《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》One Week, One Arm


Bucky woke up and got out of bed he was the only one awake so he could do whatever he wanted. He really wanted his other arm and he was determined to get it. It was in Tony's lab getting fixed, Bucky knew he wasn't allowed in their without Tony or Bruce but he was very determined to get his arm so he walked down there anyways. When he went down there was a lock on it so he started pressing buttons.

"Sir you do not have access to this lab." JARVIS said

"I want my arm thats all i want." Bucky said continuing to press buttons

"Sir im sorry i was programmed to not allow you specifically, to get the arm you need to rest." JARVIS said. This made Bucky mad and he hit the glass with his real hand. This must of triggered something because and alarm started going off.

"Shit." Bucky walked back upstairs but as he did He walked past Tony.

"So it was you?" Tony asked

"Yeah." Bucky snarked and continued on.

He walked into the kitchen and got out the bread and made him some toast. He attempted to spread butter but it didn't really work and he had trouble getting the jelly opened.

"Want me to help?" Scott asked walking in the kitchen. Bucky just looked at him and went back to trying to open the jelly.

"I take that as a no?" Scott opened the fridge and got out the milk. "You want some?"

"No." Bucky said, he finally got the jelly open.

"Listen im really sorry." Scott said. Bucky got his toast and left the room.

"He'll come around." Natasha told Scott as she walked in.

Bucky sat in a Tv room and watched spongebob as he ate his toast. He spilled jelly on his shirt and it was sticky so he took it off. He felt someones hands on his shoulders, he jumped but when he turned around it was Steve.

"Wheres your shirt?" Steve asked

"I spilled jelly on it so i took it off." Bucky told him

"You're cold, go put another one on." Steve told him pointing to his room

"But I'm watching this." Bucky whined and went back to the Tv

"It will still be on when you get back now go." Steve was pushing Bucky to get up but he wasn't budging. "Dont make me make you get up." Bucky still sat there. Steve walked around and picked Bucky up in a cradle.

"Hey! Put me down!" Bucky wiggled around in Steves arms.

"Should of listened." Steve said and took Bucky to his room. "Now put on a shirt." Steve set Bucky down.

"Ugh fine." Bucky opened his drawer of shirts and picked out a dark blue t-shirt. He layed in on his bed and put it on.

"Better?" He asked Steve, Steve nodded.

"This week couldn't go by ANY slower?!" Bucky whined laying on his back in the main room.

"Well its not going to speed up if you just lay there and complain." Clint said. "How do you feel?"

"My side hurts a little but i feel fine." Bucky said

"I can teach you how to play marbles, it only takes one hand." Clint suggested

"Sure." Bucky said and sat up. As Clint taught Bucky marbles Scott walked in.


"Will you please listen to me?" Scott begged. Bucky looked at him and threw a marble at him and it hit Scott in the cheek.

"Thanks." Scott said. "That still didnt answer my question." Bucky threw the rest of his marbles at him.

"Bucky..." Clint said.

"Sorry." Bucky got up and walked out of the room.

To pass time Bucky tried to learn how to rollerblade with one arm. He found a pair in a closet, he didnt know whos they were but he wasn't going to ask anyways. He went outside and put them on, he knew his side still hurt and that he'll probably hurt himself trying but he just wanted to pass time. He carefully pulled himself up balancing himself using the railing.

"Has anyone seen Bucky?" Steve asked walking into the main room.

"Uh i think he's outside." Peter said playing his video game.

Steve walked outside to see Bucky halfway down the sidewalk with rollerblades.

"Bucky! Are you crazy?!" Steve yelled running towards him. Bucky saw him and kind of laughed and tried to speed up. He almost fell over but Steve caught him.

"Agh!" Bucky wobbled grabbing onto Steve

"Are you serious?!" Steve sat Bucky on the ground and took the rollerblades off.

"I just wanted to try." Bucky said rubbing his side.

"See your not ready yet." Steve said

"I just wanted to pass time." Bucky blocked the sun from his eyes.

"By almost hurting yourself?" Steve helped him stand up

"I was going pretty good intill you came out." Bucky kind of giggled

"There are other things you can do that will pass time." Steve said opening the door for him.

"Bucky i'm Sorry Please just talk to me or accept my apology." Scott said as he walked him. Bucky looked at him and gave him a small push with his arm.

"Bucky..." Steve said stopping in front of Scott. Bucky turned around and looked at them both.

"You could at least talk to him." Steve said. Bucky shook his head no and walked away.

"I'll talk to him." Steve said, he still had a bit of a grudge but he was a nice man.

Bucky was tired of Scott trying to talk to him so he decided he wasn't going to talk to anyone he was going to give everyone the silent treatment.

"Im going to make some waffles you want any?" Tony asked. Bucky shook his head no.

"So have you talked to Scott yet?" Tony asked getting the waffle stuff out. Bucky shook his head no again.

"Why not?" Tony looked at Bucky with a confused face. Bucky shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you going to talk?" Tony asked. Bucky shook his head no again.

Later on Bucky was sitting in the main room messing with a board game.

"Hey Bucky how you feeling?" Clint asked. Bucky put his thumb sideways.

"Does your side still hurt?" Clint asked sitting down. Bucky shook his head yes.

"Why aren't you talking?" Clint was concerned. Bucky shrugged. Clint got up and walked to Steves room.

"Hey Steve?" Clint knocked on the door.

"Come in." Steve said and spun around in his chair. "Whats up Clint?"

