《REACH || yoo kihyun》III


"Are you okay?"

Naha had her hands on her heart and was leaning against a wall, outside the concert hall.

"I can't believe that just happened," said Naha and smiled.

Arena couldn't believe it either. Kihyun had remembered their conversation in the gas station and that already made Arena's heart race. She had actually spoken to him. AND BEEN SO CLOSE TO HIM. One little reach across the table and she could've touched him. Shame she let that opportunity go.

Everything was still surreal.

Arena rubbed her ears. They were still ringing from all of the screaming and music.

"Naha?" asked Arena and shook her friend's shoulder lightly.

Naha opened her eyes and pushed off from the wall. "Wonho said he likes my hair" was all Naha said. She held a tip of her hair in between her fingers and looked at it intensely. "He said he might dye his own hair this color one day." [Wonho's hair ends are actually blue at the moment FYI]

Arena opened her signed album and smiled, looking at the autographs. Her smile soon faded.

"Hmph, that's weird.." muttered Arena to herself, without Naha hearing a single word.

"Can I see your signed album for a second?" asked Arena and Naha handed Arena her album.


Arena held up a finger, signaling Naha to wait. She quickly opened the album and looked it over.

Something was different. But in this darkness, she couldn't spot it.

"Do you think they sign every album the same way?" asked Arena and reached out her hand to give Naha back her album.

Naha shrugged and carefully placed the album back into her bag.

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh no reason", Arena smiled. "Should we go?"

Naha nodded and they started heading back to where Arena's Kia was parked. While walking, Arena was wondering what MX was doing at this moment. Were they going back to their hotel? Still in the concert hall? Or were they doing interviews?

Arena was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice when they had reached her car.

"Do you want me to drive? You seem tired," said Naha.


Arena nodded smilingly and threw the keys to Naha who caught them with excellent skill.

Driving back, Arena asked her best friend if she could ever be an idol.

"Maybe, I mean, you are talented," said Naha keeping her eyes on the road. Arena looked out of the window and put her head against the glass. She looked at the passing buildings and the leaves on the ground. She could soon see the house complexes and knew that she'd be home in a few minutes.

They stopped and parked in front of her house. Arena stepped out of her car and swayed a little. She hadn't been this tired when they left the concert hall but it was catching up with her now.

She would look like a hobo at school tomorrow, for sure.

Arena said goodbye to Naha, who got in her own car to drive home.

Arena was half asleep the time she got to her bedroom. Kicking off her jeans she climbed into her bed, not bothering to do anything else and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.


In the morning, Arena didn't even bother. She threw on a light pink hoodie and grey skinny jeans, tied her hair up into a messy bun and put on her glasses. Because she didn't care what people at school thought of her. Now that she had met Kihyun and seen Monsta X perform live. It's not that she didn't love every member of the band, because she did, it was just that Kihyun held a special place in her heart. Arena didn't know why, but that was the case.

"I so don't want to go school," said Arena muttering to herself as she adjusted her glasses and grabbed her backpack from her chair.

She stepped out of her room and closed the door behind herself.

Arena walked down the stairs, grabbed a pear from the breakfast table and stuffed it into her bag. She usually didn't eat much in the mornings so a pear was more than enough.

"Are you going already?" asked Arena's mom who had suddenly appeared in the corridor. Arena nodded and pulled on her UGG boots. SO. COMFORTABLE.


Her mom gave her forehead a kiss and walked back in to the kitchen and started making some coffee.


Arena reminded herself to make a quick stop on the way to school for a coffee, since the coffee machine at home took so long and was too high maintenance for Arena.

She pulled on her coat and flung her backpack over her shoulder. Arena stepped out of the door and stopped for a second to smell the crispy, morning air.

The Halloween twinkly lights still hanging on her porch were looking extra cute at this hour. Arena smiled to herself and started walking towards her car. She placed her bag on the passenger seat and sat in the driver's seat herself.

Her classes started at 8 a.m. and riding to school, it was still dark outside. Snow had started falling. The ground was covered with a thin layer of snow that already turned it white. Actually everything was covered with a thin layer of snow. The trees. The houses.

It looked magical. Like a fairy tale.

Arena drove to school in silence. Usually she loved music and listening to it from the car radio. But not today. Not in this weather. Not when it was so beautiful and peaceful outside. How could she ruin this?

With a Monsta X CD. That's how.

Arena couldn't take the silence. It was driving her crazy, so at a red light, Arena quickly fished out the signed album from yesterday, which she had forgotten to take out of her bag. She opened it and popped the CD into the player.

"Hmph, what is this?" Arena muttered to herself as she noticed something written next to Kihyun's signature. She didn't have much time to dwell on it, since the light soon turned green again and Arena had school to get to.


"Naha," Arena came out of her first period to see her best friend standing outside the door. They hugged and started walking towards second period, which they had together.

"You look horrible," said Naha and smiled at Arena. Arena nudged her with an elbow and grinned, "I'm fabulous and you know it." Naha shook her head with laughter.

People in the hallways were dressed for the weather. Of course it wasn't as cold inside as it was outside. But like, girls were wearing UGGs, and warm sweaters etc. Overall people looked comfy. Despite everything, Arena had made great fashion choices in the morning. She looked at her own dark brown UGG boots and smiled.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you about something," said Arena suddenly grabbing onto a piece of Naha's shirt and pulling her back slightly. Naha stopped walking and turned to face Arena. "What did you want to talk about?".

They had reached the lockers. Arena looked around to see, if anyone was looking at them and pulled Naha to her locker. She opened her locker and put the album inside.

"You know how yesterday I asked to see your signed album?" asked Arena eyeing Naha. Naha nodded and Arena continued, "Well this morning I discovered something. Take a look."

Naha looked at her best friend curiously, "Do you want me to stuff my head into your locker?"

"Yes," said Arena.


"So no one sees what we're talking about. Just do it."

Naha shrugged and put her head inside the locker to look at the album. Arena lighted it with her phone flashlight. When Naha took her head out she looked at Arena.

"Is this for real?" asked Naha, her eyes wide.

Arena nodded, "I guess."

Naha took out the album and gave it back to Arena, who put it into her bag. "You know what this means right? I mean he...he.." Naha started stammering.

"Asked me to come meet him at his hotel?" finished Arena.

"Yes! Can you believe this? He actually wrote the hotel name into your album, so you'd go meet with him!" said Naha excitedly.

"I don't know, this doesn't sound real. Why would he do that? Idols don't do that with fans. Is this even allowed?" asked Arena and turned her head to the side to look at her friend. Her brow was furrowed.

"Only one way to find out" said Naha and grinned. She took hold of Arena's shoulders and started steering her away from the lockers.

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