《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Bucky Saves Steve


It was a chill early afternoon and Steve and Bucky were a little bit bored.

"Want to go out and do something?" Steve asked throwing a plastic ball in the air

"Sure... what?" Bucky replied spinning in a spinny chair

"I dont know how about we just go out and walk around." Steve suggested

"Okay." Bucky said and got up but kind of wobbled from being dizzy, Steve giggled.

"We can borrow money from Stark." Bucky said raising his eyebrows. Steve laughed and took a credit card sitting on the table.

They walked past the trees onto a road that would lead them into the nearest city. There was no sidewalk so they had to walk on the side of the road. Bucky walked on the near side of the road keeping Steve far from it. When they reached the small city it was a little crowded and traffic was slow. They walked around a bit and bought coffee and candy. They talked about what they wanted done at the house and who got on their nerves the most. Traffic had sped up a bit and they were about to cross the street to go to a small clothing shop. The cross walk sign turned white and people started to cross. Bucky noticed a car that wasn't stopping, he ran out and pushed Steve out of the way.

When Bucky pushed Steve he fell he didnt see what happened all he heard was Bucky scream and car slamming on their breaks. People where chattering and surrounding the body laying in the road.

"Bucky?!" Steve rushed over to him. He rolled him over on his back. He had a rather large cut on his forehead and his lip was busted, who knew what was going on inside his body.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" The driver got out of the vehicle and ran over.

"I called an ambulance." Someone said. Steve didnt know what to do he was frozen staring at the unconscious Bucky.

"Sir?" The driver tapped on Steve.

"Dont touch me!" Steve yelled and backed away swatting at the guys hand.

"Sir my name is Scott Lang and i am so sorry." Scott tried again. Scott Lang sounded familiar. Steve studied him.


"Um? Are you going to reply?" Scott asked nervously. "Agh!" He screamed and people gasped as Steve picked him up and threw him into a wall.

"Do you know a guy name Clint Barton?" Steve asked through his teeth

"Y-yes." Scott stuttered out

"Come with us." Steve said and put him down.

The ambulance arrived and took Bucky to the hospital, Steve held Buckys hand the whole ride to the hospital while Scott sat there quiet.

"Listen." Scott said interrupting the silence

"Why were you driving so fast?" Steve asked

"I was going to be late to my daughters soccer game." Scott said. "And well now im not even showing up."

"You daughter is having a soccer game in the city?" Steve asked confused

"Well inside a big building." Scott explained. "Is he going to be alright?"

"I dont know. I mean he fell off a train off the mountain side and he survived that." Steve said

"Is that how he... lost his arm?" Scott was hesitant to ask that

"Yes." Steve said. When they arrived at the hospital they took Bucky back for x-rays while Steve and Scott waited in the waiting room.

"I'm calling Clint." Steve got up and walked over to the phone.

"Please dont." Scott grabed his hand

"Why not?" Steve removed Scotts hand from his arm

"I just dont want him to know... thats all." Scott said. Steve rolled his eyes and called anyways.

Later on the doctor came in and told Steve that all Bucky had was some bad cuts and a punctured lung and that he was surprised he had such low injuries.

"You better be lucky his injuries are sustainable or i would of beat the crap out of you." Steve whispered to Scott as he got up to walk to Buckys room. Clint came and got Scott to take for questioning.

Steve walked into Buckys room and he was in a hospital gown and had a oxygen mask on. His metal arm was set to the side. Steve pulled up a chair next to his bed and waited for him to wake up.

Steve had layed his head down on the side of Buckys bed and fell asleep. Bucky woke up, his head was sore and his chest hurt like a bitch. He looked around he could tell he was in a hospital but he was confused. He felt around with his hand, when he bumped into Steves head. He felt it with his hand when Steve raised his head.


"Hey Buck." Steve smiled and stood up. "How do you feel?"

"My whole body feels like shit." Bucky said weakly

"I'm sorry i'll see if they can do anything about that." Steve kissed his head and walked to the desk. Later on a nurse came in and gave Bucky some morpheme.

"Why did you do it?" Steve asked Bucky

"Do what?" Bucky asked

"Push me?" Steve sat down and held Buckys hand between his and kissed it.

"So you wouldn't get hit." Bucky squeezed Steves hand but even that little bit of movement hurt so he groaned.

"It should of been me." Steve said quietly to himself he figured he could of handled the impact of the car better.

"I can hear you." Bucky whispered mocking Steve.

"Who was it?" Bucky asked. "Who hit me?"

"Scott lang." Steve said

"No way that dudes an ant." Bucky said and did a small giggle but it hurt

"Only when hes in a suit. I swear i could of beat him up." Steve said, Bucky smiled and then fell asleep.

A few days later the doctor said he was well enough to go home, he suggested him not wear his metal arm because of the weight because his punctured lung was still healing.

"No way im still wearing it." Bucky huffed

"Sir." The doctor said

"I'll make sure he doesn't wear it besides Tony will have to fix it up a bit." Steve said Bucky gave him a look of really dude you're supposed to be on MY side!

Steve pushed Bucky in a wheelchair out to Clints car where there was a Scott too. Steve helped Bucky into the car and wheeled the chair back into the hospital.

"I'm so sorry." Scott said

"For what? Almost hitting my boyfriend?" Bucky snarked.

"That and hitting you." Scott said

"Hey Clint." Bucky said totally ignoring Scott

"Whats up Bucky." Clint looked in the rear view mirror. Steve got in the car and Clint drove them home.

"I'm so sorry." Scott said again

"Oh my god if i say oh I forgive you will you shut up?!" Buck kind of yelled but it made him cough which hurt and he grabed his side.

"How about you shut it pal?" Steve turned around and looked at Scott.

"I'm just trying to say sorry!" Scott whined

"Pull the car over." Steve commanded

"Steve we will handle this at home!" Clint said

"I said pull the car over!" Steve looked ag Clint and he did so.

Steve pulled Scott out of the car and threw him on the ground. Clint and Bucky watched from the car.

"When you apologize to someone you dont keep saying it you fucking wait till they aren't mad anymore." Steve yelled, wow Steve uses bad language?

"Okay okay!" Scott backed up on the ground as Steve walks towards him.

"You hurt him or make him hurt i will end you. Do you understand?" Steve was intimidating

"Yes sir." Scott said

"Get back in the car." Steve walked over and yanked the door back open. It was a quiet ride the rest of the way. When they got home Steve helped Bucky out and Clint took his arm to Tony.

"Hey tough guy how you feeling?" Natasha said when Bucky walked in

"Everything i do i hurt but whats new?" Bucky gave Nat a hug and she hugged him back gently.

Bucky was very hungry, hospital food wasn't appealing to him so he didnt eat. He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He got the milk out and a bowl and a box of fruit loops.

"Steve i cant get the fucking box of cereal open!" Bucky yelled.

"How about you watch your language?" Steve said walking into the room.

"I'm sorry." Bucky said. "Just let me wear my arm!"

"No Buck your lung needs to heal for at least another week. Till then no arm." Steve said opening the box of cereal and making Buckys bowl.

"I cant believe im getting punished from MY own arm." Bucky forcefully dug his spoon into his cereal and ate it.

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