"Why isnt Bucky talking?" Clint asked

"What do you mean?" Steve sat up


"Well i went in there and asked him the usual stuff i ask and he wont talk he just moves his thumb and shoulders." Clint said

"Yeah he isnt talking." Tony said as he went by

"I'll talk to him." Steve said and got up.

"Bucky listen." Scott walked in the room. Bucky waved from him to leave.

"Please." Scott begged. Bucky threw a pillow at him.

"Bucky That wasn't nice." Steve said walking in the room. Bucky made a face and went back with playing the board game by himself.

"Hey Buck whats wrong?" Steve asked taking a seat. Bucky shrugged.

"Look at me." Steve said. Bucky didn't listen and continued with his game. Steve took the game from Bucky and set it on the table. Bucky crinkled his nose and puckered his lips.

"Why aren't you talking?" Steve asked sitting in front of him. Bucky looked at him and shrugged.

"We aren't going back to you not talking." Steve said. Bucky just stared at him.

"You know you can talk to me now please, Why aren't you talking?" Steve put his hand on Buckys knees. Bucky looked down but then shrugged again.

"Yes you do know why." Steve said. "Please just speak to me we can go back to my room so no one hears." He suggested. Bucky got up and Steve followed but instead of Steves room Bucky went to his and locked the door.

"Really Bucky?" Steve said outside of Buckys door.

Bucky still wasn't talking. He was in the kitchen making him a bowl of soup. He turned on the stove and put a pot on it, opened a can of soup and poured it in.

"Are you talking today?" Clint asked. Bucky shrugged.

"Listen Scott just wants to apologize if you just listen to him and not ignore him you'll know why." Clint said and walked out. Bucky thought about it but went back to his soup.

"Bucky if you dont talk to me im going to add another week to your arm being locked up." Steve said walking into the kitchen. Bucky huffed and gave Steve a look.

"Listen i didnt want to threaten you with that." Steve said. Bucky very angrily poured the soup from the pot into a bowl setting it on the table.

"Bucky please." Steve sat next to him.

"You shouldn't force it." Scott said. Steve turned around and Bucky waved at Scott. Scott was surpriseed and waved back with a smile.

"Are you going to listen to me?" Scott asked. Bucky nodded his head yes and ate his soup.

"Im so sorry that i almost hit your boyfriend and that i hit you. I shouldn't of been speeding and i was only speeding because i needed to get to my daughters soccer game. I didnt go to it but i told her i made a huge mistake and went to Texas because i thought her game was there, i had to make her laugh somehow. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry and to please just forgive me." Scott said. Bucky smiled.

"Its ok." Bucky said. "I spoke now i get my arm back Saturday right?" Steve shook his head and smiled.

"Yes." Steve said "why did you go on silent mode?"

"Um i was tired of hearing Scott." Bucky giggled

"Seriously?" Steve rubed his face. Bucky nodded.

Just one more day Bucky thought, one more day. He felt a lot better his side wasn't sore anymore and his lip cut was better.

"How do you feel?" Clint asked

"A lot better." Bucky said

"So he speeks again!" Tony said throwing his arms in the air.

"So this might be weird but i want to see how well you fight with one arm." Clint said

"Im down. But it has to be fair. No weapons." Bucky said

"Okay." Clint agreed

"Oooo i want to see this!" Tony grabed a bag of chips.

They went downstairs and Clint and Bucky put on padding.

"You going to have to tell me if i hurt you okay?" Clint said

"You do the same ok?" Bucky said. They entered the square padded floor. Natasha and Bruce were down there then Scott came.

"Come on Bucky!" Natasha cheered

"Clint you can do better!" Bruce said

"This is true entertainment." Tony said eating his chips. So far Bucky was some what winning.

"Dont be going easy on me." Bucky got out of his heavy breathing

"You think im going easy?" Clint said. Steve walked downstairs.

"Hey!" He said interrupting them and breaking them apart.

"Steve! What a party pooper." Tony said

"Steve... before you bitch." Bucky said getting a drink of water. "I'm fine."

"Dang." Bruce said

"Really Bucky?" Steve said

"It was my idea." Clint said

"But i'm fine! He asked me if i was fine." Bucky said. Steve just stood there.

"Hey." Bucky walked over to Steve. "You know I wasn't actually calling you a bitch right?" Steve shrugged and walked away.

"This isn't awkward..." Tony said. Natasha pushed him.

"Are we done?" Clint asked

"Nah." Bucky said and went back to the square.

Steve still seemed to be mad at Bucky but he was getting his arm back today.

"Hey Tony can you give me my arm?" Bucky asked

"I wish i could but Steve put a special password on it." Tony said

"Hm of course he would." Bucky shook his head and walked to Steves room.

"Can i come in?" Bucky asked knocking on his door.

"I dont care." Steve replied. Bucky walked in to see Steve laying in his bed staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry for what i said yesterday." Bucky stood beside his bed.

"The password is your birthday." Steve told him, he didnt even look at him. Bucky walked out and went and got his arm. He came back and sat on the bed next to Steve.

"You are not a bitch i was just seeing what i could do without the arm." Bucky said. "I know you care about me and didnt want me to get hurt but Clint was going easy." Bucky said

"No i wasnt." Clint said walking past the room

"Whatever. Close the door." Bucky said.

"Steve." Bucky said placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"Its fine i guess." Steve finally said

"Look at me." Bucky said. Steve looked at Bucky, his eyes were sad.

"I love you." Bucky said and leaned down and gave Steve a kiss.

"I love you too." Steve pulled away. "Just dont do the silent treatment again okay?"

"Okay. I promise." Bucky smiled.

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