《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》A Trip To The Pet Store


Steve and Bucky were laying bed wondering what they should do.

"Have you ever been to a pet store?" Steve asked

"Um no?" Bucky said looking up at Steve.

"Would you like to go to one?" Steve asked rubbing Buckys head.

"Sure." Bucky got up and put on a shirt.

They drove to the pet store, Bucky admired the small kids going in and out with their parents. When they walked in it smelled like dog. Bucky looked around.

"Want to go look at the dogs?" Steve asked. Bucky nodded his head. When they went over there Bucky noticed a small fury blonde dog. He stuck his fingers in the holes of the cage and watched as the dog approached his fingers. He jumped back when the dogs nose hit the tip of his fingers.

"Would you like to hold it?" A store employee asked

"Okay." Bucky said. The worker got the dog out and handed it carefully to Bucky.

"What type of dog are you looking for?" The worker asked. Bucky didnt know what to say so he just stared at them holding the dog.

"We are just looking around." Steve said with a smile walking up behind Bucky.

"Take it back." Bucky said handing the dog back to the worker.

"Have a nice day, come on Buck." Steve said and waved. Bucky looked at his hand like it had fallen off.

They went over and looked at the reptiles/fish.

"Look Buck its a snake." Steve pointed in a glass tank.

Do not tap on glass Bucky read, but he tapped on it anyways.

"Bucky come on now." Steve swatted his arm. Bucky giggled. A hamster spinning in a wheel caught his attention.

"Steve... what is this?" Bucky asked


"That is a hamster." Steve told him

"Can i eat it?" Bucky asked. A worker walked past and gave them a look.

"No! Bucky you dont eat hamsters." Steve told him he smiled and waved at the worker.

"Can i eat that?" Bucky pointed at a ferret.

"No! You cant eat any of these animals." Steve told him. "Come on we are leaving." Steve pulled Bucky out of the store.

so this was a short one i kind of thought it was funny. I thought of it while i was in a pet store today. This doesn't get many views, right now it only has 39. But i just write these for my own sake. I took a break from the smuts i kinda thought i was writing a bit too much. But this is still Stucky and there'll be more.

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