《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》The Argument That Leads To Good


I would like to apologize for my continued misspelling of the word "whipe" i feel so DUMB like the first time i spelt it i was like no thats "wipped" or "whipped"


The past couple of days Steve and Bucky havent been getting along and everyone could tell and was worried.

"Whats up with them?" Clint asked

"Don't know all they have been doing is arguing for the past dew days." Natasha said

"Over what?" He asked

"Dont know. But it doesn't make since." Natasha was worried

"Should we ask them?" Clint asked

"No. Let them figure it out." Natasha said. Bucky was in the kitchen getting some juice when Tony walked in.

"Whats going on between you and Steve?" Tony asked

"None of your business." Buck snapped

"I have never seen you all not talk to each in a while. Somethings wrong." Tony said

"I know but its none of your business Tony." Bucky strutted out of the kitchen.

Steve on the other hand laid in his bed staring at the ceiling, he knew what he did would cause an argument but he knew it was the right thing and he was willing to argue about it.

"Okay Capcicle Bucky isnt talking whats going on?" Tony asked walking into Steves room.

"You know it's really none of your business." Steve said

"Bucky told me that too." Tony huffed. Steve took a deep breath before he started talking.

"I told Bucky i was going to go back to Germany to find Sharon." Steve explained

"Why?" Tony asked

"Because shes my friend." Steve said, there was something else but hes not telling anyone.

"And this is causing an issue why?" Tony asked

"He doesn't trust me he thinks im going to... cheat on him with her." Steve said rubbing his face.


"Well you did kiss her in front of him." Tony brought up.

"We weren't a thing then!" Steve exclaimed

"Is there another reason you're going back?" Tony asked

"Yes but i cant tell anyone. Thats also why hes mad he wants to go but i said no." Steve said

"If its so important why dont you just leave and fix the problem when you get back?" Tony suggested.

"I'll think about it." Steve said.

Later that night Steve packed a bag to head out.

"See you followed up my idea." Tony said

"Yeah." Steve opened the door as Tony walked away.

"This the last time im going to see you?" Sad Bucky asked.

"You'll see me in a week." Steve breathed out, he didnt even turn around.

"I knew you would never listen to me." Buckys voice broke as he walked away.

"Im not going to do anything with her you have to trust me." Steve said. Bucky heard but he didnt reply.

Steve closed the door and got in a jet and flew off. He knew what he was doing was right but he also knew he hurt Bucky. He isnt sure why he doesn't trust him but he hopes what he brings back brings trust and smile to Bucky.

"Steve! What a joy to see you again!" Sharon said joyful giving Steve a hug.

"Hi Sharon." Steve returned the hug with a soft smile.

"How have you been?" Sharon asked

"Pretty good. You?" Steve set his bags down.

"Good i got what you wanted." Sharon pulled out a small box. "Whats wrong?"

"Thanks. Bucky.... he doesn't trust me he thinks... you and me." Steve explained taking the box.

"Well when you return you can tell him that Sharon says he doesn't have to worry about us because i have someone." Sharon said


"Will do." Steve opened the small box and inside laid a golden pin and a silver pin with I'm with you till the end of the line carved into the side and a picture of young Steve and Bucky.

"Do you like it?" Sharon asked

"I love it thank you." Steve gave Sharon another hug.

"Is this Steve?" A gentlemans voice asked

"Oh. Steve this is Micheal, Micheal Steve." Sharon introduced them.

"Hi." Steve shook hands with him.

After a week with Steve in Germany Bucky was still upset with him. He knew that this wasn't that big of a deal but he trusted Steve but didnt at the same time.

"You know Steve would never cheat on you right?" Tony said from the doorway.

"Then explain that one time i saw you two?" Bucky said looking out the window

"Still mad about that?" Tony said.

"Do you know why he went to Germany?" Bucky asked

"No. Sorry that i dont. I do know he'll be back tomorrow." Tony said

"Right." Bucky played with his hands.

Steve returned that night while everyone was sleeping.

The next morning Bucky was doing his usual, getting some juice.

"I got something for you." Steve stood in the doorway with the small box.

"Listen Sharon has someone I wasn't going to Germany to cheat on you. I would never and you know that." Steve said. "She even said it herself you dont have to worry about it." He added on.

"Then why were you gone for a week?" Bucky asked

"We just caught up on things thats all." Steve said

"And you think bringing back a gift is supposed to make up for you sneaking out and not telling me why?" Bucky snarled

"This is why i went there." Steve said.

"What is it?" Bucky asked looking at Steve. Steve could see the sadness in Buckys eyes.

"Look. One for you and one for me." Steve opened the box and handed it to Bucky.

"Do you trust me now?" Steve asked. Bucky did a small smile and pinned the gold one on Steves shirt. Steve pinned the silver one on Bucky.

"Do you like them?" Steve asked

"Yes." Bucky smiled and gave Steve a kiss.

"So you two made up?" Tony asked

"Yes. Thank you." Bucky said

"No problem." Tony walked away

"Why did you thank him?" Steve asked

"He was right about some things." Bucky smiled.

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