《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 20 : I Just Want To Talk...


I pulled up behind a bar in Hosu City. The dispatcher had received a tip from a frantic 110 call about a mysterious and disturbing briefcase. It didn't sound too serious, and since I was in the area on an investigation, I was sent to check it out.

I planted my feet on the alcohol-stained concrete. My nose crinkled as I inhaled the vile fumes, polluting the air. I looked around for the briefcase as I thought of how disgusting and beneath me this situation were. To my left, an opened case caught my eyes.

This must be it.

I cautiously walked towards the case, wondering what could be so disturbing. As I slowly made my way towards the partially opened bag, I noticed my eyes straining to make out some of the contents.

I crouched down, and coated my hands with a pair of gloves. This could potentially be a crime scene, so I can't contaminate the evidence. Fully opening the brief case, my nose was enveloped in an even more foul-smelling odor.

Inside the case, were squishy, black garbage bags, ranging in sizes. They all seemed extremely compressed, yet they seemed to fit without expanding from their placements. My hand reached for one of the bags as I opened it.

Oh My God...

I was livid. The sheer anger rising in my soul from the blatant lies that demon child was spitting made my blood boil. I have never in my life seen someone as arrogant as this child. What kind of a person would murder someone, and use that truth as a facet of sympathy.

Yagi Izumi.

That's the kind of person. If her brother truly were listening, I am one hundred percent sure he would be as disgusted as I am. A thought rose in my mind as I observed Yagi's parents during her speech.

Their faces seemed to pale upon the mention of her brother, but overall, they seemed like they were proud of what she had said. Did they not now what she had done?


I jumped to my feet as I heard the prolonged yell of my coworker. His style of elongating vowels was unmistakable. I calmed down as I saw the face of my friend, Hizashi, in my room, and decided to just get back into bed and go to sleep. Then I widened my eyes.

"Wait, how the hell did you get into my house???"

He looked at me with his usual unbothered expression before replying to my question.

"You left your bedroom window unlocked."

"I don't have a bedroom window..."

"You do know!" He answered my statement as I glanced to my wall.

There was a giant hole. In. My. Wall.

"You know, I could press charges for this..." I muttered into my pillow, just above quiet.

I heard a muffled sniffle through the door followed by the sound of my children crying. I immediately rose from the comfort of my fluffy heaven and opened the door, revealing around seven of my children.

They ran into my room and started to circle me as Hizashi watched in shock.

"Wow, what the heck?"


I glared at him as I watched more of my disciples trickle into the room in an unending cycle.

"How can one man own so many cats."

"You can never have too many cats."

I walked to my closet and grabbed my usual black outfit and capture weapon before turning to my dazed friend.

"You're planning on fixing my wall, right?"


I scoffed at his childish antics and left the room, leaving a percentage of my beloved cats in the care of my colleague and friend.

As I was getting ready for the day, I mentally prepared myself for the lecture I had planned.

Get ready, Yagi... I'm beyond aggravated at your little speech the other day.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I gazed upon the contents of the bags. In each bag, there was more-or-less the same thing. I quickly grabbed my radio before calling dispatch back in Musutafu, as well as my detective friends in the Hosu district.

"Detective Tsukauchi, what seems to be the problem? How was the situation in Hosu? What was in the briefcase?" The dispatcher asked me frantically.

"I'm gonna need a team over here as fast as possible."

"Why? What happened? Is everything ok?"

"The contents of the bag seemed to resemble..." I paused before continuing. "Dismembered human remains..."

Just vocalizing the thought made me sick. I felt bile rise in my throat as I struggled to stop myself from vomiting. What kind of person would have the stomach and mental ability to both dismember, and shove another human into a briefcase? I gazed upon the case once more before taking a mental note of the organization.

This wasn't just someone mindlessly shoving the remains of a human into a briefcase. This was strategic. This was thought out. It all seemed to fit a little too perfectly. This was a statement. This was a warning. This was the act of a murderer who knew what they were doing.

This was the act of a deranged psychopath, orchestrating a point.

I was packing up my bags in the classroom as I prepared to make my way home. Honestly, I was shocked. I had a feeling that Mr. Aizawa would be more angry with me, but he hadn't said a word to me.


I spoke too soon.

I looked up from my bag to see, none other, than my homeroom teacher. His voice was menacing, and his expression was even more so. He looked as if he were ready to kill me, but he was straining himself not to. I visibly tensed and gulped before he continued.

"We need to have a discussion."

Nodding, I looked down in shame as I knew what would follow. Seeing as some of my classmates were still in the classroom, he led me to the hallway. Leaning against the wall, he glared at me.

