《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 29 : Dad!



I stared in disbelief as I watched my dead son become entangled in a tree branch. He glared at me with the most rage-filled eyes I've ever seen as I stood dumbfounded and baffled at him. Shoto was right.

Shoto was telling the truth.

"Hey, dad."

Grey clouds of mist began appearing and from it, came a creature we had recognized all too well—the Nomu.

"Nomu, how the hell did you get here?!?" Kamui Woods spoke with worry and confusion as he screamed those words.

I thought Kurogiri was restrained?

His warp gate was purple, and this one was a greyish-black...

Does that mean they have another ally with a warp quirk?

Izuku smirked at me with a glint of insanity and evil shimmering in his eyes before I noticed the grey mist starting to form again. It grew around all of the villains trapped in the branch binds—including my son—and then they disappeared.

"Endeavor! Help us!"

Looking back towards our other accomplice, I noticed more grey warp gates expelling Nomus on the ground. Screams erupted from citizens in the area and gunshots could be heard from the police officers trying to contain the Nomu.

This is a complete disaster.

"Toshinori, what now?" Gran Torino's voice brought me out of my dazed and confused state as I remembered why we were even here to begin with.

We were here to save my daughter's friend, Shoto.

This must be the work of him.

Multiple Nomu attacked me as I felt the weight of three monsters on my back. Easily blowing them off of my back with a Detroit Smash, I yelled to Endeavor.

"Endeavor, are you having any trouble?"

"Does it look like I am?!? Just do your job and save my son, dammit!"

Right, this is Endeavor's son we're looking for.

"He could still be in the building! We didn't see him being warped away! Search everything!"

I promise you this, we will find you, Shoto.

"Dammit! Those damned heroes probably destroyed my newly founded head collection!"

I stood behind a crumbling wall in fear as I heard the voices of more villains.

"Calm down, kid, everything's going to play out just fine... We've still got that brat you wanted."

Are they talking about Shoto?

I can't freak out now.

I have to save Shoto.

I began to walk forwards—despite my fear, only to feel an arm clasp around mine. I glanced to find the owner of the arm and noticed Kacchan trying to follow me. Iida held his arms, restricting both of our movements and glared at us through his fear.

We were all petrified.

We had heard what the 'leader' had done to Best Jeanist. We were listening to the sickening sound of a hole being blasted through his stomach. We heard how he spoke.

This must be the evil my father had told me of.

This must be the man, dad had warned me of.

This must be the man,


as All For One...

"Ah... There you are..."

My eyes widened as I heard the voice of All For One, cut into the fear-stricken silence we had all been enveloped in.

Did he find us?

"I'll have you return my student, All For One!"

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?"

My breathing hitched as I realized All For One wasn't talking about me or my friends, but had only tensed as I realized he had meant my father.

Dad, please be ok...

I had left the bar for my comrades to search, as I ran to the second location. Flying through the air, I held out my fist and heard my arch nemesis' voice through the eerie silence.


"Ah... There you are..."

Catching both of my fists in his, I began to speak.

"I'll have you return my student, All For One!"

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?"

Snickering from behind the personification of evil, was my son.

I have to save him, too!

There's no possibility that my sweet son would have willingly joined the League Of Villains, so the only logical answer to his being here, is that he was abducted. I don't know how he's alive, but this is my one chance at redemption. I will save my son and make up for lost time. I will save my son, and make up for everything.

I will save you, Izuku.

"It took you long enough to find us. It's only five kilometers from here to the bar, and yet it was at least thirty-seconds after I sent the Nomu, that you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might."

First thing's first.

I have to defeat All For One.

"You're one to talk, it's kind of difficult to ignore that fancy life support mask you've got on. Aren't you over exerting yourself? I won't make the same mistake I made five years ago. I will take Young-Todoroki back!"

"And I'll be taking my son back, too."

"And I'll be taking my son back, too."

