《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 22b : Where Would He Be?


I was currently running through the back alleyways of Hosu City. I had arrived for my internship just a mere few days ago. The whole time I was interning with Manual, I had been secretly locating Stain.

Before even applying for my internship, I had been researching the infamous Hero Killer. Assessing his murder patterns, trying to understand his motives, learning everything I possibly could that would benefit my own goal.

To avenge my big brother.

I had noticed that he seemed to kill at least four people in every city he went to. In Hosu City, my brother, was his first victim. Meaning he should still be there now. I had also made the connection that he preferred to kill in less populated areas.

Hence, my running through the alleyways, rather than the streets.

There were plenty of alleyways, and I had no way of figuring out how often he committed his murders, so I was at a severe disadvantage.

He could be killing his next target across town as I run through these alleys.

I thought of every thing that could possibly go wrong as I ran. So deep in my own head, that I almost missed the sound of a sword being removed from its sheath to my left. I turned my head to see none other than the man I had been looking for.

The Hero Killer : Stain.

I made an abrupt turn towards the hero killer as I ran full speed at him, preparing to kick him in the face. I made virtually no noise; however, I definitely cannot say the same about my suit. The metal clashed together as I tried to keep my movements undetected, alerting the notorious Hero Killer of my presence.

He averted his sword to face me, and without time to dodge, his sword collided with my mask of metal. It didn't pierce the armor I had covering my face; although, my mask flew off in the process.

"A child wearing a suit..."

I rose from my spot on the ground, as the man in front of me, covered in blades, spoke. He told me to leave, that this were no place for children. I took note of his appearance, further confirming that this were, indeed, Stain.

He wore red and beige scarfs, that flowed gracefully through the wind. A layer of knives, decorating his torso, as well as one long sword which he were holding. His long, black hair, kept out of his face due to his blood red headband and beige mask. His eyes. His vibrant, luminescent, red eyes that pierced through my being.


If I were in a normal mind-set, this would shock me to my core. This look would paralyze me with fear, but I'm not in my normal mind-set. I'm angry. I'm in a mind-set, hellbent on vengeance.

I'm in a mind-set corrupt with blood lust.

My expression contorted as I stared into the eyes of my brother's killer. I was about to speak, when his sword raised to meet my un-masked face.

"You're eyes are seething with vengeance. Be careful what you say next, need be, even someone your age could become my target." His cold, monstrous eyes gleamed with a strand of mercy as he spoke.

"Are you saying I'm... Not even a threat to you?" My fists clutched by my sides, feeling even more rage than before creeping into my mind.

"You listen to me criminal, I am-"

I was attempting to vocalize my thoughts, when I heard a childish laugh fill the air. Creating an even more earie atmosphere than before. Both me and the Hero Killer glanced to meet the source of the disturbing sound in a fit of confusion.

Taking in the appearance of the man whom had released the laughter, I felt a sense of déjà vu.

It's him!

There standing before me, was a man in a black hoodie and a matching mask. His eyes, glowing a bright and venomous green. His voice, dark and amanous. This was the man in black. The note-taker. This was one of the villains from that day. The day three of my friends were murdered.

The day of the USJ incident.

The memories circled around my mind, as I stood, frozen in the presence of one of the villains that assisted in my classmates' murders. The memories of how Koda's body, turned to ash in front of my eyes. The memories of how much pain the USJ incident had caused my friends. The faces of my peers as they had learned of every death following the Villain Attack.

"Can you keep quiet for twenty seconds?" The voice of the Hero Killer brought me out of my trance as he spoke to the man.

"Sorry, Master" The man snickered.


"Damn kids..."

As the Hero Killer had grumbled those two short words under his breath, my eyes widened even more than before. This man is a kid? How? How could a kid stand by idly and watch as another kid is brutally murdered? How could a kid join a group of villains? How could a kid be so psychotic?


Noticing the Hero Killer's attention shift back to me, I continued my speech.

"I am the brother of an incredible hero who you killed! He's the best older brother that anyone could hope for... I have come to stop you, because he can't anymore. You're going to remember my name for as long as you live. I am Ingenium, and I will defeat you! That, I promise!" I spoke with determination, forgetting my past fears that arose from the kid in black, standing twenty feet away.

"Then so be it... die."

I was sitting on a bus, bound for Shibuya when out of no where, a giant creature-like monster burst through the wall. It resembled the creature from the USJ attack to a tea, but this one was a more sickly-teal colored creature.

What was it called again?

Oh yeah, a Nomu.

The creature started wrecking havoc on the train, even injuring a pro whom had been tailing the monster.

"I want you to stay back, you hear me!?"

The monster was about to start attacking the innocent when Gran Torino ran at him, knocking both the Nomu and himself off of the train. I could tell he was trying to bring the Nomu to a more open and less crowded area.

"Gran Torino!"

Looking out towards Gran Torino, I saw explosions being emitted left and right, as well as a giant fire surrounded by smoke in the middle of the city.

What the hell's going on over here?

Ignoring Gran Torino's orders, I jumped from the hole in the train. I'm sure I could be of assistance. Somehow. I looked around and realized this was Hosu City, the place where Iida had been interning.

Maybe I can find Iida and we can fight together!

I ran through the city, using five percent of One For All to boost my speed exponentially. I was so proud of myself for finally being able to control even just a little bit of my new-found power.

I subconsciously ran to the heart of the action, the main fiery area, in search of either Iida, or the pro he had been interning with. At least then, I'd have someone to help.

"Hey kid! Get out of the way!"

I looked up towards the source of the voice which had interrupted me from my thoughts, to see one of the two people I had been looking for. The hero whom had been standing in front of me, and protecting me from the Nomu. The pro hero Iida had been interning with.


His light blue and white hero suit was lit well with the orange light of the fire. His features obviously irritated with my being there. I quickly came out of my mind to ask my question.

"You're Manual, right? My friend Iida was interning with you... Do you know where he is, by chance?" My voice came off more panicked and overwhelmed than intended.

He looked in my direction and he fought the Nomu with his water quirk, before turning back and thinking for a moment.

"I haven't seen him since the first explosion. I'm really worried something bad happened to him..."

His voice sounded sincere. I thought a bit more about Iida's actions in class, after taking cover in a safe area in the city. He had been acting weirdly lately... could it have something to do with the Hero Killer killing his brother?

What the hell am I saying, of course that must be it!

Come to think of it, I saw on the news that the Hero Killer had killed Iida's brother in Hosu City.

The city Iida decided to intern in...

Could it be possible that Iida is going after the Hero Killer right now? No. That would be completely insane.

Although, it's more likely than not.

Regardless, Iida is my friend, so I'm going to look for him. Ok, humoring the idea that the Hero Killer still is in Hosu and Iida was going after him...

Where would he be?

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