We stood staring at each other for what felt like an eternity. He didn't speak. He didn't even blink. He was just staring at me. He was torturing me with the silence. With the thoughts racing through my mind of what he was planning on saying.


Was I being expelled?

Was he going to yell at me?

Was I going to jail?

"I don't like you."

My teachers sharp words cut through my thoughts as his cold tone filled the empty hallway.

Well that was straight to the point.

"You don't belong at U.A." He continued.

Jeeze, are you just going to put me down?

"You have an extraordinary and powerful quirk, though. A waste of a quirk."

What the hell? Where is this going...

"Do you see where I'm going with this, or should I elaborate?"

I cautiously nodded, curiosity getting the better of me. Closing his eyes, he sighed an overexaggerated sigh of annoyance. He looked me straight in the eye before continuing with his speech.

"I had done my own research on you prior to even meeting you." He answered, taking a pause before he explained further. "I had met with your past teacher and he had given me access to the security footage of you and your friends harassing your 'best friend'."

My eyes widened as I processed his words. I knew that he was aware of what Kacchan, Shoto, and I had done to an extent, but I had no idea that he knew everything that we had done to Izuku.

"When you and your friends weren't beating and embarrassing him, you verbally abused him. Just. Like. That." He explained, rage and anger seeping into his voice.

"You bullied and abused your brother to the point of him taking his own life, and then you have the audacity to blame three non-existent villains. You claimed to be his 'best friend' when making your speech during the Sports Festival. Bakugou even had the insolence to call him by his first name."

I couldn't respond as he spoke. All I could do was listen as tears built in my eyes.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked me, raising his voice. "You killed your brother, and still used that piece of information for your own personal benefit."

A lump formed in my throat as my breathing constricted. I felt like I was being suffocated.

Is this how Izuku felt?

"You lied to your classmates, because you didn't want to look bad in front of them. You told your friends that your brother had died in a villain attack, but that's not true."

Stop it.

"You didn't want them to see you..."


"For the killer you are."

"STOP IT!" My voice rang throughout the hallway as I collapse to the floor, finally releasing the tears that had collected in my eyes.

"Of course you'd play the victim. If you can't take responsibility for the grief you caused your brother, you will never be a hero."

I sobbed on the floor as he continued to lecture me. This must have been how Izuku had felt everyday. He suffered like this for ten years, alone.

I looked up to see my teacher walking away. He didn't even turn to face me, he just left.


My head whipped to my right as I saw a familiar face.

"Is... Is all of that true?" Mina's words rung out in my ears as I stared at her.

I didn't know what to say. Her eyes widened as she understood my silence. A choked sob escaped her lips as she backed away from me slowly.

"Y-you... killed your brother... You lied to me. You lied to all of us. How could you?"

Her accusatory tone shocked me. She stared at me waiting for an answer as I sat paralyzed with fear on the floor.


"YOU'RE THE SAME!" I shouted back at her, in defense.

"You think you're any better than I am?!? I heard what you did. You killed two villains during the USJ incident. You've been pretending to be all depressed and upset, but we all know you've been faking! We all know that you're nothing but a coldblooded murderer!" I paused. "My brother committed suicide, but you actually killed two people with your own hands."

"You're just as much of a murderer as I am, Mina."

"You're just as much of a murderer as I am, Mina."

My mind went numb once my friend had uttered those words. My vision started to invert as a deafening ringing overtook my ears. The tears I had been holding in suddenly exploded with my sanity. The room started to close in on me as my lungs stopped pumping air.

I need to get out of here.

I turned on my heals and bolted through the hallways. I could hear the muffled words Izumi had been screaming at me, but I couldn't make any of it out. All I knew, was that I had needed to get out of here.

I ran away as fast as I could, weaving through the crowds of people in the city. I had been running for so long, the once bright sky had already been consumed by blackness.

I spotted an alleyway and stopped running. Sitting down, I buried my head in my knees and cried.

I had been told by people that I was a murder before. I had been called a killer, a psychopath, hell even a blood-thirsty monster , but hearing it from whom I had considered my best friend was so much worse.

It felt as if everything people had called me, were true. I felt like because of my one mistake, I would always be called a murderer. Like I would always be tainted. Like I would always have this stain on my soul. I will forever be a killer.

"I'll be right back, I just need to get... some... Hey!"

I looked to my right and noticed a man. He looked to be in his early twenties. His voice was raspy and his skin was chapped beyond repair.

"I know you... you're that villain from the USJ attack!" I shouted as I scrambled to my feet, preparing to run.

I started to make my way out of the alleyway, but I felt a hand clasp around my neck.

"Now, now. Don't move or I'll kill you." The man paused as he dragged me deeper into the darkness.

"I just want to talk."

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