《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Bucky Broke A Promise


"I need everyone to the meeting room NOW." Fury says into the microphone sending his message through the speakers.

As we gathered in we knew something was up. "Avengers we have a problem in socovia. Five very strong men have captured the gold stone and we need to get it and destroy it." He said showing a hologram.

"Isnt that dangerous?" Natasha asked

"Its very dangerous but you all are strong enough to go fight and destroy it." Fury noted

"Steve stays here." Bucky said

"I'm fine. I can fight." Steve said looking at Bucky.

"Its been about a week since the incident and i'm fine. I promise." Bucky gave Steve a look.

"Now I understand you two have a bit of a bond but none of that can interfere with this mission." Fury told them

"And it wont sir." Steve said

"Okay team. You all have an hour before you have to leave. Get what you need and go." Fury left.

"Steve no." Bucky said loading his guns.

"I cant just sit back here and do not do anything. I will be fine i promise" Steve said and grabbed his helmet and shield.

"Im going to stay with you." Bucky said


"Come on you two lets go." Clint waved them on to the air craft.

"Are you sure you're up for this Steve?" Natasha asked

"Yes. I'm fine." Steve rubbed his neck. Bucky stared out the window watching the clouds go past.

"Don't worry i trust you that if i get in trouble that you'll save me." Steve whispered into his ear. Bucky looked at Steve and said "you shouldn't of come."

"Hes right i can sense something bad" Peter said

"Kid?! How did you get here?" Tony turned around "JARVIS put this on auto pilot"


"Yes sir"

"Mr.Stark i wanted to help so i hid on the ceiling." Peter said

"Whats going to happen?" Bucky asked making his way towards the kid

"I dont know i can just sense it." He said

"Stay close." Tony told him

They got off the air craft and quietly made their way through the forest. "I see enemies up ahead." Natasha whispered.

"Argh!" Bucky said as he was tackled by one of the soldiers

"Bucky?!" Steve ran to the tree and tackled the man to the ground

"God damn it. So much for being stealth." Tony said and they all began fighting.

As the fight went on they got closer to the area they need to be in, but Steve was on one side of the forest and Bucky was on the other.

"I need help." Steve said out of breath

"Im coming." Bucky said shooting everything he saw in site. Steve was hit in the head and knocked out by Drew the leader of this mess. When Bucky finally got to where Steve was all he saw was his shield. "They have him." Bucky said he put Caps shield on his back and set off to find him.

"Dont go alone Bucky we will get him back." Natasha said

"We need you here right now." Clint joined the conversation.

"I have to get him." Bucky huffed

"Listen bud we are going to get him back but right now we need you to not worry about your boyfriend and fight." Tony said shooting a tree and knocking it on a bunker. Bucky knew he was right but he was worried about what was going to happen with Steve. He went along and fought, the quicker these were dead the faster he could get to Steve.

Once they got in they went on their own mission to get to the stone quicker. Natasha and Clint went through town while Tony and Rhodes went to the side. Bucky set off to retrieve Steve and vision kept a look out with Wanda. "Half of the soldiers are cleared we just need to take care of the five guys." Tony said


"They are surrounding Cap." Vision said "they seem to have quite a large container of ice water."

"NO!" Bucky yelled "Where?!"

"In the middle building sir." Vision said

"Bucky wait! You cant take all of them by yourself!" Clint ran. When they were all at the middle building they went in and fought together. The five men were very powerful and hard to kill. After a few moments they were finally dead and everyone but Bucky went outside to destroy the stone. Bucky had to get Steve.

Unfortunately they had stuck Steve in the large container already.

"Vision i need help opening this." Bucky said

"I'll send Wanda." Vision replied

"Please." Bucky is worried. Wanda tried her hardest but even she couldnt get it open.

"There seems to be a key of some kind." Bruce said rubbing a hole. Everyone scurried around trying to find a key. Vision on the other hand knew he could just use the infinity stone to break it.

"Sir Barnes its opened." Vision said.

Bucky rushed over, ice already took over half of Steves body. "Help me break it!" Bucky screamed as he started to punch the ice. Finally they got Steve out but he was still in a coma from being so cold. Bucky carried him to the air craft and put a blanket over him. "He'll wake up." Natasha said rubbing Buckys back. "I knew i should of gone for him. Its my fault." Bucky said

"No its not we all would of been dead if you left. Its not your fault." She said. "I said i would protect him and i failed I promised." Bucky hit the wall of the air craft, the whole thing shakes.

"Woah dont do that bud." Tony said looking at him like hes crazy. When they got back to the place they took Steve to the sauna and Bucky went to sun room.

Steve slowly woke up and wondered where he was his shield was next to him so he grabbed it like he was about to fight. "Steve has woken up." JARVIS said

"Where am i?" Steve asked. "You are at the Avengers building no need for your shield sir." JARVIS replied. It was all slowly coming back to Steve, he placed his shield on the floor. "He would like to see you." Natasha said standing at the end of the hallway. "Who?" Steve asked. "Bucky, hes in the sun room." She said. Steve made his way to the sun room to see Bucky just sitting there looking out into the distance. "That grass wont grow if you keep staring at it like that." Steve said walking towards him. Bucky didnt even turn around he just burried his face in his hands.

"What's wrong Buck?" Steve sat next to him

"I failed you. I said i would protect you but i failed." He said

"You still got me though." Steve said and cradled Bucky in his arms

"I promised you. You said you trusted me and i broke the promise and lied." He whimpered

"I forgive you as long as people are safe its okay." Steve told him kissing his head.

"Im not losing you again." Bucky sat up and rubbed his hand through Steves hair.

"You arent going anywhere and im not either." Steve said and gave him a kiss.

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