《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Sad Bucky


This part does talk about suicide and self harm so if these are things that bother you dont read this part just scroll past it.

It was game night and everyone was getting a long having a good time.

"Ha beat you!" Yelled Clint

"Not so fast buddy!" Sam got in front if him blocking his view

"Not cool man!" Same said.

Everyone surrounded the couch watching each other play mario cart except for Bucky, he stood in the back and watched from afar.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked walking back in the room.

"Yeah." Bucky gave off a small fake smile

"Whats wrong?" Steve asked standing next to him

"Nothing i said i'm fine." Bucky left the room. "Dont follow me Steve." Steve knew something was wrong but he didn't want to crowd Bucky.

Bucky sat on the roof with a razor from a pencil sharpener in his hand. All he could think about was HYDRA and what all the bad people made him do.

Peter was playing but he could tell something was wrong with his spider senses. "Here play." He handed the remote to Natasha.

"Where you going kid?" Tony asked

"Uh... bathroom." Peter said and walked off. When Peter got to the roof he saw Bucky sitting on the edge staring off into the distance.

"Mr. Barnes..." peter said it was windy and cold. Bucky turned around and looked at him.

"What?" He said

"Are you okay?" Peter sat next to him

"I'm fine kid." Bucky rolled down his sleeve but Peter already saw the blood.

"My spider senses tell me otherwise Mr. Barnes." Peter was nervous, he was scared of his metal arm.

"You can call me Bucky." He told him


"Okay... Bucky." He stuttered out

"Go inside kid i'm fine. Dont be scared of my arm either. I can tell." Bucky said

"You're going to do something i know it." Peter said

"I SAID GO INSIDE." Bucky yelled and went to punch the kid but he stopped himself. Peter had fear in his eyes and ran off.

"Mr. Rogers! Buckys going to kill himself!" Peter ran in the room screaming. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned around.

"Where is he?" Steve stood up

"Hes on the roof." Peter stamppered. Steve ran off.

When Steve reached the roof he slowly made his way towards Bucky.

"Stop or i'll do it." Bucky said and stood up.

"Bucky please listen to me." Steve stopped

"Please dont you can talk to me please." Bucky knew if he did Steve would have nothing left.

"You didnt go through what i did all this is haunting me." Bucky said "i just want to end it."

"I watched you fall off a train to your death i'm not watching that again. Please just come inside." Steve begged

"I cant live like this." Bucky moved closer to the edge.

"Bucky please i know what you went through is rough and its not going to go away like that but its over now thats never going to happen again." Steve said. "Please Buck dont." Bucky thought about it and looked at how sad Steve looked.

Bucky walked up to Steve and they both fell to the ground and gave each other tight hugs.

"Please dont do this again." Steve asked Bucky holding his head.

"Okay." Bucky said. Steve felt Buckys wrist.

"Bucky..." Steve rolled up his sleve and saw he wrote the word monster on his wrist.


"Thats not true." Steve kissed his wrist. "Come on lets go inside."

When they went inside everyone was concerned, Peter was still terrified. "Hey Kid, sorry i yelled and almost punched you Please dont hate me or be afraid." Bucky said

"No problem sir... Bucky." Peter said

"Peter you saved Buckys life. I owe you one. Thank you." Steve nodded at him.

Steve cleaned Buckys cuts and told him that hes going to get one of Tonys nurses to cover up what he wrote. Steve gave Bucky some medicine to help him sleep but Steve wasn't going to go to sleep he stayed awake the whole night. About 3am Bucky rolled over and saw Steve.

"Come to bed Steve." Bucky said in his groggy voice

"Im fine." Steve told him

"I'm not going anywhere. Please?" Bucky made a puppy dog face. Steve got in bed and Bucky laid his head in his chest.

"I'm sorry i did that i should of just talked to you." Bucky apologized.

"You dont need to apologize for your actions just now im with you till the end of the line." Steve said giving Buck a tight hug.

The next day the nurse covered Buckys cuts with whatever fancy stuff Tony made.

"Morning Mr.... Bucky." Peter said joyfully walking into the kitchen

"Morning Peter." He said smiling

"Want to hear about me stopping a band robbery?" Peter asked.

"Sure kid." Bucky smiled and listened to his story. Everyone was pleased that he was still alive and doing better.

so this chapter was a little off i wrote this at 1am so i just kind of sped through it i guess. This was a really sad chapter. The next one shouldn't be so sad

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