《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 22c : Breathe


I activated my engines and prepared to kick him once more, but the hero killer was stronger than I had originally assumed. He jumped over my head as my leg kicked the air, and I felt his spike-covered shoe come into contact with my shoulder.

"Ingenium... So you're brothers..." He started coldly.

As he spoke, he landed on my back. His face, shrouded in darkness was more terrifying than anything I had ever laid witness to. Even more so than Koda's body disintegrating in front of me.

"You're just as weak as he was."

He maneuvered his sword to face me, before impaling my shoulder. I felt the surging pain of his metallic sword piercing through my being as my blood spewed out.

"You aren't heroes. You have no right to be called that. Both of you are nothing but fakes."

His menacing voice was laced in more poison than I originally thought possible.


I strained my eyes to meet those of the kid in black, who was stifling his laughter. He was just watching, mockingly. It was almost as if he were enjoying this.

"You killed him. My brother was incredible. A caring person who had saved many lives. Someone people looked up to. You had no right to take that all away from him." Ignoring the carless words of the kid in black, my voice echoed with vengeance and resentment.

I felt the kid's eyes, staring holes into my form as he began to laugh even harder; meanwhile, the Hero Killer's sword seemed to jab deeper into me. I let out a cry of pain as the metal created more space for my blood to escape from.

"Oh my God, isn't this famously humorous. To think, I went through all the trouble of making my own mark on society, only for you to get all the credit, Stain."

My eyes widened in shock as I came to the revelation. The now painfully clear truth that the Hero Killer didn't kill my brother.

The kid in black did.

It was so obvious, too. Now actually having this option open, it's clear that this wasn't Stain's style. He would usually just leave his victims where they were murdered, rather than thinking and performing something so disturbing two police officers would vomit.

My eyes trembled as tears started to form. I strained to lift my head and glare into the soul of the obviously amused monster in front of me and speak.

"I won't forgive you... I'll kill you!"

"Shouldn't you be worried about saving that guy?" The kid staring back at me spoke as he lifted his finger to point somewhere.

I followed his finger to a man, propped up against a wall. I recognized him as the pro hero: Native. He looked to be bleeding out. My eyes widened as I realized that I hadn't noticed him. I was so blinded by my rage, that all I could see was the Hero Killer in front of me.

"You were so busy with your grudge, for forgot about him. You plan on using your quirk only for yourself. Completely blinded by a selfish desire for revenge. You're about as far away from being a hero as I can imagine." The man, still grasping the sword, spoke as he brought the blood-stained piece of metal to his face.

"And that's why you'll die tonight."

After vocalizing those words, he licked his sword. I felt a wave pass through my body as I struggled to move. My fingers couldn't even twitch. This must be his quirk. I came across a frightening thought.


I was paralyzed.

"Goodbye child, may your death bring about a better world."

His blood-thirsty aura had leaked from his body, creating an even more menacing final sight. As those words processed through my brain I realized that the man who had truly murdered my brother was going to escape. The child, wearing a hood, was the true murderer, and he would never face repercussions.

I would never get justice for what that monstrous kid had done to my family.

"No, please... Not like this..."


I figured the Hero Killer would be in an alleyway, considering there are countless pros everywhere in the city. So, I have been running through alleyway after alleyway trying to find Iida.

He might not even be in trouble.

He might not even be looking for the Hero Killer.

"No please... Not like this..."

My eyes quickly darted towards the source of the familiar voice, echoing throughout the alleyway to my left. I knew full well whom this voice belonged to, and I knew exactly who those words were directed towards.

The Hero Killer : Stain.

Seeing my friend, face down, with a sword about to impale him in the head made a shiver run down my spine. I leaped forwards, fist extended, and knocked the Hero Killer backward with a right hook.


Standing in front of my injured friend, I prepared to fight the Hero Killer. He started to pick himself off the ground as another figure glared at me. I recognized this man in front of me.

His black hoodie draped over his figure, covering his obviously messy hair. His black, cloth, surgical mask, concealing the better half of his face. Only leaving his eyes unmasked. His vibrant, emerald eyes, that shown in the moonlight. His angered expression that I recognized from only a few weeks ago.

This was the man who had sent my father into a comatose state. This was the man who had revealed my father's identity to my friends. This was the man who had assisted in the murders of three of my friends. This was the masked man.

"The man in black..."

The man in black scoffed at my remark before looking away. He glanced towards the moon, only making his beautifully entrancing eyes shine brighter.

"The man in black? Interesting name..." His voice was sweeter than nectar as he spoke. "I don't like it... call me..."


His honey-sweet voice was both menacing and calming to listen to. It reminded of something, but I couldn't remember what...

Was it someone I knew?

The hero killer rose to his feet, licking his sword with a droplet of blood on it.

My blood.

He must have cut me when I punched him...

I felt my body stiffen as I struggled to move. Somehow I was frozen where I had stood. I tried to move but nothing worked. My legs wouldn't move. My arms wouldn't flail, my nose wouldn't twitch.

"You're not powerful enough. It's not that you predicted my movements, you just left my field of vision and maneuvered so that you would be able to get in a clear shot, but I saw through your plan." He spoke with a menacing voice; although, it wasn't as frightening as the voice of Agony.

"I'll take care of you after I finish this child."


He's gonna kill me too?

I shouldn't have gotten involved...

I should have just stayed on the train...

"What? No!"

I strained my neck and eyes to see Agony looking angry with Stain as he screamed those words in vexation. I couldn't decide who his vexation was directed towards, nor could I understand why he said those words.


"I wanted to kill her!"

"Fine... do as you wish." The Hero Killer spoke with a sigh.


