《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 26 : Silence...


I've been watching Shoto a lot lately. He's been more jumpy and paranoid than usual. His often calm and collected aura has definitely shifted, and I doubt that I'm the only one who's noticed.

We arrived at the training camp today, and he's been going crazy. At even the slightest of sounds, he panics. He froze a squirrel when it was collecting acorns today. A SQUIRREL. I can't help but feel like this is all to do with that thing he had said a few weeks ago.

Could Izuku really be alive?

I shook my head as I quickly shut that idea down. No way.

Of course he's not alive...

If he truly were alive, he would have come home by now. I know in his letter he seemed angry, but I'm sure he still loves Mom, Dad, and I. I mean, he can't hold a grudge against us forever, right?

As well as being alive, Shoto had said Izuku was that villain from Hosu City, which is impossible. Izuku didn't have a quirk, and he's not a villain. He's also definitely not taller than Shoto.

Shoto's still not accepting the fact that Izuku is dead...

I'm a little worried about Shoto though. He's losing his mind, and he's one of my best friends... I walked up to him in hopes of calming his nerves. Tapping him on the shoulder, I began to speak.

"Crazy training, right, Shoto?"

He jumped as I abruptly started a conversation. He looked like a cat seeing a cucumber for the first time.

"What's with you lately? You've been acting so paranoid... It's weird..."

His shoulders dropped as his eyes took note of my features. Sighing in relief, a small smile spread across his face.

"Sorry, Izumi..."

He laughed a little as he spoke, making me even more confused.

What is with him?

"Just a little jumpy is all...-"

Before I had a chance to reply, Mandalay's voice cut me off.

"Ok, listen up, it's time for the super-awesome test of courage!"

I heard the cheers of my classmates as Mandalay reminded us of the reward they had promised us.

We had all been pushing ourselves to the limit, trying to improve our quirks. Mandalay and the other Pussy Cats said they would give us a special treat at the end of the day, because of all of our hard work. This, of course, just made us want to work harder.

As Mr. Aizawa dragged the protesting remedial students away to their classes, the Pussy Cats began to explain the activity.

"Ok, so, Class B is going to start out as our 'scare-ers'. When their in place, Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names on them at the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those!"

"Revelry in the dark..."

I glanced to meet Tokoyami's straight face as he spoke those words.


What on Earth does that mean?

"Now, those who are 'scare-ers' aren't allowed to make physical contact with the pairs. Use your quirks to terrify the others, got it?" Pixie Bob continued.

"The winners are... The creative students who make the most people piss their pants!" Tiger's voice came across as harsh as he spoke.

He kind of freaks me out with his intensity...

"Did we need that visual?"

As I thought of a good idea to scare my peers, Iida went on one of his long rants about academics and stuff.

He's so damn annoying...

"Ok! Everyone draw lots to see who your partner will be!"

As Pixie Bob waved the cards around, I grabbed a number. I noticed Kacchan and Shoto were teamed up together, and they didn't look happy about it.

They've been at each other's throats ever since Shoto brought Izuku's name up. Kacchan is still really sensitive when it comes to Izuku. He's been suppressing his emotions about the situation, but whenever someone strikes a conversation related to Izuku, all hell breaks lose.

Shoto, on the other hand, has just been acting weird. He's been subtly glaring at Kacchan from across the training camp, dinning hall, and pretty much everywhere else. I'm assuming his recent behavioral changes—in that sense—are also related to Izuku.

I suppose Kacchan is the person whom had told my brother to jump, so it makes sense that Shoto would be angrier at him rather than me; although, he wasn't any better...

As well as Kacchan and Shoto's team, there were Tokoyami and Shoji, Toru and Jiro, Momo and Uraraka, and finally Ojiro and Iida.

A confused look appeared on my face as I looked around frantically.

That doesn't make any sense...

Recounting, I realized that those were the teams, and I was alone. Sulking in the corner, Momo attempted to console me, but I was still feeling left out.

"Revelry in the dark..."

Whelp, it can't be helped I supposed...

I'll just have to suck it up...

The Vanguard Action Squad had already met at the designated area. I wasn't supposed to go, but I really wanted to. The satisfying screams of terror the 'heroes in training' would be releasing, combined with the looks on their faces as we abruptly disrupt their peace of mind would be so refreshing.

I tagged along with the elite team of villains and decided to locate a good spot to watch from.

I want the best seats in the house to watch from as the mayhem unfolds.

