《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Bad Dream


It was a cold wintery night and Steve and Bucky snuggled close together. Steve was sleeping fine but Bucky started to have a dream.

"I never loved you Bucky. You are just a friend." Steve said

"You dont mean that." Bucky replied huffing

"Oh its true. He loves me not you, me." Tony said in his selfish way walking into the room

"No! This is a joke! You're messing with me!" Bucky screamed

"Im afraid not. I'm sorry Buck. You'll forgive me." Steve said and turned to kiss Tony.

"NO!" Bucky yelled and sat up fast.

"Woahh what happened?" Steve sat up and put his arm on Bucky but Bucky jerked away and jumped to the other side of the room.

"Whats wrong Buck?" Steve asked "sorry."

"Is it true?" Bucky stammered out, he started to cry. He wasn't sure if it was a dream or not because it felt so true.

"Is what true?" Steve asked

"That... that you dont... love me." Bucky said the word love a bit too soft.

"No! Thats not true! I do love you, really." Steve said walking over to him.

"Then why did you kiss Tony?" Bucky asked

"What? I never kissed Tony." Steve said confused but he soon realized it was Buckys dream.

"I saw it. You said you didn't love me and then you kissed him! You said i would forgive you but i dont know." Bucky said not even looking into Steves eyes.

"Bucky it was a bad dream. That never happened." Steve said rubbing Buckys arm but he jerked away again.

"Bucky. Look at me I'm telling the truth." Steve said. "I never said i didnt love you and i never kissed Tony. It was a bad dream that you think is real." Steve explained.


It was quiet for a few minutes but Bucky was starting to realize it was a dream. He finally looked into Steves eyes and it made Steve smile.

"I remember it was a dream, you're right." Bucky smiled.

"I love you Bucky and i always will. I will never kiss Tony okay?" Steve wiped Buckys tears.

"Lets go back to bed okay?" Steve suggested. Bucky smiled and Steve held Bucky in his arms till they both fell asleep.

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