a close mouth smile.
"Give her a chance." Yue finally let out the words she had been wanting to say ever since few days ago. With a small smile, she gently threw the ball to a still Silent Natsume who caught it with ease.
"Just like you gave me." His eyes that were on the ground in thought suddenly glanced up to hers and walked forward, the ball in his hands.
"I didn't give you a chance" He mumbled lowly, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her in just as she felt a soft tap on her head.
"I accepted you....long before you knew." He ended it as a low mumble, having trouble saying some of his inner feelings or thoughts aloud. Yue opened her mouth to say something, but closed it slowly forming into a very small grateful smile.
The beep brought them out of their thoughts, Yue blinking out of her daze and Natsume naturally pulling off of her, the ball now falling and bouncing slightly on the dirt ground next to them.
Natsume had walked off briskly, a knowing-smiling Ruka following after him with his rabbit in his arms. The other team cheering for winning while Mikan's team was whining or talking in between at how fun it was.
"Yue-chan!" Mikan interrupted Yue's staring off into space, making her turn her head around calmly, coming into view of a smiling brightly Mikan, an amused Hotaru and some of the pigtails other friends.
"Even if we lost its ok! That was fun wasn't it! I really wanted to tell Natsume something though...." She pouted with slightly narrowed eyes. Yue chuckled lightly and shook her head a bit.
"You don't need to worry Mikan, I told him about your plans. He seemed quite surprised despite his silent demean." Mikan's pout turned into a wide smile, nodding and thanking Yue, telling her how she hoped that Natsume had fun.
"He did. Trust me." Yue eye-smiled with a tilt of her head, the yellowish orangey sun rays reflecting in her soft flowy hair that swiftly waved with the slow wind. Mikan had nodded brightly, her eyes very fascinated by how Yue looked like in the delating sunlight. She bowed a bit with her head to the kids in front of her and calmly turned away, gracefully jogging to where she knew Natsume and Ruka were.
"That was some mighty action display we had." Yue chuckled lightly, surprising a drinking-water Natsume that choked a bit on the cool liquid, her footsteps had been very silent and graceful as always. Ruka turned his head to her with a slight smile.
- In Serial20 Chapters
The Accidental Archmage - BOOK 9 (THE DRAGON HOUSES)
The Accidental Archmage Series (BETA CHAPTERS) NOTE: DRAFTS OF EARLIER BOOKS (BOOKS 1 to 8) HAVE BEEN POSTED BEFORE ON RRL. THEY ARE NOW ON AMAZON AND HAD ATTAINED BESTSELLER STATUS IN THE FANTASY-MYTHOLOGY GENRE. ACTUALLY, MANY RRL STORIES PUBLISHED ON AMAZON HAVE GONE ON TO BECOME BESTSELLERS AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER. HOWEVER, AMAZON KDP RULES REQUIRE THAT MOST OF THE DIGITAL CONTENT AVAILABLE ELSEWHERE BE REMOVED. GENRE: CLASSICAL EPIC FANTASY An epic mythological fantasy in another world. Immerse yourself in a grand and dangerous adventure. In a world both familiar and strange. A world where magic and gods still exist. Meet deities, beings, and exiles from Earth’s pantheons. Encounter warriors, huskarls, satyrs, hoplites, dark and evil mages, and strange beings from myths of pre-history up to the age of iron.Match wits with the likes of Loki, Zeus, Athena, Odin, Amun-Ra, Coniraya, Viracocha, and even Dionysus. Escape plots and schemes played by powerful gods of life and death.Find the truth behind the dark and otherworldly beings from the Lovecraft mythos.Play with dire wolves, drakontes, lamias, keres, amphisbaenae, a sphinx, ice giants, creatures of nightmares, empusas, gigas, minotaurs, vrykolakas, jotnar, dokkalfr, to name a few.Survive being in the middle of wars between civilizations and races. Suffer the arrogance and stupidity of gods and men alike. Cross paths with beings who don’t like you. Thor, Ares, and the Incan death god Supay, to name three.Be burdened with a quest to save yourself and your humanity in the brutal and primordial world of Adar.A world where scientific pursuit will get you a lightning bolt or two. Probably five. All at the same time. Book Nine - THE DRAGON HOUSES His beloved Eira rescued, the rogue Titans have been defeated, and Tartarus sealed. Yet as the rising Archmage tries to escape the Forbidden Isle, events have been set in motion that would embroil him once again in the tides of war engulfing Adar. Escaped Titans, a rising power in the South, vengeful adherents of the Elder Gods, and more have him in mind. Least of all, a far from defeated Loki. New players have come to the fore, each with their own purpose in mind. The lustful drive for power, the search for a release of one's soul, and the companions' storied pasts all come to drive the world deeper and further into chaos. Add a powerful demon determined to open a portal to its own dimension. It's enough to drive a mortal man mad. (Cover image used under license) Book Eight - WHERE TITANS WALK Now