《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Steves Bad Dream


so i have a bit of writters block so I decided to do another one of these but Steve having tbe bad dream.


Friday night after a long week fixing problems around the house and going on a mission everyday. Everyone was tired and was ready for the weekend. Bucky and Steve had fallen asleep on the couch but Bucky woke up and carried Steve to his room and cuddled up next to him.

"I'm coming Bucky." I say carefully making my way on the edge of the train.

"I'm going to fall." He screams

"No just hang on!" But as i said the rail broke off and i saw my best friend fall to his death.


"You were frozen for 70 years cap." Fury told me

"How?" I ask

"You flew a plane into the ocean." He told me. I was shocked.


"Hes called the winter soldier. Some people believe in him some dont." Natasha said.

I stood there looking at who used to be my best friend be turned into an experiment. I was determined to get him back.


I was out of breath everything hurt and he was about to end me.

"Steve!" He heard faintly. "Wkae up!" Bucky shook Steve trying to get him to snap out of his dream. Steve sat up gasping for air looking around frantically.

"Hey,hey,hey, its okay." Bucky put his hand on Steves shoulder. "It was just a dream."

"Its was real. Everything that happened to me and to you all came back." Steve had tears running down his face and he was shaking.

"We've had a busy week and our brains are filled with things but thats the past and its not going to happen again. I promise." Bucky wipped the tears from Steves face.


"You... fell." Steve let out. "And i didnt Do Anything."

"You tried your best and thats what matters but hey it was real but this time it was a dream. Its not going to happen again." Bucky brought Steve closer into his chest and tried to comfort him.

"Bucky?" Steve said

"Yes?" He replied rubbing Steves head

"Do... you.. love me?" Steve asked sitting up.

"Of course i do how could i not?" Bucky said but he was worried about Steve, this has never happened before he's usually the one getting bad dreams and now its him trying to comfort him.

"I just feel like... i dont know how to explain it." Steve said

"Come here." Bucky laid down and cradled Steve in his arms.

"There's nothing you could do that would make me not love you." Bucky said softly playing with Steves hair.

this was really short

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