《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Shower Time


It was a late night and Bucky decided he was going to take a shower. Bucky shows with his arm off because he doesn't want to get electrocuted. But hes real self conscious about no having it on so he always waits for everyone to be asleep before he takes a shower. He put his arm on the bathroom counter and covered the part that connects the arm to him up with a waterproof patch. He turned the water on and waited for it to warm up. As he did he got undressed. He looked in the mirror and at his no arm side and rubbed it. When he got in he always knew it was hard to do things with one hand, but he alwaysed found some way to do it. While he tried to lather his rag with the soap bar he heard the door slowly open.

"It's occupied." Bucky said and dropped the soap. "Fuck." Bucky pulled back the curtain to see Steve.

"Can i join?" Steve asked. Bucky gave a small smile.

"You're going to see me with one arm." Bucky warned Steve.

"And you think that bothers me?" Steve took off his shirt

"Well... i didnt know." He admired Steves body.

"Of course i dont mind Buck." Steve stepped in and got his hair wet.

"This is embarrassing." Bucky looked down at his feet.

"What is?" Steve lifted his head up with is soft fingers.

"Can... um... you help me put soap on my rag?" Bucky asked

"Of course." Steve said and picked up the soap.

"Do you need help with anything else?" Steve asked he tried not to sound rude. Bucky looked at him.

"Sorry Buck." He said

"Its fine!" Bucky laughed "but yeah my back and my hair?" Steve washed his back and put shampoo in his hair.


"Ow my eyes!" Bucky whined and tried to wipe his eyes with his one hand. Steve quickly rinsed his hands and rubbed Buckys eyes.

"Better?" Steve asked putting his hands on Buckys cheeks.

"Yeah." Bucky smiled and gave Steve a kiss.

When they were done Steve turned off the water. Bucky went to step out of the tub but slipped and hit his head on the floor.

"Bucky?!" Steve stepped over him on to a towl and kneeled down.

"Bucky?" Steve turned him over. Bucky had a little bleeding on his fore head and had a bump.

"Please wake up." Steve shook Bucky.

"BUCKY!" Steve screamed. Bucky jumped awaked.

"Be careful the floor is slippery." Buck said and rubbed his head.

"Lets get dressed." Steve smiled and helped him up.

When they dried off Bucky put his arm back on.

"Is it uncomfortable to sleep with?" Steve asked

"Kind of." Bucky replied putting the towls in a basket

"Then why do you wear it?"

"I dont want the others to see me with out it." Bucky traced the sink.

"They wont judge and if they do i'll stop them." Steve told him. "Dont be ashamed of it Buck."

"I should of died from the fall. But instead i just lose my fucking arm." Buck looked at Steve.

Steve didnt know what to say he gave Bucky a hug.

"You know i love you right?" Steve asked

"Sometimes I question it but yeah." Buck replied

"Don't question it. Know it. I love you no matter what okay? I thought the last image of you was falling off that train." Steve tightend his hug.

"You arm makes you no different. If anyone makes a ridiculous comment on it i will put them in their place." Steve looked at Bucky.

"Do you understand?" He asked

"Yes." Bucky gave a small smile.

When they got to Steves room Bucky took his arm off and covered the connection part with a soft cloth. Steve smiled and got in bed. Bucky laid down on the side where his right arm was on the bed.

"Are you comfortable?" Steve asked

"Yes." Bucky replied with a smile

"Good." Steve gave Bucky a kiss and Buck laid his head into chest like always.

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