《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Steve Gets Hurt


"Tony im going to have to crawl in to turn the blocked wall off." Steve said. He knew he could hurt or potentially get killed.

"No! That is too dangerous." Tony said "we will have to find another way

"Time is running out Tony! If we dont get this wall down so people can escape and we can close the portal they will die." Steve said.

"No Steve!" Natasha said "Steve?!" It was too late Steve already made is way through the hole.

"God damnit." Tony snarked

Steve was almost there when one of the alien things zapped him. He screamed the side of his face and neck was burning. "Steve get out of there!" Tony commanded but Steve didn't listen. He pushed through the pain and flipped the switch letting the wall down. "Son of a bitch." Natasha said and ran in to close the portal. On the air craft Steve was in pain. "He needs a doctor as soon as we get there." Natasha said examining the wound. "When Bucky finds out about this hes going to be unstoppable." Thor said. "Bucky?" Steve said weakly

"Hes not here you'll see him when you get back." Natasha said

"He wont be unstoppable just dont let him know." Tony said

"Call Bruce and tell him wait happened tell him to put Bucky to work." Clint said

"I'm on it." Natasha pulled out her phone

"Hey can you get that? Im working on something important." Bruce asked Bucky.

"Yep." Bucky said picking up the phone.

"Hello?" Bucky said into the phone. Natasha mouthed fuck to Clint.

"Bucky can you put Bruce on the phone?" She asked nicely

"Bruce Natasha wants to talk to you." Bucky said


"Cant right now im busy." Bruce went back to work

"He cant. Whats up?" Bucky asked.

"I need you to go outside and plant some flowers there are seeds in the kitchen." Natasha couldn't think of anything else. Everyone on the air craft gave her a weird look. Even Steve knew Bucky would blow if he found out he got hurt. Hes going to find out eventually though.

"Why? This is a distraction put Steve on the phone." Bucky commanded and banged his hand on the wall.

This made Bruce jump, "here Bucky let me talk to her." Bruce said as calm as he good but he was nervous

"NO!" Bucky yelled. "DO NOT MAKE HIM HULK OUT JAMES." Natasha yelled into the phone

"You better put Steve on the phone or Bruce is going to lose a finger." Bucky said but before she could reply Thor was between them.

"I think Bruce is going to keep all his fingers." Thor said backing Bucky up towards a wall.

"Where is he." Bucky asked

"Hes hurt but he'll be okay." Thor said


"DONT YELL AT ME I AM A GOD." Thor raised his voice and picked Bucky up by the throat

"I'm not scared of you." Bucky wiggled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Let him go Thor." Tony said. Thor dropped him and Bucky gasped for breath.

"Hes upstairs." Tony said

"Thank you at least someone around here has respect." Bucky bumped shoulders with Thor.

Bucky rushed upstairs to see Steve going through what seemed to be an x-ray of some type. When Bucky saw Steves wound he rushed to his side. "I'm never letting you go on a mission without me again." Bucky grabbed Steves hand. "He did it himself, crawled in a hole got shot by an alien." Natasha said "we told him not to, be didnt listen."


"Stubborn ass i swear." Bucky rubbed his hair. Steve didnt talk much because his face and neck hurt too much. Bucky stayed in the room the whole time Tonys hired nurses took care of Steve. "I've never seen him tear up like that." Bruce said

"Me neither. But are you okay?" Natasha asked

"Yeah. I was kind of expecting it so i tried to not get mad." Bruce said.

Later on when Steve was resting Bucky sat in a chair beside his bed and waited. Bucky ended up falling asleep. Steve slowly woke up and felt his face, he could tell the skin was different but there was less pain. He noticed Bucky and put his hand on his knee.

"Oh you're awake." Bucky smiled and put his hand on Steves cheek.

"Do i look okay?" He asked weakly

"You look better and better everyday." Bucky said and sat on the side of the bed. Steve could tell Bucky had been crying.

"Come here." Steve opened his arms for Bucky to cuddle in.

"I thought i was going to lose you." Bucky said softly into Steves neck

"I'm not going anywhere." Steve whispered

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