My face drained of all color as those words left my father's mouth.

"Izuku?" My words came off as a whisper, loud enough for the four of my friends next to me to hear.

They didn't understand what I had been talking about—not knowing that my dad is All Might—until I started walking forwards. Not even Iida's arm could stop me this time.

I stood in a position I'd be seen from and then I saw him. Just like Shoto had described. Fluffy green hair. Signature freckles. Beautiful green eyes.


My voice broke as I screamed his name, finally hearing the protests of my friends. He stopped what he had been doing—laughing—and slowly turned to face me. His grin immediately dropped as his eyes studied my features.


He began to stalk over to me as his eyes glowed a dangerously toxic green. I knew he still loved me. I knew he didn't really want this. He wants to come home to me. He wants to go back to how things were. Back to normal with me protecting him.

I saw the glimmer of rage his eyes held and the fury that laid, buried under the surface, but I wasn't scared. He's my brother.

He would never hurt me.

Family doesn't hurt family.

He was walking towards me, then running, and then he raised his fist.

My eyes widened as I realized he was about to punch me and I dodged.


Now I see it.

He actually is mad.

"Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi Izumi, what a pleasure to see you both here. Oh, and you've gotten new slaves, oh sorry, I meant friends."

"Izuku?-" Kacchan's voice was cut off by the fury and intensity of my brother's rage-filled one.

"Don't call me that you asshole!"

I have never heard him yell like that. I have never heard him swear like that. I've never seen him look like that.

His fist balled by his sides. His eyes—filled with resentment and anger. His voice—laced with venom and hate. This isn't my brother.

My brother did die that day.

This is a monster.

"I'm going to kill you in the slowest most painful way possible, and your going to feel exactly as weak and miserable as I did!"


As those words left his mouth, a light began to emit from his hands. One matching his eyes. One that I've seen before. Not from his eyes but from somewhere else. A memory came to my mind as I tried to remember.


The villain from Hosu City had the same energy whips, matching this color.

Shoto was right.

My brother, is Agony.

"I remember you... You were that villain from Hosu! And You were the notetaker from the USJ incident!" Iida's voice rang throughout my ears as I noticed my brother about to whip me in the side.

I dodged using One For All at five percent in my legs, and watched as his whip collided with the brick wall I had been standing behind previously. Where the whip impacted, the wall melted. Anything the whip touched, even for a split-second, was melted.

"I wasn't just there during the USJ incident, I orchestrated the whole thing! Without me, that whole plan would have failed!"


He swung his whip to hit Kacchan's left arm, but he dodged. We all broke out of our initial shock and began to counterattack.

"And your Yagi's brother?"

"And All Might's son?"

"Hah, no I'm the muffin-man- Yeah I'm that brat's brother!"

The sarcasm he had worn shook me to my core. This isn't Izuku. It can't be. This has to be some sort of sick joke.

"I thought Yagi said her brother was murdered by three villains?"

He stopped in his tracks, and the green, electric, energy-whips disappeared.

"You said what?"

His eyes glowed a brighter green than before and I could practically see the anger radiating from his aura.

"You sick, twisted, little bitch. YOU KILLED ME!"

He ran at me about to punch me when I counterattacked with One For All at one-hundred percent.

The explosion I had made created a layer of smog, as I frantically thought of what could have happened to my brother because of that punch.

He could be unconscious.

He could be bleeding out.

He could be dead.

The smoke cleared, revealing my brother's form, perfectly fine as he stood—wide eyed—staring at me. I saw his fist clenched as he ground his teeth.

"You, Todoroki, and Bakugou murdered me! All I wanted was to be happy, but you and your shitty friends just had to go and ruin that for me!"

My breathing hitched as we all stood watching him. Iida, Momo, Kirishima, Kacchan, and I couldn't tear our eyes from Izuku as he spoke.

"All I wanted was to help people! All I wanted was a family that cared about me, but you fucktards couldn't love a quirkless!"

