《Bakugo x Villain Deku》Chapter 4


I open my eyes and see I was in a container. I look around and see Shigaraki. I tap on the glass. He looks at me and smiles widely. He yelled something but I couldn't hear. Soon after all the group came out. Shigaraki started speaking into a speaker.

"Midoriya can you hear me?" He asks.

I nod my head and he smiles.

"Well I'm sorry to say but we had to remove your quirk" Shigaraki says.

My eyes widen.

"Is that even possible!?" I yell out.

"Yes there's a quirk that removes your quirk forever. That quirk is called Break. It breaks/removes anyone's quirk. We had to take away your old quirk because it got toxic chemicals inside your body. It happened when the alarm went off, whoever or whatever was inside got toxic inside their body. Luckily nomu wasn't Inflicted but you were. But we did give you other quirks. Your first quirk is called Burning Death. It kills anyone you want with your stare. You must look at the person for at least 15 seconds and their body slowly starts to burn inside. They will scream in pain and cough out blood. They will die in less then a minute. It made your eyes go green to red. The other quirk is called Brainwash, it's kinda like the quirk brainwashing but the person doesn't need to answer your questions. Sad thing is that the quirks are the only thing that made sure your body is stable. So if your quirk ever vanished then you die... so you need to be careful. Got it?" Shigaraki asks.

My eyes widened more. I'm only alive because of a killing quirk and brainwashing quirk? As least I'm alive... I nod at shigaraki understanding him.

"Ok release him" Shigaraki says.


The container soon lifts up. The fresh cold air felt great against my face. I soon step out the container and almost fall but Spinner catches me.

"T-thanks..." I say and smile.

He says nothing back and just helps me stand up then walks away into a random room.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"Spinner is kinda mad that you got a quirk close to stain's quirk" Compass says.

"Oh..." I say and look at spinner as he starts drinking alcohol.

"Spinner I need you to go get the nomu" Shigaraki says.

Spinner gets up and goes get the nomu but takes his glass with him.

"Poor Spinner" Twice says.

Spinner came back with a random nomu.

"Let's test out your quirk" Shigaraki says.

He claps and the nomu comes running at me reaady to attack. I scream and dodge out the way.

"Attack with your quirk. The nomu is weaker then normal you should be able to kill it. Think of things you hate then focuse that anger to kill the person in front of you" Shigaraki says as he watches.

I think of how I never knew my father.... the way Kacchan beat me.....

My eyes started stinging with anger. I looked at the nomu as it yelled in pain. Soon blood came from his mouth, eyes and and head. It layer emotionless after 15 seconds. I finally blink and look at shigaraki. He had a evil smirk on his face.

"Try controlling spinner" Toga says laughing.

Spinner turns around, he clearly was drunk. His tongue hung out, his was moving side to side.

"Spinner listen to me could you" I say and his eyes went from normal to all white "Clean up the glasses?"

He started picking up all his glasses and started washing them.


"Can you do that more often?" Kurogiri says as he watches spinner.

"Midoriya we have a mission for you..." Compass says as shigaraki was whispering into his ear "We need you to get kiminari your classmate from your old school and bring him here"

"Why?" I ask.

"We need him" Shigaraki says and a smirk forms on his face.

"O-ok" I say and start walking to the door.

"Wait, we made you a villain costume" Shiaraki says and my eyes widen "Its like your old hero suit but black and I changed the weird ears into normal ears"

I grab the costume and go change.

"Now go get him and take nomu with you" Shigaraki says and a portal opens.

I step into the portal with nomu and in front of me stood Bakugo. His eyes were wide.

"D-Deku?" Bakugo says.

"Nomu attack!" I yell.

Nomu goes charging at Bakugo. Bakugo dodges the nomu and came running at me. I looked at him and thought I'd everything bad he did to me.

No I can't kill him.... he's still my child hood friend....

I blink and stop my quirk. When I opened my eyes again, nomu had Bakugo under his hand. Bakugo was trying to get back up but couldn't.

"Sorry Kacchan but I'm not here for you" I say and walk past him "Keep him there nomu until I come back"

The nomu nods as I walk away. I look around the school, it was packed so it was hard to hide from everyone. I spot kaminari with jiro.

"Follow me kaminari..." I whisper.

Soon his eyes went white. Jiro looked confused as kaminari walked to me.

"Midoriya!?" Jiro yells.

Everyone's eyes went to me.

"Let's go kaminari!" I yell and run.

Kaminari started running too as everyone started chasing after us. I see nomu with Bakugo.

"Pick up Bakugo and let's go!" I yell as I see the portal just a head.

The nomu throws Bakugo in the portal. I was about to run in when Lida pushed me away from the portal.

"Nomu! Protect!" I yell.

Nomu goes running at Lida. Lida starts running as nomu chaser after him.

"Kaminari thunder shock!" I yell.

"Yes master!" Kaminari says and uses his quirk.

Blasting everyone giving me, him and nomu enough time to run in the portal. The portal closes as we made it in the portal. I see Compass and Kurogiri holding Bakugo.

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