《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 19 : Mark My Words...


The hero standing before me was none other than the man my Master had been looking for. It's been a long two weeks since Stain had been plotting to cure society of this false hero. The man in front of me widened his eyes in shock as he took note of the man behind me. He readied a fighting stance before looking me up and down.

"A child..." His words flowed from his mouth, barely audible, as he stood there in shock. "Kid! Get away from that monster! Don't you know who that is?!?"

I winced at his words. Monster you say? His tone was that of a lecturing manor. As if he were angry at me for being close to the liberator that stood behind me. I reopened my eyes and looked at the man in his silver hero costume with annoyance.

Did this pretender not hear a word I just said?

I was in a foul mood to begin with, but this made me annoyed on it's own. First he ignores me, then he disrespects my Master. I stood from my spot on the comfortable ground and turned my head to face Stain.

I looked at him expectantly and he nodded. Turning my face back towards the puzzled hero, I did as he said. I got behind him. Standing behind him, he glared at my Master and began to speak.

"I don't know what you wanted to do to this child, but I'm going to put a stop to it right now!" His voice was drenched in determination and self-righteousness as he screamed those pathetic words at my Master.

He started to activate his engines, about to run at the man in front of him. My Master stood without flinching as he waited for what was about to occur. The hero began to run at full speed, when all of a sudden, his eyes widened once more.

A steady flow of crimson flooded from his mouth as his body froze. His engines immediately reseeded their sparks and his legs stopped moving. Dropping to the floor, he soaked in his last breath of oxygen, uttering a simple word.


The child sitting in front of me, rose to his feet as he glanced back at me. My eyes bored into his, and I immediately noticed the glimmer. The psychotic, crazed glimmer he got when he had an idea. I understood rapidly, as I recalled the instructions given to him by the false hero standing before us.

I internally smirked before nodding my head at him discreetly. Watching him obey the orders of the man covered in metal, I wondered what exactly my student was scheming.

"I don't know what you wanted to do to this child, but I'm going put a stop to it right now!"

I cringed at his revolting words. I knew what happened to my pupil before I had made his acquaintance. I knew of the horrendous acts of violence and negligence the heroes had so kindly bestowed upon his already unfortunate living situation. Now that there is a villain involved, the heroes could use this child as a facet of making more money. The money they would have received for capturing the Hero Killer would be quite high, I'd imagine, but the money for saving a defenseless child from the Hero Killer? Now that's a whole new story.

The hero standing before me, quickly activated his quirk as he ran towards me, while I stood by idly. I held absolute faith in my pupil's abilities. As if on que, one of my student's throwing knives became visible as it penetrated the skin of the hero's neck.


I watched as the man, barreling towards me, suddenly drained of all life. Blood spewed from the wound as the hero fell, causing some of his stray blood to spray at me. The hero muttered a simple word as he took his leave from this world.


As the hero died, I glared towards my pupil. I could've dealt with the stain in society much more diligently than my young apprentice.

The kid started walking towards the newly deceased hero in front of me. Taking the throwing knife from the neck of the corpse, he began to mutter an almost inaudible phrase.

"Rest in peace. May you're sacrifice benefit the new world, Ingenium."

"Todoroki Shoto verses... his classmate Yagi Izumi!" The crowed cheered as those words were shouted. "Now... BEGIN!"

I immediately shot out a burst of my ice as Present Mic had officially started the match between me and my friend. Izumi dodged with grace as my ice flowed in a giant burst aimed directly towards her. She jumped and activated her quirk, One For All, to send a blast of power towards me.

After school had resumed, Mr. Yagi had called both me and Bakugou to his house. He explained to us how he was, in fact, All Might. He also went on to explaining his quirk, One For All. I was shocked upon hearing that All Might, Izumi and Izuku's dad, had a quirk he could pass onto others. That he had a quirk he could have just given to Izuku.

I was also angry. I had always looked up to All Might. My father, having abused me my whole life, I looked up to the number 1 hero. I had just assumed that he would have been different, but I was wrong. All heroes are just power-hungry, violent, abusers. Solely driven by their lust for money and stardom.

I was abruptly torn from my thoughts by a wave of power, striking me in the stomach. Quickly recovering, I created a wall of ice behind me, shielding me from the exterior of the arena.

I have to stay focused.

I glared at Izumi who stood smirking from a distance, ready to fire another blast of power at me. I've come so far, I can't lose now! This was the final match of the Sports Festival. The winner of this match, would be the winner of the whole Sports Festival.

Bakugou had been sulking in a corner from his recent defeat against Izumi. I have to win this. I am going to win this.

I sent a sheet of ice to coat the floor before creating a sidewalk of ice in the air. As I flew through the air on my ice path, I shot giant icicles towards my blonde-haired friend. She activated her Psychokinesis and maneuvered them away from her figure. The crowd cheered as they watched the giant pillars of ice crush into millions of shards by Izumi's sides.

Circling her, I once again fired a beam of ice, matching the one from my first round. She used her father's power to destroy it, breaking her finger in the process. I cringed as I watched a small amount blood spew from her fingers.

The purple that overtook her fingers reminded me of something. My eyes widened as I remembered what.

I walked through the hallways of my middle school with pride. I was known as on of the most powerful students to attend Aldera Junior High, and I was proud of it. I high-fived some of my classmates as I passed through the halls.


Scanning down the hallway for my friends, I noticed Izumi and her brother. Izuku. I was originally planning to just ignore Izuku as normal, but I noticed Izumi yelling at him.

What's this about?

