《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Roller Skating


Steve had convinced Bucky to go and try roller skating with him.

"I'm going to look dumb." Bucky said

"No you aren't. Besides we will look dumb together." Steve replied. Bucky was confused on Steves choice of words there but he went with it.

They pulled up to the place and walked inside.

"Hi. Ages?" The lady asked

"We are both like 100 years old." Bucky said. Steve gave him a look.

"Ages please." The lady said again giving him a look

"I was being serious, long story." Bucky said with a small laugh

"Bucky. We are both 28." Steve said sliding a $20 under the window for her.

"Come on Buck." Steve opened the door that led into the skating rink, there were kids skating around and loud music.

"Shoe size?" The young boy behind the counter asked.

"12 for both." Steve said

"Do i take off my shoes?" Bucky asked

"Yes silly." Steve giggled. The man came back with the skates and traded shoes.

Steve and Bucky put on the skates and tied them.

"You ready?" Steve asked

"Sure." Bucky said slowly standing up, he wobbled a bit and grabbed onto the nearest sturdy object.

"Shush up. I dont see you standing." Bucky said at Steve who was laughing. Steve stood up slowly holding onto a wall.

"Not so easy huh?" Bucky huffed with a smile.

The two made their way to the rink and stepped onto the hard smooth floor. They both kept both their hands on the sides for support as small kids rushed past them without any trouble.

"Wow small people can do better than we can." Bucky said

"They are called kids Bucky." Steve corrected

"Eh same thing." Bucky shrugged


"Its called politeness Buck." Steve said. Bucky still shrugged and carried on with keeping his balance.

When the two got a little more comfortable with skating Steve grabbed Buckys hand that was down by his side. It was a romantic moment for both of them even if it was just holding hands at a skating rink surrounded by small people (kids).

So this was really short and totally not how I intended it to end or be like but i started this draft like a week ago and never finished it. I'm kind of running out of ideas and trying to think of new ones. I'm also watching Once Upon A Time alot so kind of been taking up my mind. I might repeat some short stories but like in a different view, if that makes since. Anyways thanks for all the reads and the ones adding my story to your library! Means a lot!!

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