in the land of the damned below the underworld domain of Hades, Eira awaits the company and battle portends. But first, they have to find the fortress of the Titans. Above them, Loki's war is going well as the internecine war among the pantheons continues. An old foe rises in the south, more powerful than ever. Astrid finds herself the subject of a wife's rage and the murky past of the companions now comes back to haunt them. Yet amidst it all, a dying Elder won't wait as plots and new players bedevil Havard Ulriksson, formerly Tyler West of Earth, now the Archmage of his adopted world. Cover Image used under license from shutterstock.com. Alterations by the writer. Book Seven - DRAGONS AND DEMONS https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08122Y739 An urgent rescue and the path to vengeance are not easy in a magical, myth-filled world. Nasty roadblocks and unexpected complications have a way of rearing their wicked heads along Tyler's route across the dwarven lands and into the infernal realm of Tartarus. More myths and legends cross the First Mage's path as Loki's war and Asag's emergence stir up mortal lands and magical domains. Cover Image used under license from shutterstock.com. Alterations by the writer. Book Six - TARTARUS BECKONS Gifts, curses, and problems. The unfolding of Loki's mad and complicated scheme results in a war between and among pantheons, empires, and kingdoms. From Ymir's Domain down to the far south, conflict engulfs Tyler's world and the magical gate to Tartarus is starting to break open, threatening to add mad Titans and other powerful beings to the chaotic mix. And on the forbidden isle of Banna, a dying enemy awaits. (Note: NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON) Book Five - LOKI'S GAMBIT With the promise of the First Mage not to act against him, Loki now accelerates his plans. A plot millennia in the making, spanning the length and breadth of Adar. Like a spider spinning its web, the trickster god now puts the finishing touches on an audacious scheme. A revolution to change the balance of godly and mortal power in the world. Book Four - VOID LANDS The Void Lands. A place where gods fear to tread. Where strange creatures and hostile beings emerge. A nexus of dimensions, the origins of which are lost in the mists of time. To stop the Aztecha Empire’s march to power and domination of the eastern lands, Tyler West, now a High Mage, must confront and defeat the empire’s mysterious patrons. Beings of incredible might and magical knowledge. An imperative path which leads him right to the Void Lands. Though a few detours are required, each dangerous yet crucial. The only problem is that the Void Lands are on the other side of the continent. And to get there, he may have to ask a favor from the Trickster God himself, the Norse deity known as Loki. Book Three - BLOOD WARS Continuing our lost mage's epic journey through the magical and extremely dangerous world of Adar. Escaping the convoluted schemes of the Greek pantheon, Tyler finds himself with an old acquaintance, the Incan deity Viracocha. His son, the sun god Inti, is dead. With the Aztecah Empire and its powerful pantheon of deities on the bloody road to more conquests, the deity asks for his help. A request he could easily refuse. Except Viracocha is not alone is asking for his aid. Two other pantheons have made their presence known to the young mage. And the Egyptian deities are watching how he will decide the matter. To add to his burdened conscience, the rise and dominance of the Aztecah pantheon would mean a million or more new human sacrifices. Resulting in extremely overpowered bloodthirsty deities. What's a newly minted Elder apprentice mage to do? Involve himself in a blood war? Book Two - GIFTS OF THE GREEKS Tyler's journey continues. New land, misadventures, friends, foes, skills, and knowledge. Confused encounters of the female kind. More deities become aware of Tyler as he continues his quest to survive, reach his potential, and carry out his burden. Amid convoluted plans designed by divine acquaintances of old and newly met gods, what's an ordinary guy from Earth to do?The god of wine wants to be his friend. Ares and his sons are coming to say hello. Book One - RAGNAROK RISING What if you fell through a crack in reality? Like those people disappearing in plain sight you've read about. What if you find yourself in a strangely familiar world? A world full of Earth’s mythological beings, lost civilizations, and people from its primitive and brutal past? Where magical energy still exists. Where gods play games among themselves, with the fate of mortal men as pawns. A land where a sword is deadlier than a five-inch thick contract drawn by a hotshot lawyer. Would you survive? That's Tyler West. Alone, lost and bewildered, the three moons in the sky made it clear he wasn’t on Earth anymore. It’s not a game. It’s real. And there's no coffee, pizza, fries, or his favorite show on HBO. *** All Rights Reserved. 2017/2018/2019/2020. Cover Images are used under license.
