《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 23 : He's Gone...


I was angry. So angry, that I was laughing. This is the second time. The second time that those monsters have ruined my life. The second time that those bitches have dragged me down to a point of wishing death upon myself.

The second time that they've taken something from me.

Izumi and Todoroki stood to their feet, ready to attack my Master and I, but I wasn't having it. I activated one of my quirks, Ghost, and turned myself invisible. Walking towards them undetected, I grabbed both of their necks.

My satisfaction of seeing them both gasping for air, hungerly, was unmeasurable. Just watching as their faces contorted in confusion and fright made my heart flutter.

It was a breathtaking sight. Literally.

I made myself visible and watched as their eyes shook with fear.

This must have been how I looked all those years.

It made me feel so powerful watching them, for once, cower in fear as I hurt them. Like I finally was getting my revenge. I thought of removing the thin hood and mask, concealing my identity, but I realized.

It's not the perfect time.

I need to do it when they're all here. When their all suffering. When they've lost everything. I want them, not just to know how I felt, but to feel how I felt. To feel the desire to give up. To want to end your own life. To want to make it stop. Stop the pain. Stop the suffering. Stop breathing.

I want them to suffer, just like how I did.

I heard the pleasurable sounds of their chocking as they struggled to breathe. The looks on their faces as they began to pale. The beautiful looks of pain they wore as their oxygen was running low.

I figured they'd probably die if I didn't let go, and I still have plans for them, so I let go. I need them to suffer. Not just for a mere thirty seconds. Not just for a few hours. I need them to suffer for as long as I did.

Gasping for air, they held their throats on the concrete beneath me. It was a ravishing look on them. Todoroki glanced up at me with eyes that simply held fear. As he hungerly took in oxygen, I remembered something.

Todoroki was the most malleable of them all.

I smirked as I though of how I could use this to my advantage. Of how I could break him to such an extent that he would never recover.

I've got it.

I gazed up at the man standing above me. He looked to be enjoying himself. He laughed darkly as he watched Izumi and I trying to refill our lungs with oxygen. His eyes wandered my figure, it felt like his eyes were inspecting every inch of my being.

I felt like he could see through me.

I stood to my feet quickly and prepared to punch the villain in the face, but then he disappeared. I glanced towards Izumi and noticed she had fainted — likely due to oxygen deprivation.


I'm on my own.

At least until Iida and Native can move again.

I felt a sharp pain in the center of my back, knocking me to the floor. Agony leant down, placing a hand firmly on the back of my neck, as he began to whisper in my ears.

"Yagi Izuku." His husky voice filled my senses as he uttered those words.

My body visibly stiffened, and I could feel his smirk growing on his face. Several thoughts shot through my brain.

"You still think you can become a hero after what you've done?"


"You're just like your father, Todoroki..."

With those words uttered, he let go of me. He walked towards the Hero Killer as I was paralyzed in my spot. I had known in my heart that I was just like my father, but actually hearing it from someone else made it feel more real. As well as bearing his quirk, I also bare his retched personality.

"I'm tired, may I go back to the hideout?"

I strained my neck to look at the man once more. Stain nodded his head and explained he'd only be a few moments. Agony whispered something in the ears of the Hero Killer before turning back towards me.

"It was lovely to see you again, Todoroki."

What's he talking about?

The USJ incident?

"And it was a pleasure watching you weep."

My eyes widened in shock as he did something unimaginable.

He removed his mask.

My eyes roamed the freckle covered face of the man I had killed, and his stared right back at me.

How is this possible?

I saw his body as it laid cold in a casket...

"Izuku..." I mumbled quietly to myself; although, I'm almost positive he heard me.

Seeing my expression, he turned and began to walk away. Leaving Izumi, Iida, Native, and I alone with the Hero Killer.

All I could see was red as he left. I have to see him. I have to talk to him. I have to apologize to him. I need answers. I need clarification. I need his forgiveness. I desire his presence. I desire his smile.

I desire him.

The only thing standing in the way of the man I had desired, were the villain standing in front of me. The man blocking my path. The Hero Killer.

I need to get to Izuku.

I need to tell him...

How sorry I am.

"Try not to kill the Blonde chick or the Canadian Flag... I want those two alive for a moment longer..." I whispered to Stain.

I didn't want any of the people around us to hear my words, other than Stain. If they knew my plan, they would be able to prevent me from achieving my goals. Which would make me angry.

