《REACH || yoo kihyun》VII


"This must have come as a shock."

Arena stared at Naha who looked confused and had no idea what had just happened.

"Um yes kind of. There must be 100 of people wanting to become makeup artists for idols. Why did you call me?" Arena's voice was confused and shocked at the same time.

"Yes, everything you just said is true. I would like to meet you in person. Would it be okay to meet in the Radisson Blue Colorado restaurant in an hour?"

Her voice was sweet and nice and polite. Basically perfect. She did have a Korean accent though.

Arena didn't know what to think of this. If she thought hanging out with Kihyun and Wonho seemed unreal then this was just madness.

Who could have possibly asked for her acquaintance on the makeup team? Did they really have shortage of makeup artists?

"Yes, that is fine. Thank you." Arena's voice was shaking.

Arena waited until Ms. Park hung up the phone and then slumped against the wall opposite the elevator.

"Arena!" Oh right. Naha was still there. She jumped out of the elevator before the doors could close her in and crouched next to Arena who was sitting on the floor.

"What happened? Who called?"

Arena shook her head, tears in the corners of her eyes. She had her head in her hands. She looked up, straight into Naha's eyes.

"This is not real."


So in exactly 50 minutes was Arena standing in front of the Radisson Blue Colorado hotel. Naha had helped her get ready. Arena had let down her hair and thankfully changed out of her sweatpants into a more formal attire.

She and Naha had skipped going up to Naha's apartment at all and had gone to Arena's house. Naha had had to help Arena up from the floor because her legs had been wobbly like Jell-O. The shock had been that big.

They had decided that Naha will try to sneak into the hotel restaurant and sit there at a table playing spy and overlooking the meeting.

Now standing in front of the entrance, Arena's stomach turned into knots worse than when she had stood there yesterday.

She took a deep breath and stepped in. The lobby was exactly the same as yesterday evening. Arena walked to the restaurant and stopped in front of the door to check her wristwatch.


3.57 p.m.

It had been 3 p.m. when she had gotten the call.

She walked through the door.

Her first impression of the restaurant was that it looked incredibly posh. And amazing. Incredibly amazing and posh.

For fancy people.

Arena wasn't fancy.

She looked at her black jeans and white dress shirt and sighed.

"Miss Calder?" A waiter came up to Arena. She nodded. "Follow me please." So she followed the waiter.

The waiter led Arena to a table where an Asian woman was sitting. She looked beautiful and young.

Arena just stood there until the woman looked up from her phone.

"Ah, Miss Arena," she stood up and shook Arena's hand, "Nice to finally meet you. Please, sit."

Arena sat.

"So you probably have a lot of questions." Said Mrs. Park and smiled.

Man, she was gorgeous.

"Yes, I do." Arena had come here trying to be confident but that confidence quickly melted into confusion. Her eyebrows pulled slightly together like always.

Mrs. Park smiled again revealing rows of perfectly lined white teeth.

"As I mentioned on the phone we are at a shortage of makeup artists right now. And yes, I'm very well aware that there are many people trying to get this so called job."

"Okay, but why did you call me then?"

"Because," Mrs. Park placed her hands on the table and laced her fingers, "I got a tip. Okay not a tip, but a member of Monsta X came to see me yesterday."

Could it possibly be..?

"He asked if we needed new hair or makeup artists and that he knew someone who would be fit for the job. He told me that that someone is you, Miss Calder. He also showed me your work. On his face." Mrs Park looked sternly at Arena, but her eyes were kind.

Arena bit her lip and leaned back in her chair. "So you already know about that."

Mrs. Park nodded her head. "But don't get me wrong. I am happy they had a chance to have a good time. Honestly they have all been very stressed lately about the tour."

"Are they going to be in trouble for this? Are me and my friend going to be in trouble?"


Mrs. Park waved her hand over her face. "No, no of course not. I was just worried that this might've brought along cameras and herds of fans but luckily you kept this quiet. But I did scold Kihyun for doing something this crazy."

Arena felt like a huge rock had fallen from her chest. They weren't in trouble. Kihyun wasn't in trouble.

"You are a high school Junior, right?" asked Mrs. Park.

"Yes. I also work part-time."

Mrs. Park nodded and leaned back in her chair. A waiter came by and delivered a glass of red wine to her. Then the waiter turned to Arena, "Would you like something?"

Arena looked at Mrs. Park. "Order anything you want dear, I'm paying for this one." She winked at Arena.

"I'll take a glass of water, thanks." Arena smiled at the waiter who bowed and disappeared.

"So where were we," said Mrs. Park and took a sip of her wine, "Oh right. So how do you feel about this then?"

"Feel about what?"

"Becoming a makeup artist for Monsta X. Like I mentioned before. The boys are so stressed right now with the tour, like I said before and there will be bunch of appearances and promotions after. They'd like a familiar face around. Of course it won't be this easy for you. I've seen enough of what you can do, but you will have to meet with a professional makeup artist and learn a few things. Also. You would have to.. how do I put this. Basically leave everything behind and come back to South Korea with us."

"What? But my life is here!"

Mrs. Park tried to be the voice of reason. "I'm not forcing you into doing anything. This is your choice. But we leave for Atlanta tomorrow and it would be better for you to come with us already then, if you do decide to."

Arena bit the inside of her cheek. "Would it be okay if I gave you my answer after I've spoken to my parents? And what about school? It's the middle of the year."

"I understand. We'll take care of everything. Starting from a place for you to stay. Also did you really think that your work as a makeup artist would go unpaid? You could make an entire career out of this." She smiled kindly.

"Okay, I'll talk to my parents and give you my answer in the evening." Her water had arrived and she took a nervous sip. Arena put the glass back down and looked Mrs. Park straight in her light brown eyes, "Why are you doing this for me?"

"Because you remind me of myself." She winked.


"Thank you for everything. I'll be sure to give you a call about my decision tonight. It's just everything seems surreal right now." Arena and Mrs. Park were walking out of the restaurant together. Mrs. Park couldn't have been much older than Arena herself. Maybe in her mid-twenties?

She patted her shoulder and gave another one of her sweet smiles, "Of course." They stopped in front of the front table.

"It was very nice to meet you in person. You are a charming young woman and could do so much in your life other than work at a gas station. Please think about this and your future."

"I will. Thank you so much. Oh and," Arena smiled nervously, "Would it be okay if I saw Kihyun for a second? Just to say thank you."

Mrs. Park thought about it. "I mean if you're already here, you might as well. But make it quick."

Arena bowed her head, "Thank you, Mrs. Park."


They got on the elevator together and rode to the 10th floor. Turns out the entire crew and management had been located to the 10th floor.

"I'll leave you to it then. Don't forget to call."

Arena smiled and bowed again, "I won't. Thank you again."

She watched as Mrs. Park disappeared down the hall into her room. Then Arena turned around and walked up to Kihyun and Wonho's room.

She knocked.

Wonho answered the door.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to Kihyun. Is he here?"

Wonho nodded and opened the door wider. "I'll give you two some privacy." He stepped out awkwardly.

When Kihyun saw her, he jumped off his bed and rushed to Arena.

"Heyy. What are y..." he couldn't finish.

"Kihyun, what were you thinking!?"

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