《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Bucky Gets A Haircut


"Hey Natasha." Bucky said walking into her office.

"Yeah?" She looked up from her computer

"I've been thinking, can you cut my hair?" He asked

"Woah did i just hear what i think i did?" Clint popped up from behind the desk.

"Dont ask." Natasha told Bucky. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I've been thinking and i want that change. Im going to shave my face too." He said

"Steve is going to have a cow!" Clint said

"Shush! I dont want him to know. I want it to be a surprise." Bucky said

"Alright Buck we can make that happen. How about Clint teaches him how to shoot a bow and arrow outside while i cut your hair?" Natasha looks at Clint.

"Fine." Clint rolled his eyes and left to find Steve.

"Are you sure about this Buck?" Natasha wanted to make sure this is what he wanted.

"Yeah. Just leave a little bit on top and stuff i dont want to be bald." He said and Natasha stated cutting.

"Hey Steve." Clint said in the doorway.

"Hi" Steve looked up from his book

"Since when do you read?" Clint laughed

"Yesterday. What do you want?" Steve put his book down.

"Want to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow?" Clint asked pulling a bow from the other side of the door.

"Why?" Steve asked

"Oh my god dude just come on! We can have bonding time just you and me!" Clint whined

"Fine!" Steve said and got up. They went outside and Clint had already set up targets.

"So im not going to tell you anything im just going to let you figure the first shot out by yourself." Clint hannded Steve the bow then the arrow.


Steve put the arrow on the bow and pulled back, when he let go the arrow went straight down.

"Wow great shot." Clint laughed

"Shut up." Steve laughed

"Is this good?" Natasha handed Bucky a mirror

"Yeah. Looks good thank you." Bucky said then looked at all his hair that was on the floor.

"Go shave i want to see what you look like." Natasha said. "I'll clean this up." Bucky went to his bathroom and grabbed his razor.

"You look good Buck." Natasha said when he walked in.

"Thanks it feels different." He smiled. "Do you think Steve will like it?" He was nervous and was kind of thinking he shouldn't of done it.

"He will love it Buck dont worry!" Natasha said. "Go to the sun room and i'll send him in." Buck left for the sun room and Natasha went outside.

"Dude you suck!" Clint said handing Steve another arrow. Poor Steve can't even get the arrow to shoot.

"Don't make me shove this thing down your throat." Steve said jokingly

"Hey boys." Natasha said walking up

"Is it done?" Clint asked

"Is what done?" Steve was confused

"Go to the sun room and you'll see." Natasha smiled

"Take your damn bow back." Steve threw the bow at Clint and walked inside.

Bucky was looking out the window patiently but nervously waiting for Steve to come in. When Steve saw Buck it reminded him from when they were young.

"Wow so we're back to this look?" Steve said in the doorway. Bucky turned around and did a soft smile.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Like it? I love it!" Steve happily said and walked towards him.


"I wasn't sure if you would." Bucky smiled. Steve placed his hand on his shaved face and smiled.

"Looks good metal arm man." Clint said from the doorway Natasha pushed him.

"Thanks." Bucky said.

"Come on lets go to my room." Steve said.

"Are you sure you like it?" Bucky was still concerned that Steve wouldn't like it.

"Why do you keep asking me that?" Steve asked locking the door.

"Because... i didnt know if this change was going to make you not... love me anymore." Bucky said looking at the ground.

"Bucky stop. Im going to love you no matter what. If you wanted to get your haircut I wasn't going to stop you." Steve told him.

"Are you sure?" Yet again Bucky is still contemplating.

"Bucky look at me." Steve said sitting next to him. Bucky looked at Steve, his blue eyes were memorizing.

"Trust me, James. I love you no matter what, you handsome son of a bitch." Steve rubed his head and laid him back. Bucky knew if Steve called him James he was being 1000% serious.

"You know I tried to shoot Clints bow." Steve said

"Yeah. You suck, i watched from the window." Bucky laughed

"Wow... thanks Buck." Steve sat up. Bucky didnt mean to hurt his feeling, yet thats what he thought he did.

"Steve i'm sorry." He said. Steve laughed.

"Ha ha got you." Steve jumped up with a big smile on his face.

"Oh my. Come on now its not that big of a deal!" Bucky said. "Want to do something you dont suck at?" Bucky took off his shirt.

"What?" Steve bit his lip and also took off his shirt

"Come here and i'll show you." Bucky winked and laid back. Steve hovered over him and smiled.

"This is what you dont suck at." Bucky pulled him closer and connected his lips to Steves.

"I'm glad i dont suck at this." Steve grinned

"You want to know what i suck at?" Bucky asked and smiled.

"What?" Steve questioned

"Take your pants off and lay down." Bucky smirked. Steve giggled and smiled and did as told.

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