《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Buckys Scared Of Thunder And Lightning


Bucky was in his room drawing. It was raining but that didnt bother him. Steve was in the Tv room watching Stranger Things. All of a sudden there was this loud boom, Bucky jumped and it made him mess up his drawing. He continued to draw and fixed his mistake when there was a louder boom that made the house shake and a flash of light.

"Steve?!" Bucky yelled and went under his blanket.

"Yeah Buck?" Steve said in his doorway. "Bucky?" Steve couldnt find him.

"Whats that noise?" Bucky peeked his head out from the blanket.

"What noise?" Steve asked and as he did another thunder clap boomed

"Agh!" Bucky screamed and went back under his blanket.

"Bucky its just thunder and lighting." Steve said squatting beside his bed. "Its not going to hurt you."

"It hurts my head." Bucky said under his blanket. His drawings had fallen on the floor.

"I like your drawings." Steve said admiring them

"Thanks i cant draw because i keep messing up because i get scared." Bucky said and moved the blanket from his face.

"Do you want me to stay in here with you?" Steve asked.

"Please?" Bucky moved over and Steve got under the blanket. Just after Steve got in bed the house shook because of thunder. Bucky quickly made his way into Steve chest.

"Its okay Buck." Steve kissed his head and rubbed his back. He figured out that the thunder and lightning brought back flashbacks of the machine they used to brainwash him.

"Thats never going to happen again. I wont let them." Steve tried to comfort Bucky and he knew what Steve was talking about.

About 2am and the storm continued on and Bucky laid there wide awake while Steve slept. Bucky looked out his window and watched the rain fall but when he saw lighting he closed his eyes. The storm just wouldn't go away and Buckys past filled his mind. When the next thunder clap boomed Bucky screamed and hit the wall, he had padding on that one part of a wall so when he got mad he wouldn't damage himself or anything. He sat up breathing heavy.


"Bucky, shhh its okay." Steve gently pulled Bucky back down into his arms.

"Why cant it just go away." Bucky cried

"It will go away soon Buck." Steve wiped the tears from his face and kissed his head.

"Can i trace your chest?" Bucky asked

"Of course." Steve took his shirt off and Bucky began to trace. Everytime thunder boomed Bucky would accidentally pinch Steve.

"Sorry." Bucky would say everytime

"Its okay." Steve would reply everytime because it didn't really bother him.

Bucky stopped tracing and looked at sleeping Steve. He was glad Steve was a gentleman and cared for him.

"Thank you for always being here for me." Bucky said quietly

"Of course." Steve opened his eye and as he did Bucky kissed him. A thunder boomed and Bucky bit Steves lip.

"I'm sorry!" Bucky jumped back. Steve felt his lip, it was bleeding just a little.

"Bucky its okay." Steve wipped his lip and brought Bucky closer to him.

"Do you want me to kiss it to make it feel better?" Bucky asked

"Any day." Steve smiled. Bucky made his way to hover over Steve as he kissed his sore lip. Steve removed Bucks shirt and admired his body.

"You like it?" Bucky whispered into Steves ear

"Of course." Steve said "know what else i like?"

"What?" Bucky smiled.

"This." Steve grabed Buckys groin. Bucky moaned but smiled.

"Me too." He let out and moved his hand down to Steves.

"I like the face you make." Bucky giggled and did it again.

"And i like yours" Steve let out. "Lets stop with this pants shit." Steve said undoing buckys belt.

"Okay big guy." Bucky said with a wink. When thunder boomed Bucky didnt jump.


"Not scared?" Steve asked

"Not when im doing this." Bucky smiled and went down.

"My turn." Steve got out. Bucky looked up and smiled. Bucky laid on his back and smiled at Steve.

"Someones been working on leg day." Steve kissed Buckys leg.

"Yeah." Bucky moaned but he shut up pretty quick.

The next morning Bucky woke up to Steves head resting on his stomach. He smiled and laid back and waited for Steve to wake up. Bucky felt Steves lips making his way up his body, he put his hands on Steves cold back.

"Hey handsome." Steve said all groggy and kissed Bucky.

"You're cold." Bucky threw the blanket over them.

"Guess what?" Steve asked and looked out the window.

"What?" Bucky asked looking at Steves lips

"Its not storming anymore." Steve smiled and looked at Buckys eyes. Bucky didnt reply he just pulled Steve close and rolled him over.

"Your lip is still sore." Bucky giggled and gave Steve a kiss.

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