《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 25 : I Will Make This Right...


In the most crowded place in the city, I couldn't hear anything. In the place where the noise never stopped, I couldn't hear anything.

I could see people. I could see people laughing. I could see lips moving as they formed words, yet I still was unable to hear any of it.

All I could hear, were the sounds of my shoes as they came into contact with the concrete.

I'm losing my mind.

Of course it wasn't Izuku. It was just someone who looked exactly like Izuku. It was just someone who had the same voice as Izuku. It was just my brain tricking me.

The mind of someone stuck in the past.

I don't think I'll ever truly forgive myself, nor will I ever move on. Izuku hasn't forgiven me. Not in his letter, not in person, and now he's dead. If I never get Izuku's forgiveness, I will never forgive myself. So, I guess my mind just wants Izuku to still be here... Because if he is, I would get the chance to apologize.

It's selfish really...

I only want to apologize for my own selfish desire. To clear my guilty conscience. To be able to forgive myself. To save myself. Izuku's sake is only a fraction of the reason as to why I want to apologize to him, but it's mostly to help myself.

I truly am the worst of us all.

"Kacchan... Why are you being so mean?"

My head whipped to my left as I heard a familiar voice. My eyes widened as I saw whom had spoken.


He was just standing there. His white All Might shirt. His fists balled. His red shoes. He was standing in front of another kid, trying to protect him from Bakugou, Izumi, and I...

It wasn't real... It was just my mind playing games with me. I watched as Bakugou, Izumi and I hurt Izuku. I watched as he cried, I watched as he screamed, and I watched as adults and pros walked right passed.

I stared in disgust as tears started to form in the brims of my eyes. I couldn't believe I would do something this barbaric as a child. No matter my intentions. Even worse was that all the people walking past, did nothing. They could obviously see him. They could obviously hear him. Yet, they chose to do nothing.

I couldn't bare to watch anymore, so I ran. I needed to get out of there. I ran through street after street, but those memories followed me. Everywhere. I. Went.

Every park, every alleyway, every building. I just saw my memories of Izuku as the years went on. Bakugou, Izumi, and I beating Izuku in alleyways and parks, from ages four to almost fourteen. I couldn't go anywhere without seeing his face.

I can't escape my past.

"Hah, my, my... Todoroki Shoto..."

A deep voice cut me out of my panic. The voice was familiar, yet unfamiliar. As if I had heard the soothing, yet creepy voice somewhere before, but I couldn't figure out where. Was it in a lullaby? Whipping my head around to face the source of the voice, I saw a familiar man.


"What brings you to this part of town, Todoroki?"


I need answers!

...And I plan on getting them now!

He stared me up and down before removing his mask once again. His eyes held a mischievous glint, accompanied by a vicious smirk. He was leaning against a wall in an alleyway, in far enough that an ordinary bystander would miss him, but I would still be able to see him.


I know I'm not going nuts!

That's him!

He nodded his head and motioned his eyes for me to come into the alley. I was debating on running, but I needed answers. I needed closure. I need his forgiveness, and I'm not going to get it if I run now.

His smirk only grew as I started stepping closer to him. He walked backwards, further masking himself in the darkness of the alleyway.

I didn't even know there was an alleyway here...

I can't expect anyone to intervene if things go south, since we walked pretty far into the darkness of the unpopulated alleyway.

As we traveled further and further away from the street I had been walking on, I got more and more nervous. I saw no one around, except Agony. He wouldn't look and me, nor would he speak. We just walked in complete silence.

I felt an abrupt pain surge through my back as I was thrown against a wall. Closing my eyes, I yelped in pain.

His figure towered above mine as I scrambled to my feet, readying myself for a fight, only for him to shove me against the wall.

Oh shit, what do I do?

"So, the training camp will be held in a forest here."

My finger glided across the map I had set up for my presentation. The League Of Villains truly has grown since my arrival. There's even another kid, and he's younger than me.

My specific friend group at the moment is comprised of Dabi, Toga, and I; although, Mustard often gets lumped in with us since he's around my age. Twice and Mr. Compress are usually together whenever I'm around, so I guess they're friends with one another.

Magnetism and Spinner have pretty much become best friends; meanwhile, Moon Fish and Muscular always keep to themselves. I don't like Muscular. At least, Moon Fish, I can tolerate.

"You nine will enter here."

"Wait, I thought you said there would be ten of us?" Dabi's voice cut me off.

If there's one thing I hate, it's when I'm interrupted. Well, that and Izumi.

Little bitch...

"Yes, you will have a tenth member, but he's not finished..." My voice rung out as their faces contorted in confusion.

Nomu's take time to engineer... I mean, It's not like you can just whip one up in a quick thirty, or something like that.

"Anyway, as I was saying, you nine will enter here. Dabi, I want you to use your quirk to set the forest ablaze. Mustard, I want you to envelop an area as vast as possible in your toxic gas, then shoot anyone who makes it to where you are." They both looked at me and nodded, expressing their understanding.

I need the students to find themselves cornered. It will be easier to isolate them if they're all split up between both fire and toxic gas. Then, we can capture the ones of use, and kill the rest without a fuss.

