《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Tony Is Jealous


Bucky was in the kitchen getting some juice when Tony walked in and got a glass and set it next to Bucky.

"Are tou going to ask?" Bucky asked

"Will you pour me a glass?" Tony asked. Bucky could tell he was holding a grudge

" politely?" Bucky questioned

"Just pour me a glass!" Tony raised his voice. Bucky threw his glass at the wall causing glass to fly everywhere and juice.

"You know he was mine before you came along!" Tony said walking out of the kitchen. Bucky huffed and hit the open juice container off the counter and it layed on the floor spill everywhere.

"Come on Buck." Steve said picking up the container. Bucky didnt move, he knew Tony didnt like him which made him not like him.

"Why are you mad?" Steve asked cleaning up Buckys mess. Bucky gave Steve a kiss on the lips and walked out.

Bucky sat on the roof kicking his legs staring into the wilderness.

"You thinking about what i said earlier?" Tony asked behind him.

"I've known him longer than you." Bucky said

"Not when HYDRA took over your brain and how long was that? A long time buddy and i was your replacement for him." Tony said

"Back away." Bucky warned him

"Im not scared of you. Steve was almost...well...mine then YOU came along!" Tony snapped.

Bucky jumped off and walked aggressively inside.

"Bucky whats wrong?" Steve asked him.

"Him." Bucky pointed at Tony standing in the doorway.

"Hey baby." Tony said. This set Bucky off and he ran to tackle him but Steve stopped him.

"Bucky stop!" Steve held Bucky back as he tried to push through.

"What did you do Tony?!" Clint asked


"I told him what was mine." Tony said

"And that is?" Natasha walked in the room

"Steve." Tony crossed his arms.

"Dude you have Pepper!" Clint explained

"Bucky stop! Please!" Steve was still trying to hold Bucky back.

"You know he was mine before you came along! I went back to Pepper because of you!" Tony said

"I'm not yours Tony! We were never anything! Just friends!" Steve said out of breath.

"You're jealous Tony just leave the topic!" Rhodey said

"Thought you were on my side?!" Tony whined

"Look what you caused Tony!" Natasha pointed at them

"FINE. Hes all yours Buker." Tony rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Thats not my name." Bucky snarled through his teeth.

"Come on Buck." Steve guided Bucky to his room.

"Sit on my bed i'll go talk to Tony." Steve rubed pissed off Buckys head and walked out of the room.

"Want to explain why you pissed him off?" Steve asked

"Because he took you from me." Tony said

"Tony we were never a thing." Steve sat on the couch

"We were almost. Then he came along and you acted like you didnt even know me." Tony leaned up against the wall.

"Tony it's literally been years since i seen him. Hes my best friend. Hell hes my boyfriend now. Tony you are a good friend but you have Pepper." Steve explained

"But i wanted you. I was going to tell you but you were too busy getting Bucky." Tony said all sad.

"Listen Tony i'm sorry but i'm happy with him and you should be happy with Pepper." Steve said

"I never ment to hurt you."

"I guess you're right i need to be happy with Pepper." Tony finally came to a conclusion.


"Still friends?" Steve asked opening his arms for a hug.

"Yeah. Sorry for making Bucky go all physco." Tony said hugging him back.

"He didnt go physco you pissed him off. Hes very protective." Steve stood up for him.

"Right. Sorry." Tony waved bye and walked out.

"Are you still mad?" Steve asked walking into what used to be a clean straightend room. Bucky huffed standing in the middle of the mess he made.

"We worked it out its fine now he wont do it again." Steve started to pick up Buckys mess.

"Are you going to help?" Steve asked and threw a teddy bear at him trying to brighten his mood. Bucky still didnt say anything but he helped clean.

"What did i say about this no talking thing?" Steve raised his eyebrows.

"Right." Bucky said sitting on Steves bed.

"Bucky..." Steve pouted. Steve sat next to Bucky and moved his face to face him.

"I like your voice please talk." Steve asked

"I love you and i'll beat anyones ass whos trys to get in the way." Bucky finally talked

"I love you too and i would do the same of course." Steve rubed Bucks cheeck. Bucky looked at Steves soft pink lips.

"What?" Steve asked. Bucky smiled and gave him a kiss.

okay so this went differently in my head and im not really pleased with it but whatever. I have writters block right now so i dont know what to write but i want to :(.

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