《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Pool Party Gone Worng


It was a hot summer say and they didnt have any missions so they decided to throw a pool party. Everyone was having a blast.

"Hey Peter no running!" Tony said as Peter ran past

"Sorry Mr.Stark!" Peter continued to run. Bucky sat on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water drinking a beer.

"Are you going to get in?" Sam asked floating in the water.

"Maybe." Bucky replied

"What's stopping you?" Sam asked

"Nothing." Bucky said taking a drink, he sat it next to him when Steve snuck up behind him and pushed him in.

"Nice one!" Bucky heard Sam from under water.

"Hey!" Bucky said as he emerged from the bottom.

"Ha ha! Yes!" Steve yelled laughing. Then Clint pushed Steve in.

"Ha you thought you were safe!" Clint yells. Steve emerges from the water and gives Clint a look but laughes it off.

"Want to play chicken?" Sam asks.

"Get on my shoulders Steve." Bucky ducks down underwater and lifts Steve up.

"Hey Peter come join." Sam says

"Dude this is totally unfair." Peter said looking at Steve. They play several rounds of chicken but of course Steve or Bucky come out as victor.

It was getting late at night and everyone was still having fun.

"Are y'all down for another game of chicken?" Clint asked

"Sure." Bucky, Steve, and Sam said and got back in the pool.

This time Clint was on Sams shoulders and Bucky was on Steves. They had gotten a little too close to the wall and Clint pushed Bucky off causing Bucky to hit his head on the pools edge.

"Ha ha! Victory!" Clint said throwing his hands in the air


"This one time out of like 30!" Steve said.

"Is he good?" Sam asked. Steve looked behind him to see Bucky at the bottom of the pool.

"Shit." Clint said "look."

Sam looked at the edge where there was blood.

"Come on Buck." Steve dove under to retrieve Bucky he rolled him on to the ground.

"I'm so sorry." Clint said

"Is he breathing?" Sam asked. Steve checked for a pulse and there was one.

"Yeah i think he just hit his head too hard." Steve looked at the giant gash on Buckys forehead.

"I need bandages." Steve said.

"I'm go get some." Clint ran into the house.

"Bucky if you can hear me squeeze my hand." Steve held Buckys hand. There was a light squeeze some of Steve was relieved but he was still worried.

"Here." Clint handed Steve the medical kit. Steve cleaned up the wound and put bandages on it.

"I'm so sorry." Clint said again

"Its okay its not like you did it on purpose and hes still alive hes just unconscious." Steve said picking Bucky up and carried him inside.

Steve dried Bucky off and changed his clothes, he laid him on his bed and waited for him to wake up.

"Steve?" He said weakly

"Hey Buck." Steve gave a small smile and put his hand on Buckys face.

"I think we lost." Bucky rubed his head. "It hurts."

Steve giggled a little. "I'll get you some medicine."

Steve got him some ibuprofen and helped him sit up.

"Thanks. You're always taking care of me." Bucky said taking the medicine.

"I always will." Steve smiled.

This was a bit of a weird ending but theres this one person... well it what it seems like who reads these when I publish them and i just want to thank you lol you make me happy. Or when someone reads one of my stupid stories i think of lol. Thanks for the reads :)

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