"The rest of you, I want you to cause mayhem and kill those false heroes where they stand. As well as the pros, we do have a capture list. Don't forget that our primary targets."

With that, I left. There are some students that we, the League, think could be more susceptible to our cause than others. By some students, we of course mean Todoroki Shoto.

I was aware of his father's actions towards him and his siblings back when we were younger. He hadn't talked to me directly, but I had over heard one of his conversations with my sister.


He sounded so broken as he spoke to Izumi. His voice cracked every so often. His nose sniffled as he spoke. It was obvious he had been crying.

I remember feeling terrible for him as I heard about his home life. Maybe I could empathize with him because he and I shared an experience, or maybe those were just the feelings of a seven year old boy. A seven year old, naïve boy who just wanted a friend.

I wanted to hug Todoroki as I listened to him talk from a room over, but decided against it. He would have just hurt me for being nosy...

I walked out of the bar, wearing my hood and mask, to get some air. I feel like even though I'm free, I'm still being tortured. Not physically, but mentally. Even though I'm away from the torment and harassment I was subjected to for almost a decade, I'm still being abused by the memories.

I'll never truly be free...

As long as those brats are still breathing...

"Hah, what's wrong, Todoroki..?"

I could hear the amusement dripping from his voice as he pinned my arms beside my head. Opening my eyes again, I was met with his hate-filled, emerald orbs. They could probably intimidate even All Might himself.

"I-Izuku..? I-Is it really you?"

My voice cracked frequently as my guilt and remorse clearly shown through it. His eyes wandered my figure and took note of my trembling. I felt like he could see right through me. Like he could read my mind. Like I were vulnerable in his presence.

He lowered his head to match my height level. If this truly were Izuku, he's definitely grown. His head hung low, next to my right ear as I impatiently waited for his response.

"What if it is?"

His husky voice rang through my ears. Although it wasn't a proper confirmation, it made me realize that this definitely was him. This man, whom had almost killed me just a week ago, was Izuku. This man, whom had aided in the execution of the murders of my classmates, was Izuku.

"What are you going to do about it?"

I felt his nails digging into my wrists as his voice grew angrier and more violent by the word. I was in shock. I thought I was nuts, but he truly is alive.

How is this possible?

Izuku had an open-casket funeral.

I saw his body, mangled and bloody as it laid lonely and cold on the pavement at our old school.

So how could he possibly still be alive right now?


My throat was congested. My brain didn't know how to speak. I had so many things I wanted to ask. I had so many things I wanted to say, but I had no idea how to say any of them.

Where would one even begin to start? Should I apologize first, or should I ask my questions first?

His head started to rise as I was once again met with his eyes. He was dangerously close to my face. The guilt in me only rose as his now pain-stricken eyes met mine. He looked so broken. So lost. So hurt, and it's all my fault.

The pain and sadness, filling his eyes, were quickly replaced with hate as he pulled his face away from mine. His face was full of disgust as he gazed upon my figure again.

"I-I... I'm so sorry, Izuku...-"

"What. Did. You. Just. Say."

I felt his gaze on me deepen as his eyes began to glow. I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear. I didn't want to hurt him again. I didn't ever want to hurt him again. If he decides to kill me, I'll take it. All I want is to make amends, and if it takes me dying to pay for my crimes, then so be it.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to use my first name? We're not fucking friends!"

"I'm sorry."

My broken voice rung throughout the alleyway we were in, as my glossy eyes bored into his angry slits. I shut my eyes as I waited for him to kill me or something, but nothing ever came.

I felt the pressure on my wrists release as my being fell to the floor. I felt a warm liquid trickling down my wrists, before noticing his nail marks. I looked up at the man standing over me in terror.

"So, what?"

My confusion only grew as I heard his voice. It was different from before. His eyes were less angry. His voice was less harsh. He was like a completely different person than he was a few minutes ago.

He was like a completely different person entirely.

"You're sorry? Why the hell should I care?"

I was shocked. I knew, deep down, that he would never forgive me for what I had done to him, hell, I wouldn't even forgive me, but I was hoping. Hoping he would just smile one of his happy, care-free smiles and tell me 'it's all right'. Hoping we could just put our pasts behind us and forget what had happened. Hoping we could be friends.

Of all the times I had dreamt of meeting Izuku again, it had never even crossed my mind that he might not have accepted my apology. That he would be angry. That he would turn into this.

The man in front of me stared down at my small being as I thought of what to do. His eyes were softer, but they were still shrouded in hate and...


"You want me to what? Forget about the decade you spent making my life a living hell? Forget about the death threats? The harassment? The abuse? The mental strain?"


"Even now, I'm still haunted by the memories."

I didn't expect...

"Haunted by the misery and despair."


"That you caused me."


"And you want me to just..."


"Forgive you?"

"I'll do anything." My voice broke as I screamed at him. "I just want to make you happy. I want to erase everything."

"Well guess what... You can't"

I know...

"Watch yourself, Todoroki Shoto. We're not done here."

As he walked away, muttering, I felt a sense of relief. It were as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

He's alive...

He's really alive...

I swear to you Izuku...

I will make this right...

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