《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Pranking Steve


Bucky has been watching a lot of youtube lately and prank videos just so happen to be his favorite thing. He decided he was going to do the "ignoring my boyfriend for 24 hour challenge" he figured this would be easy. The time was noon sharp so tomorrow at noon Bucky would talk to Steve again, but now starts the ignoring part.

"Hey Bucky?" Steve said from Buckys door way. Bucky just sat there reading a news article.

"Bucky." Steve said a little louder

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked. As much as Buck wanted to he still didnt answer.

"Are you even listening?" Steve came up from behind and wrapped his arms around him. Usually Bucky puts his hands on his arms but he didnt he just kept reading his computer.

"Oh come on!" Steve pouted shutting the computer.

"Why aren't you talking?!" Bucky got up and walked out of the room.

"So your ignoring me?" Steve said in the hallway.

"Hi Bucky." Peter said walking past him

"Hi Peter." Bucky replied with a smile.

"Really?" Steve sounded disappointed

"Hi Steve." Peter said

"Come here." Steve waved Peter into the room.

"Yes?" Peter asked

"Can you ask Bucky why he isnt talking to me?" Steve asked

"Sure." Peter left the room. Bucky was in the kitchen getting juice.

"Why aren't you talking to Steve?" Peter asked

"Shhh. Im pulling a prank on him. Im ignoring him for 24 hours. Please dont tell him." Bucky whispered

"Nice. I wont." Peter walked away.

"So?" Steve said when Peter walked back in the room.

"He said his throat hurts." Peter lied Steve rubed his head.

Bucky sat in the gaming room playing the xbox.


"Bucky if your throat hurts why dont you take some medicine?" Steve suggested he had a bottle in his hands. Bucky didnt look at him but thought, was that really the lame excuse Peter thought of to tell Steve.

"You aren't talking but your bot even paying attention to me!" Steve sat next to him. Bucky moved over a little.

"Did i make you mad?" Steve asked, still no response. Steve snatched the controller from him.

"You aren't getting this back intill you say something to me or at least look at me." Steve said. Bucky got up and left.

"Oh my gosh Bucky!" Steve groaned.

"Whats wrong?" Natasha asked

"He wont talk to me. He wont even look at me." Steve said

"Did you make him mad?" She asked

"I dont know! He wont even tell me that." Steve rubed his face trying to think of anything he could of done to make him mad.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" She asked

"I guess he talked to Peter." Steve said, Nat got up and left.

"Hey Buck, why are you ignoring Steve?" She asked in his doorway.

"Im doing the ignoring my boyfriend for 24 hours prank shhh. Dont tell him." Bucky whispered.

"Nice. I wont." Nat did a small giggle and smiled.

"Did he talk to you?" Steve asked

"He said he has a headache." Nat lied.

That night Steve went to Buckys room to try again.

"Is your headache gone?" He asked. Bucky sat at his desk messing with a broken rubix cube.

"Come on talk to me!" Steve whined.

"Did i make you mad? Did i do something?" Steve asked.

"JARVIS send who ever is in my room out and lock the door. I'm going to bed." Bucky said. He felt bad but he was going to stuck to his plan.


"Really?" Steve was sad but left.

The next morning Bucky woke up at 11:50am. He still had ten minutes of not talking to Steve.

"Are you going to talk to me today?" Steve asked in the doorway. Bucky held his grudge back to talk to him.

"Well if you care im going to be in the kitchen making breakfast." Steve left.

When noon hit Bucky walked in the kitchen to Steve sturing a bowl of oatmeal. Bucky put his hands on Steves waist and his head between Steves neck and shoulder.

"Hi." He said softly

"So now you're going to talk to me?" Steve asked.

"It was a prank!" Bucky laughed

"A what?" Steve was confused

"A prank! I was ignoring you for 24 hours to see what you would do!" Bucky laughed letting go of Steve.

"Are you serious?! So i didnt make you mad?" Steve had to make sure.

"No silly! It was hard to ignore you." Bucky smiled

"I'm going to get you back!" Steve said putting some oatmeal on Buckys nose.

"Do you still want to watch that movie?" Bucky asked.

"Of course." Steve replied.

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