《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 22a : To Avenge My Brother


I was currently standing in front of a room full of confused and nervous children. They were on edge because of the newly placed flowers, sitting on their friend's desk. I was in shock myself. Sure, I had noticed the girl's absent-mindedness during class, and depressing aura from time to time, but I had just assumed she would work through it.

I am a failure of a teacher.

"Mr. Aizawa, where's Mina? What's with the flowers?"

"Yeah, what's going on?"

I looked up from my desk to see both Kirishima and Kaminari bombarding me with their questions. Their expressions only making my heart sink further. Gulping to keep my emotions from swallowing me whole, I began to speak.

"Mina... will no longer be joining us..."

"What why???"

My mind wandered as I reminisced of the scene, still fresh in my brain from the night before.

I had been patrolling late at night — I'd say around midnight or so — when I came across a house. The house was coated in blue and red lights, and sirens were wailing as loud as possible. First responders were already on the scene, wheeling a stretcher from their ambulance; meanwhile, police officers and detectives were taking statements.

Evaluating the situation and wondering whether or not I would be any help, I noticed two people that seemed familiar. Taking a closer look, I realized why they looked familiar. They were Ashido Mina's Parents, Ashido Haru and Ashido Aoi.

I ran to the scene to see if I could be of assistance. Proclaiming my existence, I noticed Mrs. Ashido's tear-stained face, along with her husband's shocked and mortified expression.

"What happened here? Is everything ok?"

"You're our daughter's teacher, right? Mr. Aizawa?" The shaky voice of Mrs. Ashido asked me, warily.

"Yes, what's going on?"

Upon hearing the couple's answer I ran into the building, eyes widened. Thoughts raced through my mind as I walked through the house, mostly about the safety of my student.

I walked into my student's bathroom to be met with a gruesome scene — almost that of a horror movie. My nose filled with the metallic smell of crimson, the walls were smeared with blood, the floor flooded with red. Paramedics crowding the already cramped room, and in the middle, laid my student.


Ashido was covered in dried blood, eyes wide with dry tears still present. Her body looked dull and lifeless, as a faint smile was plastered upon her face. The first responders had lifted her corpse onto the stretcher and started to carry her away.

She's dead.

Taking a better look at her, I noticed her arms. The source of the blood. They seemed to be mangled and crushed. As if someone were to bring a chainsaw to her wrists, and vigorously saw back and forth a dozen times.

Had she done this?

I stood frozen as I thought of why Ashido would take her own life. Every possibility raced to the same conclusion. Every hardship my students had endured in the past month had all dated back to the assault that had taken place a few weeks ago. Every death, injury both mental and physical, it's all because of the group of villains who had attacked us.

They're responsible for this.

I promise you this, villains, I will avenge my fallen students.

"What Why???"

"I'm sorry to inform you all, that last night, Ashido had taken her own life."

As my teacher uttered those words, my mind travelled back to the confrontation I had with Mina the other day.

This was my fault.

This is the second time this has happened... I gripped my hair as I thought of my memories with Mina.

I was under so much pressure, I stood up abruptly and asked to go to the restroom. I needed to get out of there. I needed to get out of that atmosphere.

Slamming the door open, I ran into the bathroom. I collapsed as soon as I was sure no one was in the room. I felt like I was being suffocated. Like my lungs were collapsing as I cried. I felt like I was being strangled. Reaching for my neck, I tried to free myself from the feeling, but nothing worked. I tugged at my collar, nothing. I undid my tie, nothing. I clawed at my neck, nothing.

Everyone I speak to dies.


Is there something wrong with me?

"I'm glad to see you reaping what you've sown." A voice laughed from behind me.

I looked to my left, then my right, and then behind me, but there was no one there. The voice continued to laugh as my expression grew more petrified and confused.

"Who... Who's there?"

The laughter only continued as I felt my figure growing smaller in the mysterious voice's presence.

What the hell's going on?

"Everyone you touch dies. Your problem is that you can never keep your mouth shut. I don't care if you just wanna let off steam, I don't care if you feel bad later, you keep doing it." The strange voice spoke, abandoning every angstrom of amusement it had previously clutched to.

"Sorry doesn't mean anything if you do nothing to make amends. Sorry doesn't mean anything if you don't atone for your mistakes. Sorry doesn't mean anything if you never cease to abandon your crude way of living." The only emotions present in the voice were anger and disgust.

"You've hurt so many people, two of which, have taken their own lives. Yet, you still seem to think you can become a hero? Pathetic."

"Shut up."

"No one will forgive you for what you've done"

"Shut up!"

"And no one will miss you when you're gone"

"I said SHUT UP!"

"Yelling at your problems won't make them go away."

I felt my body cripple as I drowned in my own tears. My suffocation only worsening during this encounter. The muffled footsteps of the voice echoed silently throughout the room as they faded into the background noises.

The voice was right.

Sorry doesn't mean anything.

Sorry is a meaningless word people mindlessly utter when they make mistakes. Saying sorry won't fix a broken dish, just like how a murderer saying sorry won't bring back their victim. Although it's nice to hear, it's completely meaningless.

Sorry won't bring Mina and Izuku back.

I was in shock. I have been better since the recent deaths. Speaking more, eating more, etcetera. Though, now another one of my peers has had their lives cut short. I couldn't believe Mina would be one to take her own life. She always seemed so headstrong and powerful. So full of life.

I sat with my usual lunch group, as we ate in silence. As I was still trying to comprehend the insane situation present, my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller-ID before immediately answering.

My mother would never call me during school hours unless something important had happened.

"Tenya... it's your brother!"

My eyes widened as I left the table to better understand my mother. Her voice was scattered and horas. Obviously from crying.

"He-he was found d-dead a few days ago!"

I stiffened as she elaborated further. Dropping my phone, I felt tears gather in my eyes.

Tensei... Why?

"Disregarding the recent death, the school has decided that we will move forwards with our academic schedule. So, have any of you heard of the U.A internships?"

I—as well as many of my peers—sat staring at our teacher in bewilderment. The school wants us to just forget about what happened? To just gloss over the fact that one of our classmates just died.

"Ok... During your internships, you will work under pro heroes. You will watch and observe the pros in action. Although you have already seen first hand the fears of being a pro, this will serve as a good learning experience."

We all sat in shock. How could the school expect us to just move on from Ashido's suicide in a just mere few days?

As Mr. Aizawa went on to explaining the internships, I had only one motive in mind. I had only one goal for these internships.

To avenge my brother.

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