《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Peter Makes An Oppsie


This chapter talks about PTSD

It was a late afternoon and everyone was doing their own thing. Peter had gone to the store and bought fireworks but no one was interested in them and he really wanted to show someone.

"Um excuse me Mr. Rogers?" Peter said in the door way

"You can call me Steve. But yeah?" Steve sat up

"So i have some fireworks i want to show someone but no one wants to see them. I was wondering if you would?" Peter asked. Steve thought about it he knew with his PTSD from war and when that big warehouse was on fire that it might trigger it but he didnt want the kid to be sad.

"Sure kid." Steve smiled and got up.

When they got outside the sun was going down and the sky was dark. Peter went out and set the first box down and lit it and ran back to the patio. When it went off Peter looked at it in amazement, it made Steve jump a little but he smiled at the kid. As Peter lit more fireworks flashbacks started to fill Steves head.

"Steve?" Peter asked. "Are you okay?" Peter touched his shoulder.

"I'm fine." Steve rubed his face, Peter had a concerned look on his face because Steve was shaking.

"Theres just one more left." Peter said and went out to light it. When it went off Steve backed up into the wall and screamed he buried his face in his knees.

"Steve?!" Peter rushed over to him. "Someone! Help!" Peter yelled into the house. Tony ran outside.

"What did you do kid?!" Tony asked, then he noticed the fireworks going off.

"Kid he has PTSD this stuff triggers it." Tony told him.


"Steve?" Bucky walked upstairs but when he noticed Steve he quickly went to his side.

"Shh its okay." Bucky held Steve in his lap

"Can you turn those off?" Bucky asked

"Uh thats not how it works." Perer stuttered out

"I can make it stop." Clint walked out with a bucket of water and poured it over the box.

"I'm sorry Mr. Rogers i didnt know." Peter apologized, but Steve didnt look at him.

"Come on kid, he'll talk to you when hes ready." Tony guided Peter inside.

"Thanks Clint." Bucky said, Clint nodded his head.

"Hey its over." Bucky rubed Steves arm.

"The warehouse." Steve mumbled, he rubbed Buckys leg.

"What about it?" Bucky asked

"It was all up in flames and ...." steve took a deep breath. "You...fell..." he whimpered

"Hey look at me." Bucky said and Steve sat up.

"That was a long time ago and its not going to happen." Bucky explained and wiped the tears from Steves face.

"I'm cold." Steve rubed his arms.

"Lets go inside then." Bucky helped Steve up and they walked inside.

"Steve..." peter said quietly.

"Its okay kid." Steve gave him a small smile and continued walking. Peter felt terrible.

Bucky got Steve some joggers and a bigger t-shirt and laid him in bed.

"Do you want something to drink?" Bucky asked.

"No thanks." Steve said. "I just want you." He lifted up the blanket and patted the bed. Bucky smiled and climbed in bed.

"I love you." Steve said into Buckys chest

"I love you too." Bucky kissed the top of Steves head.

"Tony whats PTSD?" Peter asked

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Tony told him.


"What is that?" Peter sat down on the floor.

"Its when someone has experienced something traumatic and it can come back in flashbacks. Like Steve and fireworks they remind him of the time he was in war and when him and Bucky were in a ware house on fire." Tony explained

"Do you think they hate me?" Peter asked, he was sad

"No, they'll talk to you." Tony told him. "Dont worry kid."

"Hey Peter i have star wars game. You wanna play?" Clint asked walking past.

"Sure." Peter said and got up.

It was about 3am and Steve started to get a nightmare about Bucky falling off the train.

"BUCKY NO!" Steve yelled sitting up out of breath, he looked around the room but Bucky wasn't there.

"Steve its okay." Bucky said running back in the room. "I had to use the bathroom."

"It happened again." Steve stammered

"What did?" Buck put his hand in his cheek.

"You fell off the train and all i did was... watch." Steve put his face on Bucks shoulder.

"Shh. I'm here and i'm not going anywhere." Bucky rubed his back.

The next morning Steve woke up in Buckys arm, he was so used to it being the other way around it kind of felt weird but he liked it.

"Morning." Bucky said in his morning voice.

"Hey." Steve said and looked up at Buck. Bucky looked down at Steve and rubbed his forehead.

"Do you feel better?" Bucky asked

"Yeah." Steve smiled and looked up at Bucky.

"Good." Bucky gave him a kiss on the forehead. There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Bucky said and got up, he opened the door and there was Peter.

"Can i speak to Steve?" Peter asked. Bucky looked at Steve and smiled.

"Sure kid come on in." Bucky said and let him in.

"Mr. Rogers I'm really sorry for last night i didnt know. You should of told me." Peter told Steve nervously.

"Its okay kid. I knew you wanted to someone to see." Steve smiled and opened his arms for a hug.

"Cute." Bucky smiled as he observed

"Thank you for accepting my apology Mr. Rogers." Peter said letting go of the hug.

"No problem, Peter. You can call me Steve remember?" Steve told him and he smiled.

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