《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Bucky And Steve Got In Trouble


"Kid you okay?" Tony asked walking into Peters room.

"I should of stayed in Queens." Peter rubed his face.

"Why what happened?" Tony sat next to Peter on his bed.

"I saw that Steve was watching Annabell the movie and i was going to ask if i could watch too but when i went in front of the couch." He paused. "I saw Bucky giving Steve um a uh blowjob..." Peter laid back and rubbed his face.

"I literally can't get the image out of my head or the thought." He let out a wimper

"Okay kid come on, we are going to have a talk with them." Tony said helping Peter up.

"JARVIS where are Steve and Bucky?" Tony asks

"Sir they seem to be in Buckys room." JARVIS replied. Tony and Peter walked to Buckys room, while Tony knocked on the door he told Peter to wait at the end of the hallway.

"Are you all dressed?" Tony asked knocking on the door. Steve opened the door fully dressed.

"Bucks getting dressed. What do you need?" He asked.

"I need you and Bucky to the meeting room asap." Tony said and walked away.

"What'd he want?" Buck asked putting his shirt on

"He wants us in the meeting room." Steve said

"I bet it's because Peter saw us. Damn kid." Bucky shook his head. When they walked in the meeting room Peter was sitting there with his head down.

"Do you two want to explain what happened?" Tony questioned.

"Listen we didnt know he was just going to walk in like that. We thought the door was locked." Steve told him.

"We have bedrooms for a reason." Tony was annoyed

"How old are you kid?" Bucky asked


"15 and my names Peter."

"Hes 15 surly hes watched porn before." Bucky put out

"Actually sir I haven't." Peter explained

"Is there something wrong here Bucky?" Tony questioned, hes getting annoyed with Buck.

"No. I just dont see why we are getting a lecture." Bucky huffed.

"Listen here pal, if anyone ever catches you all do that again in an area other than one of your own rooms i'll have you both kicked out." Tony slammed his hands on the table.

"You act like thats going to scare me." Bucky snarked

"Buck stop." Steve told him

"You know i should kick you out for killing my parents." Tony said.

"TONY! It wasnt Bucky he was brainwashed!" Steve yelled. This pissed Bucky off and he stood up walking over towards Tony.

"No!" Peter webbed Bucky to the wall.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Steve yelled and grabbed Bucky off the wall.

"It wont happen again Tony but dont you dare mention one of his killings. It wasnt him." Steve was doing his best to keep Bucky from escaping his grip.

"LET ME GO!" Bucky screamed and wiggled around. "Im going to fucking murder each of them!" Bucky said

"No you are not Buck." Steve plopped him in a chair and sat in his lap facing him and took off his shirt.

"Trace my chest." Steve said putting Buckys hand on it. Bucky was hesitant he wanted to throw Steve off of his lap.

"Come on Buck, please?" Steve placed his hand on his cheek.

"JARVIS lock the door." Buck mumbled and JARVIS did so. Bucky thought about his actions and what he wanted to do.

"I should of killed that son of a bitch when he was in the elevator." Bucky said


"No Buck. You dont kill anymore." Steve told him. "He was only trying to get you mad." Bucky traced Steves chest slowly and he calmed down eventually.

"Sir Tony still wants to speek to you all." JARVIS told them

"Come on Buck i wont let him say anything like that again." Steve got up and put his shirt back on. Bucky slowly got up and followed Steve into the other room.

"So did doing it again calm yourself?" Tony asked

"Tony stop. Nothing happened other than your narcissistic self." Steve told him.

"I'm just trying to lighten up the mood. Listen i'm sorry i made him spaze out or anything." Steve cut him off.

"He didnt spaze out you made his nightmares return." Steve said.

"Listen i'm sorry i just dont need this 15 year old kid walking in on that." Tony said "and i'm sorry Bucky for bringing that up." Though Tony still didnt like him. Bucky looked at him.

"Bucky what do you say?" Steve looked at him

"Its fine." Bucky mumbled

"It wont happen again Tony. Sorry Peter. From both of us. Our fault, you wont see it again." Steve said

"Its okay Mr. Rogers." Peter said. Steve smiled at the polite kid.

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