I was flying around for what seemed like ages before spotting a mountain. It was perfect. It was high up enough that I wouldn't be spotted, but I would still be able to hear and see all of the action.

I was hoping that no one would be there, but the universe always seems to contradict my wishes. Standing exactly where I wanted to watch from, was my least favourite member of the League. The one person I didn't like just so happened to chose this cliffside to roam. Of course Muscular would go to the one place I wanted to go.


I disregarded his presence and landed on the peek of the mountain about thirty feet further up than my comrade. As previously established, I hate Muscular.

It's not that I don't like him just because. It's just his motives that really make my blood boil. All he wants to do is kill people. He's got no real drive. Powered solely by the desire to murder. The desire to hear people scream. I suppose I too am quite fond of the terror-filled pleas for mercy, and the ravishing looks of fright that my victims wear, but I have other goals. At least I have a reason other than just liking to murder people in cold blood.

Muscular tends to see this lifestyle as a game. As a way to have fun and only have fun. He doesn't want to change the world for better or for worse. He doesn't want to kill only those that lie and stand as false heroes to be idolized and praised. He kills everyone just for the thrill of it.

Ok, maybe I do hate him just because...

It's just that he reminds me of the three people that ruined my life. He reminds me of Bakugou Katsuki. He reminds me of Todoroki Shoto. He reminds me of Yagi Izumi. He torments those whom he wishes to kill before actually killing them.





I looked up, freeing myself from my thoughts as the delightful smell of smoke started to fill my senses.

They've started already...

A low laugh, filled with malice and excitement, escaped my lips as I watched the forest catch fire. The once peaceful forest was now engulfed in blue flames. The once calm and relaxing sound of crickets and laughter was overtaken with screams of fear and terror.

Taking in a breath of the smoke filled air, I smiled slightly.

"I'll do anything!"

Todoroki's words rendered in my brain as I sat, watching the flames and toxic gas flow gracefully from the forest.


Did he really mean anything..?

He has a remarkable quirk, so he wouldn't be completely useless. That's one of the main reasons we're here. To obtain Todoroki. Even if he doesn't want to join the League, I can still torture him to death.


I'm sure it won't take much to completely sever his sanity.

"Kota, Kota!"

I was brought out of my scheming by a feminine voice in my head.

This doesn't sound like the usual voice in my head...

I held my head and shut my eyes tightly. Pulling at my hair, I heard the voice continue.

"If you can hear my voice, hurry up and come back to camp. I'm sorry I can't come to you, I don't know where you're always running off to..."

This must be the work of one of those pitiful heroes...

"Forgive me... Just get back home fast!"

"I came here looking for a nice vantage point, and here I find someone who's not on our list."

The voice abruptly stopped broadcasting in my brain as the voice of Muscular cut in. I peered down the edge of the mountain and noticed Muscular towering over some kid.

An innocent kid...

"By the way, nice hat, kid. I like it..."

I ground my teeth as I watched the exchange between the child and the monster standing before him. The child wore a black T-shirt, accompanied by a pair of beige cargo shorts. His black hair was being covered by his red hat with golden horns attacked to it.

If I'd have to guess, I'd say he were around five or seven. Most likely five.

He's not seriously going to hurt that child, is he?

The child looked to be paralyzed with fear where he stood. He looked as I did when I stood in front of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Izumi.


"Why don't you trade me for this lame mask? They gave it to me 'cause I'm new. Said they couldn't get a shipment of the good ones in time."

The child screamed as Muscular jumped, lunging at him.

"I think you and I should have some fun up here, kid."

Raising his fist, his muscle fibers began to surface. I felt my anger growing as I was given the answer to my question earlier.

Yes, he does plan on hurting this child.


Muscular's mask dropped to the floor as his hood began to rise. A gasp was released from the lips of the child as I watched attentively. Although I had been watching from thirty feet higher than they were, I could still see the fear the child's eyes held. I could still hear the soft whispers that escaped his mouth as he stared at my accomplice in dread.

"It's you!"

This child knows that bastard?

"Papa... Mama..."

My eyes widened and my pupils contract as I put the pieces together.

This child looked similar to the Water Hose heroes.

Muscular was the villain whom had murdered them.

This child said 'Mama... Papa...' upon seeing my associate's face.

This must be the son of the Water Hose heroes!

I watched Muscular jump, fist fully extended, aiming for the kid. Suddenly, in an act of rage, I felt my body moving towards the two. Watching as the child's eyes shut in fear, I realized what I had been doing.

I am currently attempting to save a life, instead of take one.

I heard an explosion sound beside me.




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