《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 18 : I'll See You In Hell.


I got to school early today. During our walk, none of us dared utter a single word. It had been two weeks since I had last seen Izumi and Todoroki. Two weeks since the USJ incident, and two weeks since I had learned the truth. The insane truth that All Might, my idol, was in fact, Yagi Toshinori.

I didn't know what to think. I didn't know how to feel. On one hand, my respect for Mr. Yagi had grown substantially. On the other, it had only diminished for All Might. All Might, a hero, had neglected his own son for ten years. Neglect is a form of abuse. The number one hero had abused his son. The Symbol Of Peace. The person people admired. The person I had admired. A hero is supposed to help and treat people with care. A hero is supposed to save others. If this had ever gotten in the hands of the public, All Might would be ruined.

Over the past two weeks, I had been trying to understand my feelings, but all I could feel was rage. I was thinking about how All Might had abused Izuku for ten years, and then I thought of how I had done the same. I had hurt Izuku far worse than anyone else over the years. I was the one who told Izuku to jump, but a parent had a responsibility to care for their child. To be there when their child needed them. Even more so for a hero.

Considering Mr. Yagi is All Might, it's obvious that Aunty Inko, is Attraction. They had both hurt Izuku. The number one and seven heroes, were child abusers, and I was no better.

I watched as Pinky walked through the classroom doors. She shook and quickly walked to her seat. I noticed her already pink skin looking red and puffy along her eyes, as well as her skin looking more void of color. I suppose the USJ attack had a huge effect on her. I suppose it had taken a toll on everyone. I took in the appearances of my classmates and was shocked.

Shitty Hair had changed a lot. I didn't know him that well, but I know that he was an outgoing, talkative, and above all else, friendly person. Now though, he was emotional and different.

I had taken it upon myself to research the long-term effects a concussion could leave on a person. I was surprised to find out that when a concussion occurs, the patient's nerve tissue between the two halves of the brain, is stretched. Creating new pathways. Shitty Hair was definitely on the unlucky side when it came to severity. When he had woken up, he was asked to remain in the hospital for observations.

It's difficult to predict the effects a concussion can have on a person. When the doctors were running brain scans, they didn't have a previous scan to compare with, but they noticed the abnormality in his brain waves. Because the direct impact was received in the back of his head, his cerebellum took most of the damage. His frontal lobes had also received a great deal of shock, but it didn't affect his motor skills and problem-solving abilities as much as it could have.


The school was at first, worried about letting Kirishima continue his hero studies, considering that he needs assistance walking sometimes and fades in and out of consciousness frequently, but the doctors had explained that it might be temporary. They don't know if his balance problems are permanent, but the school is going to assume it will heal.

Regarding Soy-Sauce-Face, he needs the support of a cane and has a scar along his back. He's the most relaxed person about the situation. He's, of course, just as remorseful towards the deaths and injuries, but he's also one of the people who are trying to move past it. He's been trying to make people laugh or smile ever since he walked into the room. In a way, he reminded me of Izuku. Always trying to make people smile.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the voice of Mr. Aizawa. I was surprised to see him in the class, and apparently, I wasn't the only one to have concerns. He was wrapped in bandages, mainly visible on his face, but hidden by his clothing.

He greeted us all as normal, after addressing the deceased and taking a moment to remember them all. The normally loud class was quieter than a library. He then started speaking about an event all of us had been looking forward to since before any of us had even applied to this school. The famous U.A Sports Festival. Most of the class perked up, abandoning their previous period of grief. A portion of the room, plagued with despair, was once again lively. I smiled upon seeing the faces of my peers, shine with excitement.

Some of the students, still processing the events of a couple of weeks ago, were taken aback. They had several concerns regarding the Sports Festivals. They wondered if it was safe to have the festival after an attack like the one in the USJ. If it was safe after such a tragedy, to orchestrate an event as large as the Sports Festival.

Mr. Aizawa had explained how the school wanted to show the public that we weren't fazed. That we weren't afraid. That we were ok. We weren't ok. Our friends were hurt. Our friends are dead.

Although many of us had thought the same thing, no one had spoken up. No one wanted to be the one to ruin what felt like the first happy moment any of us had felt in weeks. So, we went with it. No one objected after Mr. Aizawa spoke. We all just listened. Listened to the new timetable. Listened to the teachers during class. We just... Listened.

During lunch, we all branched off to our usual groups. My table contained ten of my classmates, including me, of course. Todoroki, Izumi, Pinky, Shitty Hair, Flat Face, Dunce Face, Round Face, Sonic, and Earphones. Most of us sat in silence. Flat Face, Izumi, and Dunce Face were constantly trying to start conversations or patronize us with small talk, but they could eventually see it wasn't working.

