《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Bucky Works Out


It was a early Saturday afternoon in the upstate Avengers tower, everyone was doing there own thing. Tony was in his office doing Tony things, Clint was video chatting his kids, and Bruce was watching Bill Nye The Science Guy. But down stairs were the work out place/ fight arena for practice was there was Bucky. He was punching a plastic dummy and kicking the others.

"I think its dead." Steve said from the stairs

"What do you want?" Bucky asked out of breath continuing to punch the dummy

"You." Steve said walking towards him. Bucky stopped hitting and looked at Steve.

"I want this." Steve bit his lip and grabbed Buckys ass

"Well guess what?" Bucky said backing Steve up into a wall, a little bit too hard it made the walls shake.

"What?" Steve questioned looking at Bucks lips. Bucky didnt even say it he just started making out with him. The loud thud caught everyone else's attention and they ran downstairs.

"Oh my god get a room." Thor said in disgust

"Jealous? Wheres Jane when you need her?" Steve said

"That was rude." Bucky said with a smile

"Come on. Lets go to my room." Steve said pulling bucky with him

"Im sweaty though let me shower." Bucky whined

"I dont care. You're just going to get more sweatier." Steve said with a wink.

"Gross." Natasha said moving out of the way.

A few hours later Tony called a meeting due to some damage done to a wall. "Jarvis what are Steve and Bucky doing?" Tony said

"I wouldn't—-" Clint said but it was too late

"Sir they seem to be having sex" jarvis said. Everyone in the room threw up a bit.

"Tell them to come to the meeting room." Tony said taking a seat.


"Yes sir." Jarvis said

"Um Steve?" Bucky questioned sitting up

"What?" Steve turned over

"What is that?" Bucky pointed to a glowing figure

"It says something." Steve said and got up. He was naked so his ass was out. Bucky got up and slapped it, hard.

"Ow. Stop im trying to read this." Steve laughed and Bucky wrapped his arms around him.

"It says we need to go to the meeting room." Bucky smiled and looked at Steve

"Well get your clothes on." Steve said

"Finally you all show up." Natasha said

"Jealous?" Bucky said taking a seat

"Enough. So we have house rules right?" Tony stood up and turned on some hologram of the work out room. Steve and Bucky look at each other.

"So theres been a dent in the wall and the ones who did it fix it right?" Tony looked directly Steve and Bucky.

"Its just a dent whats the big deal?" Bucky snarked and leaned back in his chair

"Chill it new guy i could kick you out." Tony slammed his hands onto the table

"The hell you aren't Tony. We will fix it." Steve said "come on Buck"

"Why were you working out earlier anyways?" Steve asked

"So im ready for the next mission." Bucky replied collecting the supplies needed for the task

"I dont think fury will let you and me go on the same mission. He'll probably think we will be distracted by each other." Steve said and looked at the ground.

"To hell. I will come no one is going to hurt you." Bucky said lifting Steves head up. They both smiled and Bucky gave Steve a small peck on the lips.

"All done." Steve said with a smile.

"Shall we return to what we were doing?" Bucky asked

"Nah. I want to watch a movie." Steve said. Bucky huffed but smiled

"Okay." He said and he helped Steve up.

They went to one of the many Tv rooms and locked the door. "What shall we watch?" Bucky asked

"Whatever you want." Steve said

"Finding Nemo?" Bucky asked

"Sure but you know that makes me cry." Steve said

"Then get closer to me and i'll cuddle you." Bucky said patting the couch. Steve did as followed and they watched Finding Nemo.

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