《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Comfortable Bucky


"Avengers Tony has made you all breakfast and would like you to join him in 5 minutes." JARVIS said. This woke Bucky up but not Steve, he was still out. Bucky sat criss cross apple sauce so he could rub Steves cheek with his hand. When that didnt work he bent down and gave Steve a kiss.

"Yes?" Steve said groggy

"Tony wants us to go the kitchen because he made us breakfast." Bucky said. Bucky got up and walked over to get his arm.

"Wait." Steve said. "I think you need to get comfortable with the others seeing you with out your arm."

"But i'm not going to be able to do anything. Well roughly." Bucky said

"You'll learn and i'll help you." Steve told him

"Ok." Bucky put his arm down.

When they walked in the kitchen everyone was already sitting down. Everyones plate was already filled with food. Bucky pulled out his chair and sat down, Steve sat next to him.

"Good morning you two." Tony said

"Morning." They both said. Bucky looked his plate, Waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, and a biscuit.

Bucky picked up his knife to cut the waffle but then remembered he didnt have his other arm.

"Um.. Steve." Bucky said nervously. Steve smiled at Bucky and cut his waffle for him and poured syrup on it.

"Hey Bucky do you ever wish you were a starfish?" Clint asked.

"Um... no why?" Bucky asked confused

"Because starfish can grow limbs back." Clint giggled. Bucky leaned back in his chair.

"Clint!" Natasha hit him in fhs back of his head

"What?! It was a joke!" Clint whined

"A harsh joke." Sam said, surprisingly

"An uncalled for joke, that was very rude and disrespectful." Steve said. "We didnt make fun of you when you lost some of your hearing.


"Apologize Clint... now." Natasha commanded

"I'm sorry Bucky I shouldn't of said that." Clint apologized.

"Its ok." Bucky said quietly and played with his food. It was quiet after that in till Peter broke it.

"Have you all heard of the movie Space Jam?" He asked.

Later in the day Steve was downstairs working out while Bucky was figuring out how to do every day things with one arm. Opening things was the hardest. He was trying to make himself a sandwich so he got out the bread, cheese, pickles, mayo, and turkey meat. He got a plate but broke a few trying to get the one he wanted. When he couldn't get the tie off the bread he ripped the plastic with his mouth. Everything else he used his mouth the rip it open.

"Fuck." He said trying to open the jar of pickles. He even sat on the floor and put the jar between his legs and feef but nothing worked. He was about to throw it to open it when Clint walked in.

"Woah dont throw it." Clint walked over

"Do you want me to help you?" Clint asked. Bucky gave him a look.

"Listen im really sorry about the joke i said earlier I really shouldn't of said it." Clint said. Bucky handed him the jar of pickles and he opened them for him.

"Anything else?" Clint asked. Bucky pointed at the jar of mayo then the knife then his bread. Basically telling Clint to put the mayo on his sandwich for him.

"You know you can talk to me right?" Clint questioned, Bucky nodded his head yes. Clint put mayo on his bread.

"Thank you." Bucky said

"No problem dude." Clint walked away.

The sandwich was actually for Steve, Bucky doesn't even like turkey. Bucky carried the sandwich downstairs but when he reached the door he stopped. "Fuck." He said looking at the door handle.


"Here sir." JARVIS said and opened the door for him. Bucky walked inside with the sandwhich and saw Steve bench pressing.

"Here." Bucky said and sat the sandwich next to Steve.

"Did you make this?" Steve asked sitting up.

"With the help from Clint." Bucky said.

"Thanks." Steve smiled. Bucky smiled back and walked back upstairs.

"Do you want to watch this show with me and Peter?" Clint asked as Bucky walked past the room. He shook his head no and walked into the bathroom.

"Doesnt he talk?" Peter asked Clint.

"Yeah but for some reason he hasn't talked much today." Clint said

"Probably because you hurt his feelings." Natasha said

"I apologized to him like 5 times since then!" Clint stammered.

Bucky wanted to brush his teeth but he couldn't get the toothpaste open so he squeezed the tube in till the cap flew off. The tooth brush would lay flat on the counter so he put it between his knees and did it that way. When he was done he walked out and saw everyone in the main room. He wanted to see if he could shoot a gun so he went down to the practice room. He went down and got a basic hand gun and loaded it up. The only problem was he couldn't cock it back, so he thought of an idea but it was dumb and risky. But he was like yolo so he put the gun between his knees with the barrel facing the ground and cocked it back. As he thought his idea failed.

"AGH! Fuck!" Bucky screamed.

"Bucky?!" Steve ran down the stairs, everyone heard the gun shot and panicked.

"Oh my gosh! What did you do?!" Steve rushed to Buckys side. Bucky accidentally shot his foot and his foot was bleeding a lot.

"My foot hurts." Bucky said and held his lower leg.

"He needs a hospital." Steve picked Bucky up and carried him upstairs.

"Take him to the hospital wing." Tony said. Steve did as told.

In the hospital wing they removed the bullet and cleaned the wound.

"What were you thinking?" Steve questioned holding Buckys hand.

"I just wanted to see if i could shoot a gun with one hand. I couldn't cock it so i put between my knees and it slipped." Bucky explained

"Bucky this could of ended so badly." Steve kissed Buckys hand.

"I'm sorry. I wont do it again." Bucky squeezed Steves hand.

"Hes all done. You just need to rest your foot." The doctor said.

"Thank you." Steve shook the doctos hand and helped Bucky up.

"Carry me?" Bucky asked.

"Fine." Steve smiled and picked him up.

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