Sonic was the most shocked, as well as Invisible. I understood why though. They had witnessed firsthand, how one of our classmates was brutally murdered. It will, of course, take a while before either of them will start to feel better. I still remember Izuku's lifeless body, as he laid in a lake of his blood. The expression he wore haunts me at night, through the nightmares I endure constantly. The pained look on his face, the smell of his rotting body. I remember it all as if it were yesterday.


I decided to let Sonic mourn. He needs time to accept that there was nothing he could have done, and he should accept that on his terms. I finished my food and started heading to my next class early. Thinking of Izuku made me emotional, and I didn't want any of those extras to see me showing signs of weakness.

I threw my knife with complete accuracy. It came into contact with the alleyway's wall before dropping to the ground. A satisfied smirk grew on my face as I turned to face my Master. He looked at me with a resting poker face.

"In the span of just a few months, you've picked up a lot." He paused. "You're knife and sword skills have greatly improved since I started training you. I'm impressed, kid."

Contrasting his face, his voice gleamed with a hint of pride as he spoke. He was right. Under his expert guidance, my abilities with blades have been much more precise and refined. I've been his apprentice for around twelve weeks now, and he was a very good teacher.

We arrived in Hosu City two and a half weeks ago. Stain had finished his 'work' in Musutafu, so he was taking me to Hosu. He was originally going to finish my training when he left, but he decided to take me with him to witness his skills in action. As well as to gain experience in the field of his profession. Stain hadn't made any moves, yet. He knew he wanted to save this society from Ingenium next, but he hadn't been able to construct a plan of how to do so.

Taking a break from training, he decided to continue plotting. I was bored and turned on the news. Flipping through stations on my phone, I understood that U.A's Sports Festival was pretty much the only thing airing at the moment.

This being an opportunity to gauge the quirks of the young heroes in action, I turned up the volume. I didn't know the quirks of those in other classes, mainly just those in my sister's class; although, I still hadn't seen many of the student's quirks in person.

The Sports Festival had just started to air, so I hadn't missed anything. The camera zoomed in on the student who was making the student speech. My eyes widened in shock as they had gazed upon the red eyes I had held hatred towards for the majority of my life.

Those. Damned. Red. Ruby. Eyes.

They belonged to the friend of my enemy. My main tormentor. Bakugou. Katsuki.

He cleared his throat and began to speak. I had originally assumed his speech would be told in his condescending 'I know better than you' voice, or at least be about how 'he would beat everyone and come in first place', but I was quickly proven wrong. He looked down in shame before starting to speak.

"I just want to say..."

What are you planning, Bakugou...

"I want to win this..."

Don't say what I think you're going to say...

"Both for me..."

Don't do it...

"My classmates..."

I swear to God, Bakugou, if you say it...










I screamed in rage, drawing the attention of my Master from his work to me. He stood, staring at me in shock as I held my head and laughed. Laughed in anger. Tears flowed from my eyes as I laughed and watched my old tormenter continue his speech.

"He wanted to become a hero more than anything, and he didn't want anything from it."

My rage only increased as he uttered those miserable words. The Audacity that asshole had to call me his friend.

"He solely wanted to see people smile."

I watched while my already crippled heart welted. He has no right. HE HAS NO GODDAMN RIGHT TO BE TALKING ABOUT ME!

"All Izuku wanted, was for those around him to be happy."


"He would have made an amazing hero..." His voice cracked as he spoke.


"But his life was cut short..."


"By three, monstrous villains..."

"YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO SAY THAT, BAKUGOU!" I shouted in anger as tears streamed down my face.

"I wish you were here, Izuku..." He said before walking from the stage to the crowd of students.



...And he's going to get away with it.

He's going to run scot-free, using my first name in his speech. He's going to use my name, and my death, as a way to evoke empathy from the crowd he's speaking to.

My blood boiled as I turned my phone off, putting it in my pocket. My eyes dried as I laughed. My face contorted with anger and amusement and I thought of Bakugou's words. As I thought of everything he had done. As I thought of everything they had done.

"Is everything ok over here?"

The voice of a man in his late twenties to early thirties brought me out of my fit of laughter. I slowly turned my head and glared at the man who had just noticed the identity of the man behind me. My Master. Stain: The Hero Killer.

I took in the appearance of the man in front of me and grinned.

"Master... It's the man you've been looking for."

I have plans to take care of right now but mark my words, Bakugou Katsuki.

I'll see you in Hell.

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