No, no, no, no, no...

I don't wanna die yet!

I stared at the man, stalking towards me, in terror. Despite his mask, I could tell by looking into his eyes that he wore a grin. A sickeningly sweet one, at that.

He took his gloves off his hands and a vibrant, green light, matching his eyes, began to emit from them. Then, forming from the green light, were two twin whips made of electricity. Under separate circumstances, I would think they were majestic.

The way the two whips flowed, gracefully, through the air was unrivaled. The perfectly in-sync electric currents, attached to his hands, were elegant, even more so than Shoto's ice.

Agony was getting dangerously close with his whips, obviously staining from containing his laughter. I quickly woke from my self-educed trance and screamed as he was about to strike me. Then, I saw it.

I heard an ear-piercing scream as I was about to turn the corner into the alleyway Izumi sent me. She's usually not one to send cryptic messages, and she's my childhood friend, so I felt obliged to make sure everything was ok.

I ran into the alley right before a giant, green electric current was about to strike my friend. I was still finding it difficult to use my ice, but seeing my friend in danger, I broke through my mental block and sent a beam of my ice towards the man holding the whips.

The ice was heading straight towards the man. It definitely should have hit him in the stomach. I watched carefully, in shock, as the pillar of ice I shot towards the man went straight through his being. The man stopped what he was doing as he stared at me.


How did he faze through that?

I thought his quirk were those electric whips?

I stared back at the man for a moment in shock, before seeing an airborne knife headed right towards me. I swiftly dodged, noticing whom had thrown said knife. It was a man, hunched over one of my friends. It was the Hero Killer...


I glanced at the two men who were both in the midst of trying to murder two of my friends, and they glared back. I wondered for a moment why my two classmates weren't countering their attackers.

They're both heroes in training, so this shouldn't faze them as much as it currently is.

"Shoto! Help us! They are going to kill Iida and I!" She yelled at me, without actually looking at me.

"Yeah, I kind of assumed that, captain obvious." I spoke back, with confidence in my voice.

I have to keep a leveled head, and maybe I can activate my ice again...

I took a death breath and stompted my right foot down, creating a level of ice. The ice lifted my two friends and the pro who had already been there off the ground.

I enternally grinned as my ice finally started to work again. It had been days since I had been able to use my quirk, but finally, it was starting to work.

The level of ice I had built was on a slant, so my friends and the hero had slid downwards to meet me.

Now that they're safe and I can use my quirk, this should be much easier.

"Shoto! You can't let that guy get your blood! I think he controls his enemies' actions by swallowing it. That's how he got us!"

Glancing behind me, I noticed Izumi's features. Although she was paralyzed, I could tell by the shaking in her voice.

She was scared.

After Izumi had uttered those words, another knife flew right past me, but this time it cut my left cheek.

"You have good friends Ingenium" The Hero Killer's voice echoed through the alleyway ad he jumped in the air, preparing to strike me with his knife. "Or you did!"

I created a small stalagmite of ice from the floor up to block his attack. Looking up, I noticed his sword in the air.

He must have thrown it at the same time as the knife.

I dodged his attack while he tried to lick the blood that was slowly flowing from the gash on my cheek. As an impulse, I used the flames on my left side to knock him back.

I used my left side in battle.

My eyes widened as I realized what I had done, and I quickly rescinded my flames. The Hero Killer landed and caught his sword before swiping his sword right through my ice, cutting the stalagmite in half.

I quickly sent another blast of my ice towards the Hero Killer, yet again, successfully knocking him back.

Glancing towards the man who had been attempting to kill my childhood friend, my face contorted in confusion. He wasn't doing anything. He was just watching. Attentively.

What is this man doing?

"Why are you doing this?"

I was abruptly torn from my thoughts as I heard the voice of my classmate, still paralyzed on the floor.

"His fight is with me! I inherited my brother's name... I'm the one who should stop him. Agony is mine!"


Why would you want to be in agony, Iida?

I glanced towards the other figure, finally putting the pieces together. The man watching me was the man from the USJ incident. I remember now! He's the reason I discovered All Might's secret.

He must go by the name Agony.

Snapping from my thoughts, I began to speak.

"You're Ingenium now? Strange."

As those words flowed past my lips, I pressed my hand to the floor, creating a giant wall of ice. Pillars flew left and right as the Hero Killer dodged and Agony turned transparent. I watched with interest as the pillars flowed straight through him and he just stared at me.

"The ingenium I knew never had that look on his face." I paused for a moment, as I stared into the beautiful, green eyes that belonged to the man in the hood.

"You've got a darkside. I guess my family isn't the only one."

"Careful Shoto!"

The wall of ice I had created was swiftly broken by none other than the Hero Killer's blade.

"You blocked your own field of vision against an opponent who's faster than you." He spoke as he jumped through the air. "Rookie Mistake."

"Come get me then!"

"You're good, kid. Unlike him." His words left his mouth as he aimed his sword at the pro hero next to me.

Right before he had landed, Izumi jumped into action and punched him directly in the face. Grabbing his arm, she ran him against the wall.


"I'm not sure why, but I'm able to move now!"

"So he has a time limit."

"No." The voice of Native answered my remark. "That kid should have been the last one to be freed. I still can't move a muscle."

"Izumi, dodge!"

My voice sent her back as I sent a path of ice towards the Hero Killer.

Why would Izumi have been freed first?

"I think maybe the Hero Killer's quirk differs based on blood type." I though out loud.

"If that's the case then I'm type B." Native responded first.

"I'm A"

"So you've figured it out? Bravo."

Izumi stood to her feet, preparing to fight alongside me when all of a sudden...

I couldn't breathe.

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