《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Very Drunk Bucky


Friday night and they were having a party. Of course there were a lot of drinks and loud music playing. Everyone was having a good time, Bucky staggered his way over back to the bar.

"Um... another beer... please." He asked Natasha

"Dude this is like your 7th one in 5 minutes." Natasha said getting one.

"I'm having the time of my life!" Bucky yelled and chugged the beer and went back to dancing.

He drunkenly made his way over thor.

"Hey big guy." Bucky said putting his arm on his shoulder

"Are you drunk?" Thor asked

"You have nice lips." Bucky ran his fingers across them

"Um thanks but you have a boyfriend and i have a girlfriend." Thor pushed Buckys arm off his shoulder

"You wont regret it." Bucky sat in Thors lap facing him.

"GET OFF!" Thor yelled and pushed Bucky into the table. It got quiet real fast.

"Um ow but okay big guy." Bucky said getting up. "What are you all looking at?" He snarked.

"Steve you need to go handle your drunk boyfriend he just tried to kiss me and then sat in my lap." Thor told Steve then went outside.

"Sorry!" Steve said and left the conversation he was in.

He found Bucky shirtless dancing on the pool table.

"Man can you get off?! We are trying to play!" A person said.

"Ha ha! Fuck you!" Bucky laughed

"Bucky!" Steve yelled. Bucky jumped off and ran.

"Sorry about that." Steve said as he passed the table.

Bucky went back to the bar for another beer.

"Natasha dont!" Steve made his way through the crowd.

"Oh come on! Just give me another im fine!" Bucky said missing the chair.

"Its someones bed time." Steve picked Bucky up.


"Put me down!" Bucky kicked Steves side which made him drop him.

"Let him be." Natasha said going to Steves side. "It'll be easier to control him when the crowd is gone."

Steve got up and grabbed a beer.

After the party everyone was cleaning up except for Bucky, he disappeared no one knows where he went.

"Has anyone seen Bucky?" Steve asked

"I think he's outside." Peter said

"Him and Thor were wrestling last time i checked." Tony said. Steve rolles his eyes and walked outside.

"I SAID GET AWAY FROM ME!" Thor yelled sending Bucky flying across the yard.

"THOR!" Steve yelled. Bucky ran up behind Thor and body slammed him.

"Enough!" Steve yelled and threw his shield. "Come on Bucky you've done enough." Bucky slowly walked into the house before falling over.

"Someones had a wild night." Clint said looking at Bucky on the ground.

"Hes so regretting this in the morning." Steve picked Bucky up and carried him to his room. He placed him on his bed and turned the light off.

Later in the night not so drunk Bucky woke up. 3:00am. He walked to Steves room using the wall for support. He walked in and got on top of Steve, he was laying on his stomach.

"What?" Steve asked groggy

"I miss you." Bucky said kissing the back of his head.

"Bucky you're drunk." Steve mumbled. "I can still smell the beer."

"Well i'm sorry." Bucky started to give Steve a hickey on his neck before Steve rolled him off.

"Dude go take a shower if you are going to sleep in here." Steve told him. "And brush your teeth."

Bucky did as told and took a shower, before he brushed his teeth he threw up. Steve could hear him and felt not bad but he still wanted to help.


"Here." He handed naked Bucky sitting on the cold bathroom floor a glass of water.

"Thanks." Bucky said groggy and took the glass. He somewhat brushed his teeth but fell over before he finished.

"Oh my." Steve looked at naked sleeping Bucky with toothpaste around his mouth.

Steve wiped his mouth but realized Bucky didnt have any clean clothes in the bathroom. So he wrapped a towel around his waist and carried him into his room. Steve knew Bucky would just end up back in his room so he took him to his own. Steve put a pair of pants on Bucky but no shirt because he was hot. He laid him in bed and climbed in on the other side.

"Ow." Bucky said quietly sitting up and rubbing his head. He had a major headache, he looked over and saw sleeping Steve. He didnt want to wake him so he quietly got up and walked out. He walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet that had medicine.

"Not expecting you to be up so early." Natasha said walking in.

"Um do you know what will make my headache go away?" Bucky asked still rubbing his head trying to read what each bottle said.

"You have a hangover. Its going to take more then just a pill." Natasha said. She got out a bucket and filled it with cold water and ice.

"Pick it up and set it on the floor then stick your head in it." Natasha said

"What?! No way." Bucky said

"Do you want your hangover to go away faster or not?" Natasha said. Bucky puckered his lips but did was as told.

"Agh!" He said lifting his head from the water.

"I don't remember ice being so cold." Natasha threw him a towl.

"Better?" She asked

"A little can i still take medicine?" Bucky asked. Nat threw him a bottle Of ibuprofen and left.

He walkes back to Steves room and climbed in bed. Steve was facing away from him so he put one leg over him and wrapped his arms around him. Steve didnt say anything he turned over facing Bucky.

Bucky smiled and put Steve on his back.

"Hi beautiful." Bucky said looking into Steves eyes.

"So are sobber?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. Last night was wild." Bucky laughed

"You know you almost kissed Thor and sat in his lap?" Steve giggled rubbing Buckys back.

"Seriously? Oh my gosh." Bucky kind of smiled.

"You were wild. Too bad i cant get drunk." Steve said.

"Probably a good thing." Bucky laughed, he was tired of talking to he kissed Steve. Bucky moved his hand up Steves shirt when Steve flinched and there was a bump. Bucky got off and took Steve shirt off, there was a big bruise and a bump.

"Did i?" Bucky asked rubbing it with his hand

"Yeah... but its okay." Steve said looking at him, Bucky gets sad everytime he accidentally hurts Steve.

He just sat there rubbing it with sadness in his eyes.

"Bucky look at me." Steve said putting his hand on Bucks chin making him look at him.

"Its okay I promise." Steve rubed his hair. "You were drunk." Bucky laid on his back staring at the ceiling but not for long when Steve got on top of him.

"I trust you not to hurt me if you aren't drunk or anything." Steve said and gave Bucky a kiss.

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