《Zero Gravity / 無重力(Gakuen Alice)》【Chapter 1】New Student
"That's all for the blood tests! Everything seems to be fine now, you can go to class." The infirmary doctor said while smiling in relief. The small girl that sat on one of the long white medical beds smiled slightly with a tiny nod. "Thank you." She tipped her head to the side a bit, her tiny smile widening by an inch.
The soft silky blue strands moving in motion with her tilt. "Please be careful Yue-chan. I dont want a specific fire caster to have my head." The doc sighed with a wave of a hand. Said 'Yue' person chuckled lightly at the implied hint the doctor made. She swiftly jumped down, almost no audible sound coming from her soft brown boots as she landed gracefully, her long comfy skirt swaying in place, then she pulled down her cardigan sleeve, now stopping right at her knuckles.
The doctor stared in awe at such a calming aura and graceful movements, for such a young girl it was strange and very mature like yet mysterious. "Don't worry, he's a very nice boy." Yue let a soft chuckle out while walking out the infirmary before bowing at the door, then closing it, missing the grunt that the doctor let out.
"That's what you say because he's only like that to you and that Ruka boy." He sighed with a slight smile, turning around to continue his research.
"Yue what are you doing here?" A very feminine blonde male sighed with a hand over his face, walking into the room before plopping in front of a closemouthed smiling-very-mischievously-Yue who was sitting with her calm posture on the red cough that was in front of where the blonde man was sitting, now staring with a raised eyebrow.
"Mug Cake?" She offered with a tilt of her head and a soft smile, raising a very delicious looking chocolate caramel mix mug cake in one small hand, the other on her lap with another mug cake, only this one was half-eaten, a long silver spoon resting in the cup.
The man sighed with a giving-up smile and nodded, reaching out and grabbing it from the holder, thanking her as she smiled in return.
"I still don't know how you always appear here with sweets. And they're always different too- THIS IS DELICIOUS~!" He sang with stars in his purple orbs, digging in more 'passionately' this time. She chuckled and ate a spoon-full, "We all have our secrets Narumi-sensei. Mine just involves using the door and a very good cooking friend." She smiled when he chuckled at her answer. "Oh? And does this friend of yours have pink hair and is in my class perhaps?"
"Maybe" She grinned when his smile turned confused. "Maybe not." She shrugged. "She has curly pink hair." He laughed out loud at the realization before shaking his head. He placed the finished cup on the table in-between. "So what's the real reason you're here? I have a feeling its not just to-"
"Yue!" They both turned their heads towards the now-banged-open-door, Narumi a bit faster than Yue while she took her time turning her head.
"Narumi you bastard what the hell are you doing to Yue!?" Natsume yelled in anger, his red eyes narrowed and a fist of fire over his palms.
Narumi stood up with a sweatdrop and a grin. "Not even a hello to your lovely sensei, Natsume-kun~?" He sang before dodging a fireball rapidly to the side.
"Natsume!" Yue gleamed her voice radiating how delighted she was to see him, her eyes filled with happiness and a soft smile on her tiny lips at seeing him so early in the day.
They both froze abruptly as she randomly took out a similar mug cake from behind her, trudging with soft almost inaudible steps towards the now confused Natsume as he kept his face stoic with eyes slightly narrowed.
She stopped a foot in front of him, raising her head slightly, to clearly see him before smiling a tiny grin, raising the yummy soft munchy mug cake to him. He raised an eyebrow almost not-seeable but glanced back at her.
"Mug cake?" She tilted her head to the side, her heart-warming smile and joyful calm eyes stared up at the sighing angry face of a now-calmed down Natsume as he glared at a flinching Narumi.
"Dont come near that hentai oyaji." He stated, grabbing her free-of-mugcake hand and swiftly walking away from the room, ignoring the yelling voice of a desperate Narumi that stated he wasn't a hentai or an oyaji.
"Soo.....no mug-cake?" She let a small pout form on her lips, knowing full well Natsume was listening.
They walked through the halls now in a calmer pace, their hands still holding. "Give me that." He abruptly turned around just as she halted, a giggle and a small smile from her calm face made him relax almost instantly as his eyes grew softer.
She gave him the mug cake and leaned on the wall, next to wear Natsume was leaning against. Her head was turned towards him, watching him calmly eat the warm mug-cake, his face still poker yet his eyes seemed differently.
"......It's good." She smiled as the comment left his mouth, finishing the last spoon of sweetness. He turned towards her, handing her back the now empty mug with the long spoon.