"It was lovely to see you again, Todoroki..."

Glancing towards my sister, making sure she was unconscious I spoke.

"And it was a pleasure watching you weep."

After confirming that the other two people in the area were paralyzed and facing the other direction, I removed my mask.


Although I had changed severely since I had last seen Todoroki, I'm sure he'd remember me well enough to know it were me just from my face. I didn't feel like removing my hood from my head, so I'll just have to hope he would recognize my features.

He stared back at me with wide eyes. My mask hanging from one ear, my freckles, my emerald eyes. His eyes flickered through all of it.

I knew he recognized me when he muttered my name under his breath.


This is one step further to make my dreams a reality. To make my vision possible. To make my ideals, a common goal.

I began to walk away, the painful expression Todoroki had worn still fresh in my mind. It made me smile. How he looked. The way his eyes shook. The way his lips trembled. The way his body wobbled where he sat.

It was so...


I trust Master to complete his mission swiftly, without killing the two assholes I wanted for myself.

I arrived at the base happily, still amused from the look of terror present on the faces of my two tormenters.

I wonder how much fun Stain was having without me...


This is the rode I must take to pave my way into the mind of Todoroki Shoto. The path I must run to achieve a fraction of my goal. The fun I would have been having will double as my goal progresses. As my ideals blossom into the new mindset of the public.

It'll all be worth it...

Once I am finished.

I woke up in a cold sweat. This were more normal than not. I held my head in pain as I thought of my dream. It's always more or less the same thing.

A memory.

I honestly don't remember a single memory of me being happy. I don't think I've ever truly been happy. There wasn't a day, night, a birthday, nor a holiday that I've worn a real smile since I was four years old.

This dream was of my tenth birthday. I was a twin, so my parents often forgot it were my birthday as well. All they had remembered was my sister.

I had sat in my room watching my favourite All Might video, as per usual. During my sister's fifth birthday party, I had learned not to even show up. Whenever I was around, I would either be completely ignored or beat up. Since it were also my birthday, I didn't really want to feel all shitty and stuff; however, the universe hates me...

I finished watching the video and decided to just lay on my floor and cry. I was trying to stay strong. Trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Trying to find the hope at the bottom of the ravine. I couldn't, though. There was no light. There was no hope. Deep down I knew that.

I knew that I wasn't strong. I knew I was hopeless. I knew I was weak. A waste of a person. I could barely hold on. I could barely keep up with the train headed straight towards me, about to run me over.

I silently cried as I thought of how pitiful my life was, then a click processed through my brain, followed by an eruption of noise.

I forgot to lock my door.

I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain. I just waited. Tears were still streaming down my face as I waited for whatever would happen to me.

I knew I couldn't out run them. I knew I couldn't fight back. I knew I was too weak. I knew I stood no chance, so I didn't try.

I think that was the day I had truly given up. Although I hadn't been completely broken down, that was the day I had given up on everything. I was only hanging by the small strand of belief. Belief that something would change. Hope that something would change.

I was waiting for so long. Waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. I opened my eyes and glanced towards my sister and her friends.

They just stood there, staring at my small figure. My hair was a mess. Eyes red and puffy. Tear stained cheeks. My body laid in the middle of my room on my left side.

"Aren't you gonna do something to me..." My voice came out horas and broken. My emotions clearly shining through my words and tone.

As I continued lying on the ground, crying silently, they just stared. Bakugou was the first to walk up to me.

He kicked me in the stomach as the others quickly snapped out of their trance. None of them said anything. I didn't say anything. I didn't feel anything. I wasn't numb to the pain. I wasn't used to it. I was just tired. I was feeling more pain mentally than my physically.

After a little they left as I just laid silently on the floor, tears unending.

Reliving memories like that makes me feel like I had never escaped. It makes me feel like I'm still in pain. Like I'm still slowly dying.

I hope that when I finally get my revenge, it will all stop. When I finally show everyone what it was like, I will be freed from my mental prison. From my problems. From those memories.

From myself.

I rose from my bed and went to see if Stain had returned while I was asleep. I had waited for him until one in the morning, but he never returned. I wasn't nervous at all. He was strong. He could take care of himself.

I looked around our temporary hideout, but he wasn't there. Not in the kitchen. Not in his room. Not in the main room. He wasn't here.

He's fine, right?


Probably just getting an early start.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and toasted some bread, before turning on the T.V.

No way.

He's gone.

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