"I loved you so much!"

He watched my figure dumbfounded as I screamed at him. Once again, the six of us were enveloped in silence, disregarding the explosions in the background.

"All I wanted was for you to be safe, but you just had to have that stupid dream of being a hero! I didn't want you to die saving someone!"



He began to laugh slightly, which quickly morphed into a laughing fit. I stared in confusion as I watched him laughing frantically. He was acting crazy.

"You cried for me after I died? That's so funny! All I did after I died was plan. Plan and train for the day I'd finally see you again." His voice changed to a serious tone abruptly from the manacle and psychotic laughter he had been releasing from his lips.

"Y'know at least the first thing Todoroki did when he saw me was apologize for the ten years of shit he put me through. No matter, I was planning on killing all of you eventually anyway." He continued.

"I didn't feel that an apology was necessary. We were only trying to protect you, you should be thanking us!" My voice erupted as I listened to his rant.

"Yeah, I should thank you three. Thanks for the push. Without you three—and our beloved parents, of course—I never would have found my real family. Nor would I have been enlightened to see the truth. The painfully harsh truth—the soul crushing reality—that the heroes don't care about anyone but themselves." His voice became harsher with every word as I watched in complete shock. "I'm going to enjoy tearing you limb from limb, sis!"

As he began to run at me with his fist extended, a flash of yellow sped by me and grabbed me out of the way. Izuku's punch was as powerful as One For All at one-hundred percent.

How the hell did he do that?!?

"Shock absorption, ey?"

Gran Torino?

"So you are Toshinori's son? Izuku, right?"

"Who's asking?"

"I went to your funeral, kid. You should go home to your family, they've missed you."

Izuku chuckled coldly at Gran Torino's words, before creating his energy whips again.

"You obviously don't know my family."

"Wait. Don't! Master!"

Izuku's eyes widened as he heard those words, spoken with rasp and worry.


"Your body is too damaged!"

A glowing blue light appeared over Izuku's head as he began to get pulled forwards.

"No I won't go."

As the raspy voice spoke with fright, Izuku's body turned transparent and the blue light disappeared, along with the other villains.

"Thought he could get rid of me... Nice try..."

A grey mist surrounded Gran Torino and then he was gone.

I watched as the small, old man wearing yellow was warped in front of All For One, serving as a shield to All Might's punch. I couldn't hold in my laughter as I watched.

"I only came to save Tomura, but if you say you're going to fight, then I'll face you as you wish."

Bruh, what am I, invisible?

"In the past, your fist crushed one after another of my comrades. Many were forced into the shadows, underground, while you were extolled as the Symbol Of Peace. What a grand view you must have had from atop our sacrifices." He paused to over dramatize the situation.

I watched as I dodged the futile attacks of the five kids that had come to save Todoroki, but were distracted by me. Todoroki was already released, anyway. Kurogiri should have woken him up and warped him home by now, under the excuse that he had escaped during the chaos.

We had set up ways of contacting him, and he's been given his mission, so there was no need to fear.

I watched attentively, standing by, in case something went wrong and Mr. All For One needed my assistance for any reason.

Never can be too cautious, right?

He swiftly blocked All Might's punches as they argued. I had only been able to catch a few of the hypocritical phrases my father had spoken, but I was too blinded by my rage to listen to them properly.

"This cannot continue!"

"It's over."


With that, my father punched Mr. All For One with his full strength right in the face, but I knew better than to doubt Tomura's Master's abilities. I noticed my father begin to smoke, so I just watched as the fun really began.

"What's wrong? You seem be worked up about something, All Might."

Izumi stopped fighting as she noticed the dangerous situation All Might had been placed in.

"I've heard that same exact line before, you know." He chuckled as he spoke and I couldn't help but smirk as I watched All Might's face drain of all color. "From the person who had One For All before you. Nana Shimura."


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