《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》The Dinner Party


"All Avengers to the meeting room." JARVIS said over the speeker. Surprisingly Bucky and Steve were the first ones there.

"Wow they were here before Bruce?!" Clint said taking a seat.

"So I've decided to host a dinner party tonight." Tony said

"Do you remember what happened last year?" Thor brought up.

"What happened last year?" Bucky asked

"Ultron did." Natasha told him

"Yes i am aware but thats not going to happen this time." Tony said

"Whos all coming?" Clint asked

"Everyone we know besides SHIELD." Tony said

"Even quicksilver?" Clint said jokingly

"Clint!" Natasha threw a water bottle at him

"Sorry." Clint was afraid of Wanda. Wanda gave him a stank eye.

"Are there going to be bubbles?" Peter asked. The whole room looked at him.

"Sure kid." Tony said making a note

"Make sure you have a date and it starts at 7pm" tony said and left.

Thor got in touch with Jane and Clint left to get his family. Of course Bucky and Steve were going as a date and Tony had Pepper.

"Wanda would you like to be my date?" Sam asked

"Sure?" She said but she wasn't sure

"Wheres Vision?" Natasha asked

"He has a virus and Bruce hasn't fixed him yet." Wanda said giving Bruce a look.

"I'm sorry i will fix him soon I promise." Bruce said nervously.

"Bruce will you be my date?" Natasha asked

"Uh.. sure." He stuttered

"Great." Nat smiled and walked off.

It was about 5:30pm and everyone was getting dressed. Of course all the girls got ready together. Bucky put on a navy blue button down shirt with black dress pants, a belt, and black slacks. Slicked his hair back and added some volume. Steve wore a baby blue button down and basically did the same thing as Bucky.

"Theres my handsome man." Bucky said standing in the doorway of Steves bathroom.

"You have something on your face." Steve said. Bucky walked in and looked in the mirror but saw nothing.

"Its right here." Steve grabed his face and gave him a kiss.

"That was cheesy." Buck said with a giggle. He looked in the mirror and looked at his metal arm. It was the one Shuri made for him.


"Sometimes i wish i had normal arms." Bucky sighed

"You look great Buck it adds a shine to you." Steve said

"Yeah but its... normal." He said

"None of us are normal and thats okay." Steve rubed his back.

When they walked out the main room was filled with people and it was loud.

"Bucky!" Shuri said cheerfully walking up to him

"Hi" he said and gave her a hug

"Hows the arm?" She asked

"Its good." He replied

"Captain America!" Phil yelled waving across the room.

"Whats he doing here?" Steve asked Tony as he walked by

"Dont know he invited himself." Tony said

Later on everyone was enjoying their meals and dessert listening to peoples story.

"Thor am i worthy enough to lift your hammer?" Clint asked

"Give it try." Thor smirked, he knew he wasn't going to lift it. Everyone gave it a try, when Steve tried he budged it and Thor was concerned but Steve wasn't able to lift it.

"Bucky go try." Bruce said. Bucky got up to go try but not even his metal arm could lift it or budge it.

"Ah i see i am the only one worthy enough to rule Asgard" thor said and lifted up his hammaer.

All of a sudden there was a thud from the other room. No one knew who or what it was because some people had left and everyone that was still there was in the main room.

"Tony?" Nat said

"I dont know what it was." Tony said

"JARVIS what is that?" Tony asked

"Sir it seems to be there is some type of intruder." JARVIS said

"I thought you said this wasn't going to be like the last one?" Steve said and huffed

"Shut it capcicle." Tony pulled out his device. Bucky wasn't patient and walked off to see what it was.

"Bucky stop!" Natasha yelled

"I want to see what it was." He said and walked around the corner.

"Bucky no!" Steve went to run after him but Thor stopped him.

"He can handle himself." Thor said.

Bucky looked around the corner to see Brock Rumlow. "I thought you were dead?" Buck said


"Ah i knew would come back." Brock said

"Come, have a seat." Brock patted a chair that was similar to the one that they use to brainwash him.

"Not happening." Bucky threw a chair at him. Bucky was then swarmed with people working with Brock and threw him in a chair.

"JARVIS." Bucky yelled

"Yes sir?" JARVIS said. This is not the time for JARVIS to be all whatever he is.

"SEND HELP." Bucky yelled

"Oh your friends cant help you." Brock said tying Bucky down. "You're going to work for me again." He said and turned on the machine. Bucky screamed but the avengers were fighting robots and didnt hear JARVIS.

"Bucky?!" Steve could hear the faint screaming. They ran in the room and everyone stared attacking one another.

"Mission report." Brock said. The machine was still and he tried to get everything he taught him back in his head.

"Not so fast bud." Thor said and threw his hammar at him.

Steve turned off the machine and tried to help Bucky but he was confused so he threw Steve across the room.

"You're too late." Brock laughed evily. Bucky looked around the room at everyone waiting to attack.

"Bucky..." Steve walked up to him.

"Steve dont." Natasha said

"Its fine." Steve said. Bucky pushed him down and started punching him.

"Finish me... because im with you till the end of the line." Steve said. Bucky looked at him and slowly remembered what happened. He saw Brock and he had a disappointing face.

"I was so close." Brock looked up at Bucky. Bucky took Natashas gun and shot Brock. Everyone was shocked, Bucky wasn't sure what he just did was right or wrong. So he ran off.

"Bucky!" Steve said weakly

"Steve he'll be okay." Natasha went to his side to help him.

"I'm never hosting a dinner party again." Tony said

"Really?" Everyone gave Tony a stank look. Natasha cleaned Steve up and gave him an ice pack for his black eye and busted lip.

"Where did he go?" Steve asked

"We dont know." Clint said handing him a glass of water.

"We have to find him." Steve told them

"He needs some space. Things will come back to him slowly." Natasha told Steve.

Bucky was outside in the woods thinking about the faces. He remembered Natasha and Clint. Then he thought about what he heard. I'm with you till the end of the line. Steve! He thought of immediately thought. He looked at his metal arm, he was disappointed. When he walked back inside he was greated by Thor.

"Are you better?" Thor asked

"It's slowly coming back to me." Bucky told him.

"Hes in the kitchen he really wants to see you." Thor told him. Bucky walked to the kitchen and saw Steve sitting in a chair all bruised up. He didn't say anything or move he just stared at him and was disappointed with himself. Natasha looked over and saw Bucky standing there, she smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I think you have a visitor Steve." Natasha smiled. Steve looked over and got up. When he walked over there Bucky backed away.

"Bucky i-" Steve said

"Its not your fault its mine." Bucky cut him off. "I should of known and shouldn't of gone."

"It wasn't completely you." Steve said

"I knew enough of you that it was you." Bucky said

"I shouldn't of attacked you." Bucky slid down the wall sitting down.

"Bucky you didnt mean it. I'm fine." Steve sat next to him. Bucky looked af Steve with his black eye and busted lip.

"I'm sorry. I didnt mean to i should of stopped." Bucky felt Steves face.

"Bucky stop. I'm fine. Brocks dead and thats never going to happen again." Steve told him. "I promise."

Bucky looked into Steves eyes and saw the true him. He then looked at his lips and remembered all the good times.

"Bucky?" Steve asked. Bucky didn't answer he just slowly moved his mouth to Steves.

"Too soon?" Bucky backed away im panic.

"No." Steve sighed and rubbed Bucks face. Bucky smiled and got up and lead Steve to the sun room to look at the stars.

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