"Right? Ruka's is already saved for later but I had a feeling we might run into each other soon so I had it prepare."
Her close eye smiled, tilting her head, her azure hair framing her face neatly. Natsume's lips curled up a bit into what was an unusual small smile. His eyes suddenly darkened and his face stiffened. Yue opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow in question.
"Did you go to the infirmary again? Is that why you're up so early?" She stayed silent, staring calmly into Natsume's now worried hard expression. When her gaze flicked down, he closed his eyes tightly and abruptly brought her into a hug, his arms around her smaller body, as her hands were already on his back, smoothing it with comfort.
His head was in-between her neck and shoulder, eyes tightly narrowed at the ground. "Natsume am alright though! The doc said that everything's fine, theres nothing to worry about, nee?" She assured him with a last pat on his back before softly pulling away, staring up at his slightly relieved face.
"Let's go to class?" She tilted her head with a small smile. He stared silently before coughing abruptly, making her raise a curious eyebrow when he glanced away.
"Natsume.....you and Ruka aren't planning anything......right?" She sighed softly when he didn't answer and just brought him into another hug, one which he gladly followed suit and hugged back.
She pulled back and stood in front of him, his gaze was already on the plan. "Be back soon." She smiled as he smirked back. "Obviously. As if we would leave without you." He stated while turning around, giving one last glance at a smiling softly Yue, then rapidly sprinting away.
Yue sighed and shook her head. She already knew where that was going. After all, her dream had accidentally revealed a future vision. She was already waiting in Narumi's room, but it seems she mistook the time and was a bit too early for their new student arrival. Hm. Oh well! She would just have to change that now.
"Yue-chaan, why are you here again?! Natsume-kun's going to try to kill me again!" Narumi wailed with anime tears as Yue smiled and chuckled, sitting down across the couch from where Natsume was soon going to be laying on.
"Narumi-sensei don,'t you have to be somewhere?" She hinted with a raised eyebrow as he stared with slightly narrowed confused features before his eyes widened as he sprang out the door like a rocket.
Yue put a small fist over her curling mouth that almost- almost burst out laughing. She sat calmly with a relaxed posture on the couch, her head turned to the side towards the window before she slowly got up, walked to the large glass and leaned against it, her hand trailing over the warm glass as the sun's rays shined on her pale skin. The weather was great, even though the events that followed weren't going to be such a blast.
She raised both eyebrows in amusement as a chuckle escaped her light lips, "This will be fun." She smiled softly, staring out at the view, trying to listen to the calm silence that rang in her ears.
Narumi entered the room with two new editions, a fainted Natsume on his shoulder and a girl with chestnut brown pigtails and brown wide very fascinated yet confused eyes as she entered the room and stared around.
Her glancing abrutply stopped when her wide eyes widened even more as she stared at the small fragile-like-body leaning against the window, the light rays making her seem almost angelic and ghostly.
When her azure calm eyes flickered to the people in the room, she sighed when she saw Narumi placing an unconscious Natsume on the red-orangey couch. She sparred a small smile of welcome to the still-staring-in-awe-at-her girl in pigtails, yet her eyes hid a sense of sadness for the naive girl.
Narumi glanced at the pigtailed girl that wouldn't take her large brown eyes off of his rare student, then at Yue as she gracefully sat on the red couch right next to Natsume, softly holding him and placing his head on her small soft lap as he relaxed in his unconscious state of mind, the familiar scent of fresh sweets and flowers were enough to make it know that she was there.
"Yue-chan, this is Mikan Sakura-chan. Mikan-chan, this is Yue Yukishiro. She has an alice as well." Narumi smiled brightly at the rapidly blinking of Mikan.
Yue close eye smiled slightly while softly touching Natsume's hair with her small hands.
"Ehh!?!? You mean she's a student!? But she's so pretty and doesn't look earthly!!" She exclaimed while pointing at a chuckling lightly Yue who brought her amused glance towards Narumi who only smiled brightly and nervously waved it off with a hand.
"Thank you Mikan, but am really not as pretty as you may see." Yue chuckled once more as Mikan nodded rapidly with a small blush.
Yue tuned out almost immediately when Narumi started talking, focusing her gaze down onto a relaxed Natsume as her fingers softly touched his hair, petting it then moving it or fixing his now messy hair, no thanks to her curious fingers.
"Alright Yue?" She flinched slightly but calmly looked up to meet the raised eyebrow of a smiling Narumi.