8 141 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Evil God is forced to become a Sidekick?
Fauros, one of the trillions of gods that inhabited the cosmos, and the only one that almost managed to reach true omnipotence, was cornered and betrayed by everyone he once considered an ally, his greed, and thirst for power made even the most vicious of gods to become part of the alliance to exterminate him. In every meaning, the entire cosmos united in order to stop him from reaching ultimate power, and unfortunately for Fauros, they succeeded.Fauros felt his own body crumbling apart as his existence dissipated into cosmic dust. However, right as he was about to disappear for once and for all, the voice of something or someone called out to him and bound a strange rule on his shattered soul [Your soul shall be of use for me... Not every day do you find a disappearing almost-omnipotent god ready to serve you] "Who's gonna serve you motherfucker? Come here and I will rip out your **** before then I ***** into your disgusting *****" ... Fauros wasn't exactly very well mannered... ... [Look at your tongue, even on the verge of disappearing you keep badmouthing everything in existence... -*Sigh*- Either way, I will now send you towards your new mission] "What new mission you fuck, give me my body back so that I can kick that ugly face of yours" [Make sure to make lots of good friends down there!] "Hah?" Thus, the evil god that once desired to control everything in existence was sent like that towards a very small planet in the middle of nowhere so that he could become... ... ...The sidekick of a Gary Stu in real life... °°°°°° The MC will be the Evil God by the way, just in case someone got confused. Just had this idea, just testing how does it look for now... Maybe I will continue it if I like it.I will also add more tags when I'm done planning completely the novel.
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Rewrite: an ability to alter a physical phenomena as long as the person using it is in contact with the object…..She needs no saving.She needs no man.Betrayed, Lena Hugh died with nothing but revenge in mind. She was the ruler, the sovereign, yet she was killed by her own stupidity. How ironic.Waking up two thousand years after her death only meant one thing.She was given a second chance.But this world was no longer the world that she knew. The magic that she was used to was now forgotten, buried and replaced with technology designed to alter physical phenomena of an object while limiting individuals’ abilities.Now in a new body with a new name, ability and appearance, Lena will traverse the world of magic with nothing but her wits and innate talent.And nothing will stop Lena from reclaiming her title as The Sovereign. ..... Updates: Daily >>Newbie Writer
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The Exile's Return
Narrowly escaping a vicious assault on his family by powerful nobles, Canu is exiled to the lawless wastelands of the south. Having lost his memory to the assault, Canu grows to become a leader of ruthless vigilantes in the region of Terragar. Years later, his paths drastically change when an ominous sojourner, claiming to be his father, informs Canu of his ancestral right to a northern lordship on the other side of the Cyrian Sea. Canu gathers unique companions to accompany him as they journey across the realm to claim his lands back and exact bitter vengeance.
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Welcome To Demon School! Ryūko-chan & Iruma-kun [Volume I]
Suzuki Iruma and Ryūko, human (though Ryūko maybe half-demon), 14, one day found themselves taken against their will into the world of demons. To add to their predicament, their doting owner and self-appointed "Grandpa" is the chair-demon at their new school. In order to survive, Iruma and Ryūko must deal with two haughty students who challenges them to a duel, a girl with adjustment issues, and so many more scary beings! Can this duo of an ultimate pacifist and a cold fighter dodge and fight the slings and arrows that are flung their way? As they struggles frantically, Iruma and Ryūko's innate kindness begins to win over enemies. DISCLAIMER: Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-kun (C) is created by Osana Nishi. The following characters, excluding Suzuki Ryūko and Félin Lavande, belong to Osana-chan. I have no rights to claim any canon characters of the anime as my own as it it considered plagerising. Also, big thanks to PikaBlaze (DeviantArt) for being the reason I started this story as I was astounded by their story, causing me to try and use my characters in the story.
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Georgie Snow ( Archie Andrews )
After a traumatic event turned the Snow family upside down and they left Riverdale. Georgie and Archie were each others first love, after she left he was broken. But what happens when she comes back will their love stand the tests of Riverdale or will it tear them apart. ••• I own none of the characters from This story apart from the snow family •••This story is loosely based on the plots from Riverdale but some of the storylines are my own.Rated #3 in Archie
8 119