I walked in closer and listened to their one-sided conversation.

"Just give up already. You're nothing! A waste of skin. A waste of oxygen." She spoke with venom. "Are you even listening to me, you dumb Deku?!?"

I walked up to her and asked her what was going on. She explained how her 'bitch of a brother' was ignoring her. Being the good person I am, I helped her to get his attention.

I heard the lockers slam as his attention immediately averted from whatever the hell he was thinking about to Izumi and I. His fear-stricken eyes bored into my own as tears gathered in his giant emerald orbs.

Crouching down, I placed my right arm overtop his skin. His skin started to turn a vibrant red before turning a diluted purple as his arm succumbed to a mild case of frostbite.

I remember what the purple reminded me of. The mild cases of frost bite I had inflicted upon Izuku when he was still alive.

Izumi raised her fingers to blast me again, but I couldn't react. My ice wouldn't activate. My body wouldn't move. I was frozen. I was broken.

All I could see was Izuku. His beautiful green eyes. His fluffy broccoli hair. His adorable freckles. His smile. The fear in his eyes when I passed him in the halls. The pain in his soul when I hurt him.

I couldn't use my ice. I tried to send a blast towards Izumi, but I couldn't. All I could imagine was the look on Izuku's innocent face when I used my ice to hurt him. When I used my ice to kill him.

I looked to my left side, trying desperately to use my fire. I had sworn to myself, that I would never use my fire in battle. Not after what my father had done. After seeing the fear in my mother's eyes as he used his power to hurt both me and her.

I am no better than my father. I swore I would never use my fire because he used his to hurt people. Yet, I used my ice for precisely that. I am no better than that monster.

I looked around, and everything seemed to slow. The wave of of power, about to knock me out of the arena. The cheers and screams of joy from the crowd. It all seemed to stop. I felt panic rising in my brain as I came to a realization.

I can't use my quirks.

I closed my eyes as I felt an intense pain surge through my body, only able to say one final phrase before I faded into darkness.

"I'm sorry, Izuku..."

Stain and I had just finished disposing of the corpse. Stain had originally wanted to just leave it like usual, but then he realized that this was my kill. He told me that I should take the credit for it. So, he told me to dispose of the dead hero however I saw fit. I may or may not have taken his words a little too literally.

He had assisted me with transporting the body and finding the appropriate tools I needed. It truly was an educational experience.

After I had finished preparing the corpse for discovery, I headed back to the hideout Stain and I were staying in. It wasn't as nice as the bar, and the bar isn't nice. I sat down on a couch and turned on the T.V.

Is the Sports Festival still going on?

I had been greatly annoyed by the words of my 'friend', so I had no real interest in watching the event; however, it was the only thing airing, so I had no choice. I watched as my sister battled Todoroki in the finals. They seemed very determined, but then Todoroki stopped. He looked like he was put into a trance.

Izumi fired a wave of power towards Todoroki.

Wow, that must be One For All.

I watched as Izumi knocked Todoroki backwards, out of the arena. He was about to fade out of consciousness when his mouth moved. To anyone else, it would have seemed like a breath of air, but with the muffled sound that accompanied it, I could understand.

"I'm sorry, Izuku"

What the hell?

I processed his words. I wasn't feeling anger like I had with Bakugou's words. This was different.

He was apologizing.

Bakugou hadn't apologized. He had just assumed all was good and used my death as a way to evoke sympathy from the crowd. Todoroki didn't call me his friend, nor did he announce on live television that he wanted to win in my name. He said he was sorry.

I was taken aback by his words. Was I mishearing him, or did he just apologize? I still held a deep hatred for him, but I started to get an idea. A really malicious one, at that.

After Todoroki was unconscious, the announcers proclaimed Izumi to be the winner of the Sports Festival. I was pissed. That witch didn't deserve first place. The announcers had said that once Todoroki regained consciousness, they would award all the young-heroes. Instead of cutting to a commercial break, or putting on another more enjoyable program, they let the contestants participate in mini-games. So boring.

Finally, after around thirty minutes of nothing, they started to bring out the finalists. Of course, the top three placers had to be my past tormentors. Bakugou Katsuki, then Todoroki Shoto, and last but defiantly the least, my sister. Izumi.

They gave a restrained Bakugou his third place award, then a rattled Todoroki his second place metal. Finally, for gold. A voice was heard from the sky and a cloud of dust formed. As the dust cleared, there stood All Might and Attraction. My dearest parents.

I ground my teeth as I watched them wave at the now roaring crowd. It was giving me a headache. My bias parents spoke with pride about how much Izumi 'deserved her award' and that 'she worked hard for it'. It was disturbing.

My parents praised Izumi for being born with a talent. Is that all they cared about? They didn't seem to give a flying fuck about my accomplishments, or her attitude. All they cared about were quirks. I composed myself, and continued to watch.

All Might handed Izumi the microphone and asked her if she wanted to give a speech. She nodded slowly. Taking the microphone in her shaking hands, she took a deep breath.

"I want to dedicate this award to my brother."

"Oh Holy Mother Of Jesus! Not this shit again..." I grumbled to myself.

I had already seen this dumb shit being pulled at the start of the event, so I tried to compose myself this time.

"Izuku, if you're listening, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. My only regret in life, is that I failed to save you. I hope you know, that you'll always be my best friend. Even through death."

"We were never friends to begin with, you damn liar." I angerly spoke to the T.V.

I glared at the screen, acting as if she could hear me. I will personally ensure that your death is as slow and painful as my life was.

Mark my words...

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