"You weren't listening were you?" He sighed long when she chuckled softly and stuck her tongue out, her eye-smile was down as her shoulders heighten.
Mikan muttered a dazed "Kiree...", making Yue shake her head with a small smile on her features.
"Mikan-chan will tell you the details, Adieu~" He waved and walked out the door, Mikan raising a goodbye hand. Yue smiled while staring at the pig-tailed girl that was suddenly fidgeting nervously.
"Um I want to enroll here so I can be with my best friend!" She yelled with a suddenly bright smile that made Yue flinch slightly before blinking twice, then breaking into a loud and abrupt chuckle.
"Though I don't know anything about these Alice's or the school." She mumbled with a complex face. Yue calmly listened to Mikan rant about why she came, what happened outside, who she lived with before coming here, and that she might have an Alice but doesn't know if it's safe to stay at this school for her friend.
Of course Yue already knew all of that information, after all her dreams consist of the future and past, as hard and weird it may sound. When Yue saw Mikan had taken a break, she offered her a small smile and a tilt of the head.
"Don't worry Mikan. The teachers will explain everything to you, you won't be confused for much longer and you'll find your friend don't worry. I know you'll find her." She close eye smiled and opened her eyes to find Mikan with tears in her eyes.
Yue blinked surprised. "You're so nice Yue-chan. You're like a mother, and so pretty and not earthly and mature and so motherly." She sniffed before shaking her head rapidly, clearing away the tears.
Yue sighed with a small smile. "Unearthly? Am not sure if that's a compliment but I'll take it." She chuckled a bit. Mikan smiled brightly at the thought of maybe a new friend edition. When Mikan started to ramble on and began to check the black cat mask that was on the table, Yue silently observed and smiled slightly whenever Mikan would ask a question.
It was a silent ramble one-sided on Mikan's part before the door slammed open and in stomped a rather angry Biology teacher by the name of Misaki with a bamboo blade in his right hand.
Yue flinched but blinked in realization, Mikan jumped-squealed and fell on the floor, crying small rivers down her eyes. Yue couldn't help but put her small fist against her almost-laughing mouth as it twitched to burst out at the way Mikan reacted and how she was on the floor.
"Oh Yue-chan, have you seen Narumi around here? He was supposed to be here......" He looked around the room just as Yue chuckled and shook her head twice. He noticed Mikan and asked her if she was the new student that Narumi brought. She stuttered a yes, -which Yue found pleasantly still amusing-, but as he was about to walk out for being an intrusion, she grabbed his clothes leg and cried anime tears.
Yue smiled in fascination at how animated that girl was. They sat on the opposite couch from where Natsume and Yue were on, and began to talk about the school and how weird Narumi seemed. When Mikan turned into an otter, Yue "pffed" and slammed her palm over her mouth, her shoulders slightly twitching.
Misaki was amused at the reactions Mikan was giving and how Yue was reacting, that overly calm girl. When he began to go on about Alices, Yue naturally tuned out once more and began to fiddle with the edges of Natsume's ebony black hair, Misaki sometimes casting a glance at them, still quite surprised at how Natsume acted tame.
"Oh? He left already?" Yue blinked calmly with a tilt of the head as Mikan laughed brightly. Yue could already figure how frustrated Misaki must have felt since its normal for her to tune out at times. She smiled brightly all the way as she explained almost everything he said. Yue chuckled softly and nodded. It was a calm silence after, much more relaxing on Yue's part, yet more nervousing on Mikan's part.
She stared at Natsume with her hands behind her back before slowly reaching out, -Yue observing with an amused raised eyebrow, her hands back to her sides-, and out of the blue pinched Natsumes nose, then said "Mr.Outcast." Yue chuckled lightly at how Mikan said it.
"It's ok! He won't wake up." She stated with a v peace fingers, Yue smiled and ruffled Natsume's hair gently. Just as Mikan was viewing pictures, Yue slowly got up and placed Natsume's head on the couch, feeling as though she should maybe let Mikan have some time to think.
She went around the table and slowly put sweet smelling tea in the glass cup before a voice interrupted her actions.
"Answer in five seconds. If you dont answer, I'll burn your hair. Who are you!?" Natsume's distinguished low voice made Yue blink up to a confused scared looking Mikan under a threatening Natsume holding onto one of her pigtails, his other hand on her throat while he straddled her. Yue tilted her head and slowly placed the cup back down on the table.
"Yue-chan!!" Mikan screamed and squirmed around trying to get away, Natsume's eyes narrowed.
"How do you know that name!?" He questioned slightly higher than the first tone.
"Natsume you're alright." Yue smiled when Natsume flinched and whipped his head towards her, his eyes now in confusion and irritation.
"Yue! Why are you here!? You shouldn't be here!" He all but yelled making Yue slightly pout. A sudden crash of glass from the window made Yue flinch and rapidly step back, just as a familiar blond haired boy was on the ground in front of the broken window, rubbing his head in hurt.
"Ow..." He mumbled comforting his back head with his hand. Yue smiled wider and her eyes beamed with joy as she took fast steps towards the blonde taller boy, then enveloped her arms around his torso, a soft chuckle radiating out of her in happiness at seeing Ruka today after all this.
Ruka tensed when he felt himself being hugged but immediately relaxed when Yue's soft wind-like voice reached his ears.
"Yue." He smiled brightly and hugged the smaller girl back. "Morning." She muffled out into his chest. He chuckled.
"You shouldn't be here though." He slowly detached themselves and looked at her through confused eyes.
"That's right, what if something happened." Natsume grumbled from behind them. They both turned to the pair on the couch as Yue blinked.
"You're late Ruka." "Geez....and just whose fault is that Natsume?" He mumbled out before blinking down at the girl he just found under Natsume. Yue sighed and shook her head. Boys.
"What are you doing? Who's that?" He questioned as Yue calmly began to clean off the shards of glass that were still on a now slightly blushing Ruka.
"She's Mikan Sakura. A new student at this school." Yue stated calmly, dusting off Ruka's back before walking to where a wailing and crying Mikan was struggling to get a struggling Natsume off of her.
"Tch." "Natsume." Yue raised an eyebrow as Natsume began to take off an important cloth......
"YUEEEEE SAVE MEEE!!!!" Mikan screamed loudly as Yue sighed softly.
"Natsume don't you think that's enough? Mikan doesn't know anything after all." Yue softly stated while bending down to pick up the glass shards on the floor before Ruka grabbed her hands and told her not to bother about those things.
"Mikan don't worry he can't hurt you." Yue smiled a small but reassuring smile as Mikan looked confused at her and sniffed loudly. Yue already knew from everything that has happened till now, what Mikan's alice had been.
Natsume grunted at the resistance of a flailing Mikan before Ruka's eyes narrowed slightly and he put one protective arm in front of Yue who blinked in confusion, then realization hit her and she let a tiny chuckle out.
"This isn't the time for your cute chuckles, Yue!" Ruka mumbled as Yue muffled her laughs with her hand tightly against her mouth. Natsume glanced at Yue and Ruka before muttering a "damn!" just as the door slammed open to revealed both a worried Narumi and Misaki.
"Are you alright Mikan-chan!?" Narumi yelled, Natsume swiftly jumped off of a crying Mikan and grasped the arm softly yet with a grip of Yue as Ruka gripped her hand and they both rapidly went towards the broken window, Yue being dragged backwards before she gasped slightly and a soft "hyaa!" broke out of her lips, her palms immediately over her face in slight shock as to when Mikan ran over to Narumi, an.....important cloth factor dropped down. Yue could already tell Natsume's plans when he grabbed the white skirt.
"Natsume, Ruka, Yue!" Misaki yelled, but mumbled Yue's name to keep Natsume and Ruka under control, especially since she obviously didn't do anything in this situation..... Ruka's and Natsume's eyes narrowed, Natsume's more than Ruka's when they heard her name out of Misaki's mouth. But decided to just leave, oh but not before making a certain pigtailed girl cry more.
"See ya, polka-dotted panties girl." Natsume said calmly as he showed the white skirt with a raised hand, "You dropped this." He let it fall as Mikan was in a state of confusion before he and Ruka grabbed tightly onto the shoulders and fragile waist of the smaller Yue just as she waved with a small apologetic smile when they jumped off the window.
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This is the story of Chitra. A girl born blind, living her life in a world of darkness. This is a story of her and Finitum. The unique full-dive VRMMORPG that brought a new beginning to her life, brought her new meetings, partings, emotions, and adventure. A game that made light bloom in her dark world. follow her journeys through the mysterious and magic-filled game that changed her life! The game… The game... Is Finitum really just a simple game? Check out my discord server... Temporary synopsis. I hate writing synopsis. Well, this is my second work. It's still in the draft phase, but please enjoy... Cover by Adsterhappy...
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